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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Good explanation's Judy and SterlingSl....................................Thanks On the old Grey Forums we had "Kudo", and you could give as many as you wanted, we'd have contest and award the winners "blank" amount of kudos. I believe it was Judy who had a wonderful fantastic amount of kudos a long with Dan, Dave, Janet and Talon........If you really like or dislike a thread or post, you can click "Reputation" that's the star besides the thank you...........................
  2. Jayd


    Hi, in the photo, Skittles [and Starburst]was just a couple of months old, now 3 yr's old. Their both very quiet bird, neither bite, but our home is like a aviary. At the time there was over 30 parrots [all ages] in our home, so our parrots were raised like they were in the wild and Maggie [spock] were truly Flock members. Thanks
  3. A key word, "Store Bought".............................Nothing confusing. There are a lot of things we can give our parrots if their homemade with out added ingredients. I'm probably the largest promoter of feeding or fids yogurt on this forum.
  4. Thank you zandische. What your thread is referring to is "training" I've read and heard these words in dog obedience class, not so with a parrot, let alone a Grey. A dog, Amazon and a Grey all respond to the word no, but each in a different way. A Zon will respond positive if and when it will not get him what he desires, a dog will respond to get what he desires and not scolded, and a Grey, as a human would, asks "Why". Please remember, we don't tame Greys. Giving a treat to get a reaction is conditioning, this is how we teach a parrot to do a trick or talk on command, not correct a problem. The reason a Grey or any parrot doesn't like there owner is because of some involvement with the owner or a previous owner. I have 2 rescues now from a previous owner who would love to have us for dinner because of what your talking about, responding X, Y action will occur, they responding to actions just as you say, unfortunately it happened for such a long time the best we can ever hope for is to supply them with a safe and warm environment. .Here's a thread you might be interested in regarding this very matter. Thank you, but I don't agree with most points of this method.....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?198836-Do-You-Teach-or-Train&p=282611#post282611
  5. My heart goes out to you for seeking help................................
  6. The bacteria in yogurt -- including Lactobacillus acidophilus -- feed on lactose, digesting it and breaking it into its component compounds. This produces lactic acid, which reacts with the protein in yogurt to give it a characteristic creamy texture. The lactic acid also gives yogurt its sour flavor.So even if you're lactose-intolerant, you can still absorb the constituents of lactose once it's "pre-digested" by bacteria. Greek yogurt is also high in probiotics...Thanks Jay
  7. Jayd


    Pretty baby, here's our Skittle and Spock, we also have a Starburst....
  8. Sorry to be disappointing you but it's not lactose free, it's low lactose. It's both high in sugar and sodium it isn't really good for our parrots. A human who is Lactose-intolerant can handle some lactose, a Grey cannot. Thanks Jay
  9. This is just so warming.....Thanks again
  10. Thanks Jill, this product should be removed from the market....
  11. Very good, if I may, it's not a matter of " learning how to trust" as it is a matter of wanting to trust again. Do to the fact that a Grey is capable of complex thoughts and emotions they are more apt to question "do I want to trust again" then a matter of re-training...Since they already know how to trust, they do not need to relearn it.
  12. Thank you...As a side note, after bathing never blow dry, it will just make the skin dry out. It's not UN-usual for a Grey to like ice or cold water for there baths, even in winter, just no drafts. As Dave007 said: After getting an opinion from the vet, work can be done concerning the plucking. We can explain those things in the future. This is a very prudent move...Thanks all.....
  13. This is Joe and Spock when we first got Joe. Spock was the flock leader but in this video you can clearly see Spock displaying deference and respect to Joe his elder.[FIRST ENCOUNTER] Note: Your all welcome to view this album, it's just our parrots and photos we've used.
  14. And so are you Nancy....
  15. This is a thread that I advise anyone with a new Grey or especially a re-home/rescue should read. This thread was authored by danmcq, thank you Dan, it has helped many members....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot/page10
  16. No matter what your decision, the members of this great forum will support you.
  17. You and Tooka are doing a wonderful job, together........................
  18. Jayd

    1014 Band

    Sorry, the band is useless. Your baby's over a year old, but still a baby................
  19. Keep up the good work. A raising of a foot, sometimes is body language saying, "Back-off" or "leave me alone" a parrot who wishes not to bite will do this. You've got a good Grey. I think your going to find out the open band isn't going to help you to much. Anybody at any time can put on that type of band.....Thanks
  20. To clarify this matter, your parrot will lower itself to the perch, your finger, or hand and rub itself.[wiggle] There not bashful where they do it.
  21. In all sadness, I fear the worst. Please let us know whats going on? We really do care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. VoHooman, Tooka isn't to young to show signs of affections. A Grey is a "Love Creature", their whole natural wild up bringing is based on love from their parents and flock, the same goes for a Grey raised in captivity, their raised in a rich love environment. The differents is at a young age it's not sexual.................................
  23. Here's a link to the Index of "Amazon of the week", you can check out the different Zons [with photos] all in one place................ http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190343-Amazon-of-the-Week-Index
  24. Welcome and thank you for your rescue! Jayd and Maggie (Spock)
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