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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Wonderful reply's, We've been using this for years, when you order this product, order it, "Safflower blend", [no sunflower seeds].....Thanks Jayd
  2. Go to http://s726.photobucket.com/ try them, there free, have any questions just ask..........................
  3. Jayd

    Another Too?

    Lol what I wanted to say was B.S., if you want this "TOO, get it, you nor a pet store person knows how things will work out, We have two different kinds of "TOO's, plus a multitude of other birds, we've had 5 different kinds of "TOO's in the house plus other parrots at the same time, 90% of the time it's what you make of it...You decide if you want this other bird....Your the one who has to live with them, not a pet store employee..[You can do it]
  4. Jayd

    Another Too?

    Jay asked me to respond...we are at the doctor's office right now so it will be a little bit longer before we can answer. He did say to tell you we have a multiple flock and BS. He will be going into more details as soon as we can after we are done...Maggie
  5. Jayd

    Introducing Butch

    Aren't they wonderful, lol........Your doing such a good job thanks.............................................
  6. Great job your doing, some parrots are cage territorial and don't like hands in or near there cage at all. Always repeat and use "What works" Parrots like consistency.
  7. Jayd

    Introducing Butch

    Hi, after researching and checking around, it looks like Butch is A Citron "TOO, they grow to 15 inch's plus, that's as large as a Greater or Triton. In the photos you provided he's in "Full Puff", wait till he brings his lover face feathers up to cover his lower mandible, [grandpa mode lol] Here's a link showing a large Citron in full puff. http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=Citron+Cockatoos%2C&ei=UTF-8&fr=moz35
  8. Hello and welcome, aren't these members just the greatest. It's best to stay away from any coloring in pellets, it's hasn't been proven it's safe. Zupreem Natural and Nut blend are great, along with Harrision's, Rowdybush etc...Again welcome....Jay
  9. Jayd

    Introducing Butch

    LOL, I call all our wonderful fids "BABY"....Our Tango is a Triton. Best luck.
  10. Jayd

    Introducing Butch

    The baby appears to be a Citron [sumba] Too. It has the yellow ear patches and yellow on the under wing. A real beauty.... A Galha will cross breed with any other "TOO. The problem with Hybrids is they can pick up bad traits and possible medical problems. In your study and research in comparing this sweet heart, don't go or judge by name but by habits and trait's, the bird might act like a Goffin or a Bare eye..... http://www.avianweb.com/citroncockatoo.html
  11. Thanks Dan, I corrected my error, E not A..................
  12. :)A little trick and it's good for your parrot, a Salad spritzer. To make: 1/4 cup Apple cider vinegAr 1 1/4 cup of Olive oil [light, virgin, regular] Shake for 30 sec's, and spray lightly on desired food. You can add some: Cranberry, blackberry, orange, pomegranate, raspberry, blueberry, carrot etc Just squeeze some fresh, a little goes a long way. If you wish to add flavors, use light olive oil, it has less taste. Olive oil is great for our parrots, it is second to Red Palm oil in Vit E
  13. Hi Wayne, Never paint a parrots toy, What you want to do is get "Bird/human safe" food coloring. Dip, soak and dry it.
  14. Sorry, Maggie under Jayd's log in..Thank you Dan, we all learn when you write a thread or post, Your friend Maggie
  15. Sorry, Maggie logged in under jayd......Thanks Dan, this is truly a interesting subject. if i May, when I used the term"Aura", I put a question mark after it. I've listed some sites about what I've posted. New research is being done every day. There is nothing “paranormal” in the Universe, except our limited understanding of Nature. What we think we “know” on Earth now is just a tiny drop in the Ocean of Knowledge. Thanks Dan, I too wish I could laugh when I hear certain things, but alas, in my life I'e seen too many "Proven" thing turn out different, especially in the fields of engineering and science ..Thanks Maggie http://www.livescience.com/7799-strange-humans-glow-visible-light.html http://www.vxm.com/21R.43.html
  16. After reserching I don't feel you have to much to worry about, Stay away from, coffee, tea, chocolate, anything that looks like caffeine....... What other names is Caffeine known by? 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine, 1,3,7-triméthylxanthine, Anhydrous Caffeine, Cafeina, Caféine, Caféine Anhydre, Caféine Benzodate de Sodium, Caffeine Sodium Benzoate, Caffeine Anhydrous, Caffeine Citrate, Caffeinum, Citrate de Caféine, Citrated Caffeine, Methylxanthine, Méthylxanthine, Trimethylxanthine, Triméthylxanthine.
  17. Thank you, Yes, a espresso bean has about 7mg of caffeine compared to 11-14mg in other beans. Caffeine is stored in the liver the same as salt, now there are many berry's, fruits and foods that contain caffeine, this is where we have to watch out for accumulation, there's other names for Caffeine I'll research these and what contains caffeine and do another post in the next few days.
  18. I didn't want to reply to you post because I couldn't find anything non-worrying to say, but since your aware, if I may?: Roasted beans have less caffeine than raw, Espresso beans have less caffeine than most beans. With that said you really have to be concerned with "Accumulation" what the limit is, is determined by each individual parrot. As a side note, I believe parrots consume a small amount of caffeine in their natural habitat, other species are know to consume coffee beans on bean plantations.
  19. Greeting Humans, reminder, this room, is "4 the birds", This is your parrot's speaking, LOL, not the parront's...even if it's a introduction, let your parrot do the speaking...Thanks Joey
  20. Tea in small amounts is safe for parrots. Most teas have tannins which can accumulate with time, leading to possible problems. Chamomile seems to be fairly safe and it has a calming effect on our parrots that are excitable or are being obnoxious. Chamomile tea can be given as 5-6 sips at a time at 109 degrees or less two to three times a day. Regular teas such as white teas could be served as 2-3 sips once a day. You can also put 2-3 ounces of Chamomile tea in a separate water bowl as a prophylactic. You must make sure that your parrot is drinking regular water as well. Always make weak tea and always follow the advice from your vet regarding the type of tea and how much you can give to your parrot. Chamomile tea is pretty well documented for our birds. We have given chamomile tea to our severe rescues and excitable parrots for over 30 years. Jayd [cut and paste] Chamomile tea: A well-liked tea. The flower is used to brew this tea and many find it effective in settling indigestion and calming nerves. It also contains antibiotic properties and relieves muscle spasms. It has frequently been offered to birds that are prone to night frights. Chamomile acts as a natural sedative and helps eliminate insomnia, anxiety and stress. These properties might help birds that pluck or chew their feathers. Some owners who struggle with their parrot’s feather mutilation use cool chamomile tea in a spray bottle. They mist their bird’s feathers and the bird ingests the tea while preening.
  21. I would dare guess that your 3yr old is older and has been in this situation a time before. As far as courting, our Spock at 1yr old courted our 18yr old 'TOO, regurgitating and all. Over the years we've had many parrots that was interested in mating far before maturity, and would start masturbating at a very young age.....
  22. In response to JeffKOK and DanielaWelborn posts and all other members: What you have learned and are totally amazed with and the knowledge you have gained so far is in for some new and unheard of unexpected possible changes in the next three and a half to 5 years. Some of the responses and reply's given by members with older Greys sometimes seem out of place and doesn't pertain to these immature Grays. Some people say "My Grey will never be that way!" just wait.lol All of a sudden a thread is posted "OMG Why is [iNSERT NAME] acting this way? The terrible twos which can last a couple of years, then there's the possible change in Bonded partner, always be prepared that the relationship can change, then what about when they go through the " I'm going to change my whole style of life and diet and sleep time and my demands. Than they reach that magical time in life, Maturity, they perch back, leg lifted and contemplate their navel, quiet in their solitude, a occasional "Could you please give me a scritch? thank you, a little lower please"................So please, heed any advice you might here now. Thanks Jayd
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