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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Your Grey needs to be taken to some kind of animal doctor or even a human doctor even if you have to drive more than 500 kilometers...if this poor creature is not dying now, he will die. We are not vets...you have not mentioned where you are from or even what type of medical facilities are available. Your Grey is a living creature who is suffering...we really DO WANT TO HELP YOU...and we want you to help your Grey. Please get him some type of medical attention as soon as possible. You have no choice...Keep him warm and in a dust-free environment as possible. This is something that you would do for anyone who is injured. Take him to a college or school and have someone look at him...this is a matter of life and death for your Grey.
  2. please take this grey to a vet, in humanity name, i beg you.
  3. Maggie here typing for Jayd: Thank you and bless you, a very smart and caring person Jayd
  4. Please, all of you, Ray and Dave and Dan, and Judy and Janet and your family's and all I haven't mentioned, take care of your selves, your all I've had besides my fids and Maggie for a while, I'm not saying anything more, just take care of your selves and stay safe and well. I'm tired and have nothing left to give. This news just shattered me..I love you.............................................................
  5. Dan, no, this is more than about just our birds, this is about our friend'S, all of you, givers of life and love caretakers of all who need you. Yes, we'll move on, but not this second, Dave, this takes the last of my faith, you all don't deserve it, you all have so much to give. So Damit, GIVE, AND DON'T STOP..........................
  6. Dan, All we have left to give is prayers.
  7. It's funny, but your remark is truer than you know! Glad you enjoyed the laugh. I've made arrangements for each one to be taken care of. Including our 4 non rescue parrots.
  8. Thanks, Stick-it, post-um work great, removable with little residue............................
  9. Sorry, I was just sharing, trying to bring a little warmth....
  10. Some babbie's, You have a world to choose from.......
  11. "Tiels" They like a tall cage, love veggies, millet, non-colored fruit pellets,, a good seed mix, never sunflower seeds they make them ornery, they love bathing, males sing and talk, female sometimes have only one simple song, and whistles, can be left alone, extremely loving and carefree. Green-cheeks, extremely quiet, likes a wide cage, eats small hookbill mix, can wear a harness and treated like a small Zon, not the best talker. Love birds do not have to have a pair, have to be careful with certain foods, can be stand offish... Mealy Amazon, excellent first large parrot, quiet, loveing, easy to take care of, some people feel their coloring is too bland. A big problem with some of the smaller parrots is most vets a unfamiliar with there care and needs. Hawkheads, yeah sure , been there done that... Major Mitchel's [Leadbeters] A half years pay and most of the time mean.. Some that have shared our life in the last few years....
  12. This is the post I was Waiting for.......................YES....................
  13. Over the years we've never mentioned much about training. Were in the process of preparing a thread about our training and why it doesn't fit with single or two bird flocks. I hope everyone will enjoy it lol........Jayd
  14. Hi, no clipping.................................................
  15. I would recommend a "Tiel...... or a Green-cheek...................... Our sun's are the exception to the rule:
  16. Thanks Dave, me too, I thought they were talking about our Sun, sorry, time for my Geritol...What does BS AND LOL MEAN ??????
  17. Thank you my friend. In all sadness, the African Grey Parrots are the most abused parrot, the most re-homed/rescued parrot, and the most prone to plucking. Please remember that Rescue and Re-home are not the same. I'm sorry I failed to in my attempts to help you understand. Best wishes Jayd
  18. Research him on the Grey forum and listen to his spiel.....You have to make up your own mind.....
  19. Thank you, love was never a concern of mine, nor the rest of you reply except your personal expectations, I would love to see you get a re-home that would meet your desires or a fledgling. Please let us know what happens...Thank you Jayd
  20. Thank you trancework, but please forgive me but your statement isn't always true. In choosing a Grey companion it's a Crap Shoot at best, it's not what you make it or how hard you try, there's no golden rule for what will work or won't work. When some one asks a question as such as DogBirdFish has, we owe them a answer that which explains all possibility, good and bad. A Grey is so different from other parrots it's sometime hard to believe how much different they are, on top of that there are so many levels a grey goes through even in a year let alone a life time. Changes can a occur at a moments notice, once or more a day as long as one can imagine. What do you do? Something you thought was set in stone is now completely the oppisite. Your Grey wouldn't stop talking, wonderful conversations, than all of a sudden they quit talking, no reason, or your mine today and in the next moment, "Stand back of I'll bite"! All the positive thought in the world can not alter the fickleness of a Gray, let alone a determined one.....A new Grey onwer must be aware of this, and if you add a older Grey or a rescue to the equation it can be a literal disaster to both the grey and a caring human....No plans can be made in getting a grey. Just to fill your heart with the fact that your getting the chance to share your life with one of these wonderful creatures is what it's all about, all expectations fulfilled.
  21. Most members stay away from "Bird Tricks" and Dave and Chet W............
  22. Thank you, Rescue and re-home parrots have a very special meaning to me [us], especially Grey's. If I'm selling a car or book or a washing machine, I really don't care who buys it, but a pet or a parrot brings on a whole new meaning. You have to be able to make a decision in a small amount of time, to decide if you want to give this parrot to the person in question. You have to be able to get a gut feeling whether your interviewing in person, by phone/email or however.....So what do you do? One thing is you listen for key words in the conversion, hints, ultimate desires of the person, and that gut feeling.....and when it's regarding Greys, it complicates the process. In your reply, key points: No where have you mentioned the needs of a 20 year old Rescue Grey nor the needs of a young Grey. ....A lot of people and members have heard and read stories about rescue Greys, but to live it, it is completely another story..
  23. Happy, Happy, Happy to you..............
  24. Sometime we answer our own questions, You have already given me your answer. I have a question? What if you get a brand new sparkling baby Grey, and this little guy doesn't fulfill your desires and expectation? Will he become a rescue or re-home? Dave is really spot on.
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