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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. The smell of the wild. The smell or odor from our Zon's is a "Musky/Wild" scent, not all Zon's extrude the pheromones, when they do, it's usually when their happy or excited in a good way. Double-yallows don't seem to do it very often if at all, the same with Lilac-crowns. Some Zon's constantly retain this odor. Parrots have very few smell sensors, relying more on sight and sound, they have around 400 taste buds compared to a humans thousands. If your Zon has this characteristic, you'd know it,[lol] it's not sweet or fresh but extremely muskie, some have compared it to a dirty sweat sock.....Don't worry if your Zon isn't a little stinker, We like the smell, some do, some don't....Thanks Jay P.S. you can't wash it off...LOL
  2. Jayd

    Birdie Prozac

    How is your baby??????
  3. Hi, here are some links...I'll get them edited and posted tomorrow. Thanks, Jay http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=Necrosis+in+Amazon+Parrots&ei=UTF-8&fr=moz35
  4. Yes this is more true than not. When it is said that a Grey or a parrot bonds with only one person, what this means is they have a favorite, just like a favorite actor or singer. Breeders are a exception to this rule, their mated. [Dave can explain this better]. The actual difference between a bonded parrot and next in line can be as simple as they'll only take a treat from their bonded favorite, etc, it varys, don't be affraid... Thanks Jay
  5. ;)Does your Zon smell? We haven't talked about this in a while,lol:o Okay tell us a bout your Zon's odor, when they do it and how old are they. As you know it emanates from the Naries area, Lets Talk:p Thanks Jay
  6. Jayd

    Birdie Prozac

    {Maggie typing for Jay} I'm sorry, just because a "Vet" hangs a shingle doesn't mean they known what they're talking about, especially if they're a general vet! This means we should always research what they give us before we use it on our parrots, not just accept it because they say so, yes, argue if it don't sound right, don't be blind and say "they're a vet" I have to respect them and do what they say!!! Research!!!! Does any one know what "Amitriptyline " is? used for? on who?. #1, that's right, sedate instead of trying to cure the problem! Dave suggested a product that really really works and cause no present or possibly future harm. #2, This is a"CAT" medicine!!! #3You've been given other safe suggestions besides Dave's Try them, there is no over night cure!!! #4, In my life I've seen what drugs can do to our parrot, I've had them die in my hands after someone returned from a vet who gave non-proven drugs. Read Dave's post again, try it, dump the drug, you can give your baby a little Chamomile tea a day..Meet Freddy, 21yr's, healthy, happy and well plucked........Jay
  7. That's Greyt, Gery's need very little fruit, it makes their poop runny, which isn't good. you might try one of the other ZuPreem pellets instead. Your doing a really good job Thanks...Jay [Maggie]
  8. Jayd

    Birdie Prozac

    (Maggie writing for Jay) Hi! If I may, is your vet strictly an avian vet or a general vet? (This opinion is mine and mine alone.) I feel the best way to administer this medication is to pour it down a drain. I am not a vet but we give our Fids weak organic chamomile tea in the evening. there is nothing whatsoever that can harm or hurt a parrot. Some people feed small seeds so that it occupies the parrot, the same as supplying lots of toys and foraging things for your fid to do. Continue with the aloe spray and it will not hurt them. It takes longer to get a plucker to stop than it took to start. Dave007 is an expert on pluckers. (Amongst other things) Thanks Jay
  9. (Maggie writing for Jay) Hi! LOL...if I may, it could take years. And during that time, you might have to try ten types of pellets. We've had good luck with ZuPreem Nut Blend and Natural Blend. You can try Harrison's, Pretty Bird, any of the ZuPreems etc. Remember to keep his regular old food when you are trying to get them to eat a new food. It took 2 of our Greys (Joey a rescue and Spock our baby) 2 years to even eat a few pellets. The secret is you can hold a stare longer than a Grey can...patience my friend...Thanks Jayd and Maggie
  10. (Maggie writing for Jayd) Greetings and thank you for giving a re-home an always home. The trick and secret is time and patience and patience and time. You'll do well! Thanks Jay and Maggie
  11. Judy's two-cents is worth it, a "Tiel would be a good choice, their easy to take care of, loving, friendly and adaptable. Remember, a male "Tiel" sings and is some what active, the orange is sometimes brighter, a female usually has only a whistle or two and sometimes white dot's under her tail.......Thanks Jay
  12. Off topic.. Hi, how are you, it's been a long time....Jay and Maggie....
  13. Jayd

    DJ needs answers!

    That's Greyt, again, sorry I was late replying.....
  14. Jayd

    DJ needs answers!

    http://www.dubaipetstore.com/ Sorry it took so long for me to reply, been a little under the weather. This is probly who you found......
  15. Hi, as most Amazon caregivers know, most Zon's will release a musk like odor from the area of there Naries. [nostrils] A young Zon will do this at will, a mature one doe's it to draw attention.
  16. Jayd

    So far

    Thanks Ray so much
  17. Thank you...The only safe candle is the electric kind...A product can only be deemed safe if it's tested, in this case, tested in the presents of parrots, did it live or did it die? You decide....Jay
  18. (dictated by Jay)...You can't get any better information than the information that Dave007 is giving you. He is one of the best breeders I have ever known. I've hand-fed and fledged Macaws (professionally) and they are one of the touchiest parrots to hand-feed. I advise to take the baby back to the breeder and let them raise it until it is fledged or find a Macaw breeder who is willing to surrogate them. Thank you. Please keep us informed. Jay (Maggie)
  19. Maggie here (writing for Jay)...if it's a Red Factor or a Lutino Factor or even a rare CAG/TAG mix, the main reason for buying a CAG or TAG is the love and companionship. Even if you have a completely plucked bird that looks really strange, it's the spirit of the bird itself, not its color. Thank you, Jay.
  20. Please take this baby to the vet. Something is not right. If he had gotten water in his airsac he would have aspirated. Please, keep us informed...Maggie and Jayd
  21. Maggie here, Jays dictating this to me.[LOL] :confused: Salsa has been calling Spock's name a lot. Salsa and Spock would play flying together all over the house like fighter planes and even snitch food from each other. A few days ago Salsa started saying 'Spock's a good boy" and she would fly around the room like her and Spock were, screaming like they did. thanks Jayd...[And Maggie]
  22. Keep a watch on it, if it gets larger or darker, I would visit a vet. It doesn't look to bad...Just my opinion .Thanks Jay
  23. What ever decision you make is right for you. Most of the time at the first molt all red feathers disappear, and it may not be "Red Factor" at all. Thanks Jay
  24. Jayd


    This isn't your fault, It's a known fact that whenever a bird is sedated it's a 50/50 chance at best, it's a new science, it can also happen if their wings are not clipped! You can't blame yourself, please believe me...There's another baby out there waiting for you if and when you feel the time is right.... Jay, Maggie, Spock and the flock
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