I love this topic! I take my birds almost everywhere. I too have a bird stroller! One time this guy asked to see my baby. You should of seen the look on his face when he looked in! Ha! My grey, peachy, travels with me all over the state to nursing homes. She just loves it. She does well even during long days. She allows me to do all my chart reviews etc. Residents now request her and if she's not there, they get sad. One lady even cried saying she missed her. She has had such a positive impact.
Now, kiwi, my amazon travels too. Not as long, but in some ways better than my grey. He's calmer, less spooked by random things, more outgoing with strangers, and curious. He lets others pet and hold him where Peachy is more reserved. I get so excited every day on where to take them next.
Both birds love going to music lessons!!