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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. OKAY.................Throw some hard boiled eggs in the beet juice, let soak a few days and Yum-yum.........
  2. This is a subject I don't like to answer, please remember this is jut a FYI, It's not against any one nor is it a accusation. If you use a "Time-out" cage, use their regular cage. To use a empty cage other then their own is abusive. If it has water or food in it or a toy, it's not serving the purpose so why use it? The only thing a time out situation helps is the person giving the time out, the reason, your parrot has forgotten the incident before you evey get them to the cage, so this in itself is abusive. The best cure is to return the bird to where you want them and ignore them no matter how many times it takes.
  3. Jayd

    Safe food

    Doing so would defeat the purpose of sprouting. I recommend to err on the safe side and don't do this. Heat and cooking renders the bean safe, but what nutrition remains left in the bean after doing so? There's too many safe beans that are easy to sprout. Remember, A short tail, 1/8-1/4 inch provides the most nutrients and best flavor. You would be surprised at the gems of knowledge you can find in our archives.
  4. I'm sorry to those who are unaware of this. Zoonotic diseases are illnesses that animals can transmit to humans, and birds are responsible for more than 60 of them. The infectious agents that birds can spread are either protozoa, fungal, bacterial, chlamydia or viral. The seriousness of these diseases and infections varies with the victim's age, immunity status, health status and stage at which the disease is detected. It also depends on the organism's virulence, exposure time and the route of infection. From CDC:http://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/animals/birds.htm
  5. Please don't worry about the sounds your baby is making, this is normal, she'll make sounds to sound out words, this goes on forever.
  6. The weight is great, it is all about food at this point, that's part of hand raising, that's why you chose to hand feed. You must bring routine into this baby's life. Once again, I repeat myself...feed it the same time every day. Even if you have to miss a bathroom call or the start of your dinner. Your baby will tell you when it wants to cut back on the feedings. Keep the seeds, pellets, fresh veggies, one piece of fruit only every two to three days, 24/7 in the cage. I'm not there so I can't see how thick your food is. It definitely should be a paste, not watery at this age. If you are feeding with a spoon, the formula should stick to the spoon if you flip it over. You can switch to a spoon if you are using a syringe so the baby can get a thicker formula. It is important that the temperature of the food not exceed 109 degrees or less than 103 degrees Fahrenheit. Too hot and you can have a crop burn through and not hot enough ...the food will settle in the crop and sour and not move on into the stomach. A big problem by having the wings clipped is the inherent time-line in a baby parrot. Just before a parrot is ready to fly, they will cut way back on the amount of food they eat to lose weight to make it easier to fly. This is nature's way of weight maintenance. Now, with the wings clipped, one of two things will happen. Besides not fledging properly, she will either eat at the amount she is eating now which will put her overweight or she will go through a false free-flying weight loss. Either one can lead to psychological problems. From now on, only weigh your baby right after he makes his big poop in the morning and before you feed him in the morning. Only weigh him one time a day to get an accurate weight average. Thank you, Jay A side note: A Grey does not need or require fruit. One grape or a small piece of apple, etc. every couple of days is more than enough. They need food, not sugar.
  7. Hi, Maggie here, writing for Jay...to all members who may not be aware of what "Abundant Feeding" is...This is a necessity for all parrots but it has special meaning to a Grey. If a baby, young, re-homed or rescue Grey does not have an abundance of available foods, (even if the food is not all eaten) can develop a psychosis or phobia to the point of actually dying from the fear of not having enough food, even if they are healthy because they fear there will not be enough food available for them. Greys waste a lot of food...they take a bite of this and a bite of that...until they are secure in their trust of having enough food, toys, attention, etc., a lot of psychological and behavioral problems such as squawking, biting, etc. is caused by not having an abundance of food, toys, attention at all times. As caretakers, we must put up with this waste. Thanks, Jay
  8. Thanks Dan, here's some links on Pied Crows and what they can do and where to get them.................... http://www.birdfarm.com/sale/pied-crows-for-sale.asp http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=pied+crows&ei=UTF-8&fr=moz35
  9. #1. You have to serve the formula at the proper temperature, no excuses. If you don't, it won't be accepted completely into the system....#2. feed the baby 3 times a day equal hours apart, same time each day.....#3. No dogs for now in the same room.....#4.Read the links Dan posted for you....#5. Weigh the baby....#6.Your baby is Hungry, nothing more, he hasn't been fed properly....He has the first stages of developing a phobia because of this and you need to bring a feeding routine back into her life. Ihave to go now, I'll post more later. I believe your baby is younger then you were told.......Keep a bowl of good parrot seed in the cage at all time.......................
  10. What your baby is doing is normal, you should have been taught how to hold your baby when you feed her. If you don't answer my questions I can't help either of you! I don't even know if she's getting the proper food. By not feeding right your baby can develop all kinds of problems and even die...The most important time in a Greys life is now. Are you using a spoon or syringe? a Grey is not a dog or child.....
  11. From the photo, the crop isn't full, feed you baby more, 50cc's, please what are you feeding her? [formula,] she's hungry.........
  12. Okay, I'm brain dead: Posts24,538 [how many posts.] Thanks2,195 [how many times you thanked others] Thanked 2,770 Times in 1,319 Posts [how many times others have thanked you in how many posts]
  13. You need to get a thermometer, and check the temperature, what kind of formula are you feeding? weigh you baby and tell us how many grams she weighs.. Keep parrot seed in the cage. Thanks Dan.....................
  14. Thank you, That's 3 times a day. If you could please answer my other questions, we can't help if you don't. Keep the dog and the Grey separated for right now, your Grey is traumatized by your dog. With the wings clipped you baby is going to have some psychological issues and physical issues,[balance]. You dog, sad to say is causing a lot of the issues such as squawking. A this age your baby should only be concerned with herself and you, not stressing out, these reactions are normal under these conditions. It's very important to get a gram scale and weigh her every morning after her big poop and record it.
  15. Hi and welcome, the corner digging is 100% normal, she's cleaning house, lol. Does your baby fly? What temp are you feeding the food at? it should be 109degrees no higher and no lower than 103degrees. feed a minimum of40cc. What are you feeding? Your baby will start flying when the flight feathers reach the end of the red tail feathers, .....Do you have a photo?
  16. There are some strains of flu etc that can transfer human/bird bird/human, also a parrot can become a carrier. It's best to keep separated, especially trash.
  17. I've read where people are using 2 packs of Kool-Aid, [leave out the sugar] soak for 24hr's and let dry on paper towels, I haven't tried it?
  18. Here you go, sorry it took me so long.................. Yellow Bring 2-cups of water to a boil. Let the water cool for 1 minute. Add a small amount of turmeric to the water. Continue adding little bits of turmeric until you reach the desired color. Store in a glass container after cooling. Red Add several medium-size, unpeeled beets to a pan and cover them with water. SImmer the beets for 35 minutes or until they can be pierced with a fork. Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool. Peel the beets. Chop the beets and put them back into the pan with the water. Leave the pan for several hours, watching as the color of the water changes. Strain the liquid through a piece of cheesecloth into a glass jar. Mix 2 teaspoons of organic white vinegar into the water. Shake well and store. Green Place 2-cups of fresh spinach leaves in a pot. Cover the leaves with water. Boil the leaves for 1-minute. Let the pot simmer for 10 minutes. Allow the water to cool. Strain the colored water through a cheesecloth into a galss jar. Store with a tight fitting lid.
  19. I don't see any reason why you couldn't give Homemade Kefir. I've never tried it...this is something that I have to look into. Our guys are so used to eating their yogurt out of a teaspoon...whenever we had to give antibiotics to any of our parrots, we made sure that they got their yogurt. We never did see any tummy problems...I take yogurt whenever I get antibiotics, before, during, and after...what's nice is one of our fids need no more than one half a teaspoon a day.
  20. Amargosa Opera House and Hotel (Scary place)...on the outskirts of nowhere...yes, we visited there in 2009 when we went on a ghost town trek....also famous for Chicken Ranches. We went from Parhump to Goldfield. We loved Beatty Nevada...the Phoenix area is a far cry difference (even the rocks) from the gateway to Death Valley...lol...you'll like it! Thanks, Jay and Maggie
  21. Thank you and what area was your husband from. Here in Az, you can get a bag of organic soil, cut a slit in the bag, plant a tomato or pepper, water and watch grow..... Jay and Maggie
  22. You'll be surprised at the number of good rescues and stores and Parrot stores and Bird related activities. Now, something important, I've been to Portland, Phoenix area is going to be a little different, You and your fids could be in for possible neurotic inducing element, such as Blue Sky's, only a few day's a year that they have the appearance of Oregon sky's, also there is whats called "Dirt", it's abundant everywhere, it's famous for "Dust Storms" as opposed to "Rain Storms" that brings us to "Water", you know, that stuff that comes in bottles. There's also Cowboys and Indians, [real ones] and horses and dirt and cows and dirt and burros and camels and dirt and scorpions and................................There' also these pinpoints of lights in the night sky's that are beautiful,[sometimes unexplained] and sunsets that make you feel your on another planet. Lest not we forget, the temperature, it's actually not much different then in Portland if you crawl into your lit oven. Hi...Maggie here...We basically have two seasons here...winter and summer. We freeze in the winter (38-40 degrees) and we bake in the summer (they turn the outside temperature gauges off at 115) with temps up to hot, hotter and hot as hell...your cold weather clothing will be a long sleeve shirt and your summer clothing will be no shirt. You can tell those who have been here for a number of years...we are the weird ones who wear thermals until the weather gets over 80 at which time we start thawing out. We are having a cold streak here in Bullhead City...we are in the low 70's (brrrr!). We have a small garden and you will be surprised what you can grow here...our bumper crops this year are rocks...last year it was dirt clots and weeds...in all honesty, you can grow crops all year round here...instead of watering your yard and cutting the grass, we have weeding your yards and sweeping the dirt off the walkways. Like our Greys who have a thin layer of dander, Arizonans have a thin layer of dust on our bodies at all times...One of the necessities for the fall, winter, spring and summer months are sun screens with a level of SPF 500+. A clothing product that you might not be accustomed to is a hat, kerchief and sweatband. We have wonderfully low nighttime temps in the summer in Phoenix...lows in the 100-110 range (Bullhead is worse)...our bicycle tires are solid rubber and our police force wears shorts almost year round. On the serious side...there is so much to see and do to last years with most of it being free...From the London Bridge in Lake Havasu to the Grand Canyon to the Great Crater, to ghost towns, to areas of lost Indian civilizations, to historic westerns towns with rich history, caverns and caves, prehistoric digs, bird migration routes, botanical gardens and some of the most beautiful botany you can ever imagine. Then, there is Sedona, the hundreds of fishing lakes, and some of the kindest, most wonderful people you could ever want to meet. It snows, not an hour away from Phoenix and can supply you with a wonderful garden. Thank you and welcome...we can't imagine living anywhere else...Maggie and Jay I'm sorry, in all our fun making, I forgot something very important, Oregon, It is a most beautiful place where the tree tops touch Heaven and the valleys were cut with the stroke of God's hand. The air is fresh and it freshens you soul just breathing it. Love is abundant there in everything you do and the river waters flow so effortlessly to the sea giving a return road for Salmon to find there way to there birth place, too start life once again.
  23. Okay, don't worry about how many posts you've written. in 19 of the posts you've read, you have given 3 thanks. Of the posts you've written 19 people have thanked you. In this post you've received 2 thanks and given none.
  24. Thank you, we do as you do, mostly fresh. We give yogurt as a prophylactic on a daily basis, and more it the get any medication. From yeast problems to gut problems as you've stated calls for yogurt.[probiotics]
  25. Lately I don't seem to explain myself clearly, We never use No to any of our parrot, it was just a reference to the different ways each creature interprets a word. There's no need to wait around, it's done in the normal routine of each day, it's done not planed, there's no training session. I've never explained how we teach or even live with our fids, maybe some day I will. To train is to condition, to teach is to give, we reward with words and praise, there's no set time, it just happens through out the course of the day. Opinions I love, especially from aware people like yourself, but I feel and I know I'm right though no one will admit it, we spend to much time listening to people who have a piece of paper saying they "Know" what there talking about then listening to the voice of experience first hand and otherwise gained knowledge. Take what you learn and apply it, take what you read and blend it with what you've seen and experienced yourself, and use it, don't follow someone verbatim, you and other members are so wise and smart and creative, apply what you think is right, gained, with your knowledge and the knowledge others you trust has shown you....I don't hear you talking, I hear a book that I can go down and by talking, written by some one who read it somewhere else who maybe never owned a Grey. Come-on, if nothing else this forum has taught each and every one of you how to think and know whats right or wrong.....Sorry, I guess I appreciate you brain more than you do.......Do I need a expert, ya, I have Dave, Dan, Greywings, etc etc, etc, and all you other extremely intelligent members, my cup runneth over, don't ever stop filling it..................................
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