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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. I personal don't feel this is good for your baby, it's disrupting, and disturbing to the bird. As time goes on your Grey is going to expect this, are you prepared to continue this practice? What happens when you discontinue doing this? Mental issues? Thanks Jayd
  2. Jayd

    Coconut Oil

    As Dave said: quote: So yes, feed fresh coconut. If you want to give them the dried, or dessicated coconut, that's fine too, just make sure it has no sugar in it:Unquote. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?197181-Coconut-Milk-Revisited..&highlight=coconutNot No Oil or milk processed product. Thanks Jayd
  3. You were never "Off Track"....Luv ya
  4. Thank you and bless you Jill.......Love the babies...............Jay and Maggie
  5. Happy, Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! Jayd and Maggie [spock]

  6. Our Freddy is now 22yr's old and Tango is 12...... Neither of them cuddle or demand the normal attention of a 'TOO. It's sad............Thanks Maggie....
  7. How wonderful Ray, we can't do that with Salsa, we tried it a couple of times, but Salsa is in training to be a "PIERCE" Artist, both Maggie and I have things pierced that should never be pierced...Thanks, Your Friends Jay and Maggie
  8. I have to agree with all Dave has said, stick with a regular diet, and don't worry so much about the weight. If the poop is ok, plays, eats, sleeps, interacts normally then don't worry so much...We have a small CAG under 400g, 7yr's old, and Spock was over 500g, and they ate the same things. When raising Spock,his bro and sister [up to fledging] all weighed a different amount.
  9. Here's our Freddy and Tango...
  10. Thank you murfchick. ROFLMAO......LOL....Thank you.........
  11. Thank you Val [birdhouse] I and everyone else known your intentions are always for the health and safety of our companions....Bless you
  12. Your reference is to a non-scientific post in 2008. I'm sorry, on your previous post you said it was okay and you yourself said you used it? My feelings and that of the web at large are that vinegar [3% acetic Acid] and 3% H202, is non-toxic to breathe to our fids or ourselves. My apologize. Some of my references are: http://www.naturalbird.com/mcwatters/acv_for_birds.htm http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=is+vinegar+good+for+parrots&ei=UTF-8&fr=moz35 http://vickipierce.hubpages.com/hub/Apple-Cider-Vinegar-and-Birds
  13. LOL...You just might have a sugar junkie lol, Avi-cakes and Nutra-berrys are loaded with sugars, molasses being a main ingredient. When we feed our parrots to much sugars, they get full quickly and don't eat the proper food they need. To much sugar and fruit fills the bird and doesn't supply the needed nutrients non sugar food supply., It also cause the food to move fast through their digestive system not allowing enough time for required foods to be digested, hence possible weight fluctuation and non weight gain. Something to think about..........You might want to eliminate them and most fruit/sugars for a while......Thanks Jayd
  14. Our Tango was caged for 8yr's, no cuddling just treats through the bars. His owners were afraid of him from day one.They treated him great other wise. When we got her the same day we let her out of the cage, she's never been a problem except: she doesn't cuddle, she'll perch on your arm and hand, doesn't bite, she never learned to fledge or fly, balance is somewhat off when walking with her, she goes through all the normal actions and jesters/movement of a 'TOO, but shes very quiet. we feel her love but it's like you can see in her eyes somethings missing. Then there's Freddy, 18yr's kept in a closet, most of his feathers are gone, hasn't plucked for a few years now, took over a year for her to step up, he would take treats and never bite, again never fledged and never flown,doesn't cuddle but loves to be petted, you can tell there's something missing.
  15. If I may, Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide is not toxic to breathe, this combination is used to disinfect, vinegar does not disinfect by it's self, it only cleans, vinegar is for cleaning, straight or diluted.....If your parrot has had any sickness or disease, always use this combination. This mix is great for poop trays.....I'm sorry to disagree....Jayd Sanitizing / Disinfectant: A combination of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide make a cheap, effective and non-toxic disinfectant agent and is said to be more effective at killing pathogens than bleach. . As it is non-toxic, you can use it to disinfect fruits and vegetables, as well as pet toys, equipment and cages. In tests run at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, pairing Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide mists, kills virtually all Salmonella, Shigella, or E. coli bacteria on heavily contaminated food and surfaces. Directions: You need TWO spray bottles. DO NOT MIX the solutions together. Put straight vinegar in one and straight hydrogen peroxide in the other spray bottle. NOTE: Light destroys peroxide rather quickly. It's best to leave it in its original bottle and screw in a spray head. DO NOT DILUTE THEM. Remember for any sanitizer to work properly, the surface has to be clean before you use it. When you want to sanitize a surface (vegetables, cutting board, counters, sink, cages, toys. toilets, floors, etc.), spray one (it doesn't matter which one you use first) on the surface, then you spray on the other. When they mix, for a brief time the chemical action of the two make a very powerful sanitizer. You can rinse off the surface afterwards, if you want, but the result is non-toxic. Fortunately it is cheap. BTW, we use it in the bathroom to sanitize the counters, toilets, floors, etc. Side Note: Bleach and dish detergent,hand soap cause toxic gas...........................
  16. Thank you, seeds are a important part of a parrots diet, more so I feel instead of pellets. Thank you so much,,,,,Jayd
  17. Everyone on the Forum is so proud of what you did, of how you handled the situation and responded to the emergency......Bless you.....
  18. Thank you for the update. If I may, If your not aware, you need to weigh your baby at the same time each day, shortly after the big bomb and before the morning feed. This is the only time you can get a reliable estimate.....Don't weigh him at any other time, this will only bring unnecessary concern to you. A couple of questions if I may:How many big meals does your baby eat a day? How often do you feel you see a full crop a day? Are you practicing Abundant feeding? [that's keeping food available at all times 24/7] Thank you Jayd P.S. We've feed formula for up to a year or longer depending on the fid. It doesn't hurt anything. It helps the bonding/trust process. The reason for the bed time feeding is the parrot goes 11-12hr's with out food, the crop completely empty's and the food is well digested and ready for the big bomb and a hearty breakfast.....We have always kept a half cup seed and a separate half cup pellets 24/7.
  19. Like Judy and Janet wrote, it really does help, it helps with trust and bonding and giving your Grey confidence....
  20. Hi, I just posted this on the 15thin another room....................I'm sorry, with me it's better to be safe then sorry, I refuse to use it or Teflon, Why? I held two of a friends Macaws while they died in my arms and he held the other 2, it was all over with in thirty minutes as we stood out side in fresh air to no avail. Accidents, mistakes, whatever can happen.......Nothing brings them back................
  21. Jayd

    I'm nervous!

    As a opinion only, I'd wait. Your newbie is going to be stressed, and can sense the stress and tension you'll be experiencing. They'll also be the guilt factor, "am I spending enough time with Pearl? My Family? Let your wisdom decide........
  22. Thank you, sounds good and welcome....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?197448-OK-Did-the-Photobucket-thingamajig....&highlight=photo+bucket
  23. HeHeHe.....Yes.................................................
  24. Have your wife talk to him, un-animated and not to close, try making your wife neutral in sound and action, also, quiet time, have her read to him often, and have her sing to him [no one else]. A couplr good sons are: The Hokey-pokey, You are so beautiful, and Over the rainbow.....
  25. Side Note: No gloves, Greys don't like them......Thanks Jayd
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