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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Nancy http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?199028-Photo-contest-Mischievous-greys&p=283707#post283707
  2. Thank you, A Grey can start plucking at any age, also a sibling or parent could have plucked her neck. She isn't eating right, drop too two meals a day, morning and bedtime start wit 40-50cc then the next meal you stop will be the breakfast. She gets water from her formula. Your doing a good job thank you. Try some sweet potatoes, steamed, no skin, I would really like to see a phot of her morning poop. Jay
  3. my reply's were wrong i don't want any one to get wrong info, i deleted them thanks jay
  4. Thank you Wingy your post's are always useful...As you know we tend to stay away from to much wheat [glutin], it isn't to healthful to our fids...Like you say, sweet taters and cooked carrots boost the protein, the almonds and walnuts boost the EFA's......Thanks
  5. I'm glad you stuck around too. I'd like to hope you were misunderstood. Maybe different wording. I live to forgive and forget.
  6. Thank you, please remember heavy metal poising is invisible, you can't smell or see it until it's to late, it's a slow and painful death.
  7. Sorry, didn't mean i was wrong in my reply but that I read too much into it and misunderstood.. Thanks Jay
  8. Tara, sounds like you have really thought things out, I applaud you for that. Stick bye what you believe.......
  9. No problem, good luck.........................................
  10. A little attitude?...............................
  11. I'm sorry, please keep your baby warm and comfortable with access to fresh water. Far to many medications of unknown usefulness. Our prayers be with you.. Jay
  12. Thank you..your cage looks great, you are doing a good job.
  13. Thank you! This looks great for us humans but not so much for our fids...Sugars, salts, etc. accumulate...and they may not appear to hurt in the present but can cause medical problems and death down the line. Some foods such as fruits causes runny stools and supplies no nutrients other than sugar and water whatsoever. Some food are just not tolerable by our Greys. Thank you, Jayd and Maggie (Spock)
  14. Right on, Salsa started hers at two years old, this is very common, All the other Zons we've worked with started at 2-3 years old.. In my heart of hearts I hope Ray's correct....Thanks Ray.... Jay
  15. Thank you and Bless you from the bottom of our heart...........Jay and Maggie [spock]
  16. Good question, your cage has rust so it will have to be striped to inspect for hidden rust, all powder coating isn't equal, some powder coating has heavy metals in it ie:zinc, which can and will kill a parrot, and you can't paint it with regular paint. in the long run, it will cost more to properly powder-coat then to by a new cage, peace of mind alone is invaluable..........Thanks Jay
  17. Thank you, your a wise man......Jay
  18. (Maggie typing for Jay...Jay's too lazy to type..LOL) As most know, my feelings toward imping is only in case of emergency. Dan's analogy really hits the nail on the head. It's more than likely that a Grey, at first chance, will do everything in their power to remove the foreign feather from its body or go neurotic trying. Thanks, Jay
  19. [reply to both posts] Hi, Don't worry about sounds she makes, she'll be making a lot of strange sounds from now on... It's possible for your baby to talk now, it's usually around 1 year old. Two things, your baby still looks hungry, please describe the poop, post a couple of photos if you would please. Another thing, it looks like shes plucking around the neck? Give here a half teaspoon of low sodium peanut butter, put it on the tip of the spoon and let her eat it, she might not be getting enough protein. Post a weight, after first poop in the morning...She looks like she regurging, at the end of the head bobbing you can see her beak move like she's eating... Maake sure she has plenty of water, what are you feeding her now?....Thanks Jay
  20. Thanks Dan, I hope the cage isn't moved because we disagree on how close it is to the wall.
  21. Thank you, please contact pet911, and Petfinders in your area, you might also wish to post in our Classifieds where your located and how to contact you, please remember were world wide.........you can also contact animal shelters, police stations, pet stores, please contact everyone you can.....Thanks Jay
  22. All that is recommended concerning a Greys Cage is that one side of the 4 sides is facing a wall, not how close it is. A Greys cage can be free standing in the center of a room, if the Gray accepts it that way. The only definite concerning a Greys cage is you never put a Grey in a circular cage with a dome top!. These are scientific avian facts you can verify. A cage is always kept away from being really close to a wall, the reason is to insure a constant temperature. Not all Greys are afraid coming home, in this case anyone can see the baby wants out of the cage. If you look, you'll see the baby is having a good time out of the cage. The only monsters are the ones we make or go out of our way to look for. Read some of the posts of other members who have dogs, you hear of very few problems. When our Joe hears a dog bark he makes a click like your slapping your hands and says "Shut-up" and he was server mentally abused. We have here a very smart bird who is playing on emotions to get out of the cage, no monsters...........Thanks Jay
  23. Sorry, the cage is fine, it has it's back to a wall, lots of places to explore. The dog barking isn't constant, no problem, Following a path is normal for most parrots, she wants out, that's plain and simply, don't worry about it.
  24. Hi All, please PM Penny [Talon] and talk it over with her, see always has things planed....
  25. Timbersmom Thank you. We always have to remember there's no small or stupid questions and if we make light of someones question, they just might leave the forum. If it's a funny question that's different............I'm getting forgetful in my old age so I'm trying to post as much as I can that might be of use to someone.... Jay
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