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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Here's a example of what we feed our fid's, There's many complete diets listed on the forum. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190462-We-Feed-Our-Fid-s!!!-Update.
  2. Question? Who is your main bird right now? You need to introduce your new Grey to that bird first, then each bird down the line. Your new Grey will be lowest on the totem pole, you'll need to give treat's, new toy's, food, first hello/good morning etc to the number 1 bird. The psychology is so much different than any other bird, until a person has had on for a while, they never know. Here's a couple mor pages of good reading: http://www.alexfoundation.org/ http://www.africangreys.com/
  3. If you would like to read #26, #33, #37. There about bring home some of our rescue birds.Thank you...Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot/page3
  4. Back again, Here's a little thing Dan wrote, Everything you wanted to Know: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?126227-Grey-Personality-changes-in-years/page4&highlight=terrible+twos Thanks guys ....
  5. I only have a minute, but will answer more later today.. T2's You Grey can have 2 or 3 bout's of T2's! LOL What there doing is "Pushing the Limit's" Asserting there powers to see how much they can get away with. Sad, but a Grey can change his loyalties any time in his life, more then once. Keep doing what your doing, I know your doing good...Talk later.... Jayd
  6. What Jean say's is true, now, since you baby is a Grey, multiple what she said by 10.....
  7. Welcome and thank you for your re-home. Do you know why he was re-homed so many times? Remember, he won't unpack his baggage all at once.... Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock Here's some really useful forum links...http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..
  8. My personal opinion: I don't feed our fids,,, Lima beans, butter beans, pinto and navy beans White beans or soy. Large beans need to be cooked before feeding! I would be careful feeding the herbs, and if you do, the amount you feed is less than a pinch, occasionally. The mix you made,is a treat, minus the beans. it should be given as a treat, very little, I see no veggies or fresh fruits? Our fids need a balanced diet, some foods help other foods absorb the nutrients! Her's some links, http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s.. http://www.theparrotsocietyuk.org/index.php/Article_22/92 Thanks Jayd
  9. Jayd

    Quick Update

    YES!!!! How wonderful for you........ Jayd and Maggie
  10. And we have learned a lot from you!!! Thank You...........................
  11. Lol...oh-yea....................................
  12. I have a question?:confused: What are the colors under the wings? Jayd
  13. Hi, these are opinion only, what we believe. You have a speical baby, "I'll call a Angel Grey.". She act's alot like our rescue Joey, you have to let her move at her own pace, and when she rewards you, it's wonderful.. When you handle her, do it "matter of factly" 'Ok let me check your wings" etc. only occasionally a upper back scratch or wing pet, we do that as the last pet before leaving. Stop before she starts the head bobbing, you stop and give her a special treat, this works for us. Don't make touching a play time, no treats, only rewards and treats for head, harness training etc. When are rescue birds are in their cage's it's their home, period!Let her tell you when she whats to travel from her home base, Joey just started this 3 days ago. Please read Joeys story, http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot/page3 #26. Thanks Jayd There's so much you can teach us!!!!
  14. So glad to have you here, your wish is our command! Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock!
  15. http://www.alexfoundation.org/ http://www.africangreys.com/
  16. Once again, Thank You Dave......Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock!
  17. Okay guys, one up on ya, Maggie was called "Sunshine Sky", I still have a long Beard and long Hair, [at least in the back] LOL...Our haunts were the "Golden Bear" in Huntington Beach Ca, and the "Prison of Societies" Newport Beach Ca, Maggie played 12 string and I played 6..Judy Collins, Bob Dylan were regulars. "Those were the days". http://www.stockteam.com/hbpix18.html
  18. Apple Cider Vinegar is not only safe for our fids, it's good for them and us. It's one of the best disinfectants around. We use it on our fids hard toys, feeding and water bowels, to clean hard poop, and to clean and wipe down their cages... We also use "Organic Apple Cider Vinegar" for soaking their veggies after there rinsed with water, and to wipe hard boiled egg shells lightly. If you have a mold spot on you wall, bathroom etc, spray it on, it kills the spores.[after cooked]lol Later I'll post some links to ACV. Jayd
  19. tarm, thank you, what a grey't suggestion, and Dave's reply is spot on. Lisa, on our flat wall we just use a curtain rod... Jayd
  20. Good morning and thank you Yossi. Remember http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190024-Ah-the-joys-of-parrot-mating-season! ? I feel a Zon need to be perched on both a finger and a stick, especially for that special time of the year. I do step-up training, finger and stick. Clipping, that's a choice only you can make. Always praise you baby...Bonding is a decision Madison will make, we have very little choice! Remember, "What works for one, may not work for another!" So be prepared for both success and failure. Store what you hear, and don't be afraid to try something new!!! Jayd
  21. Greetings, King Spock here…I have noticed that you have been discussing computers on the chat line (I don’t know yet how to use the chat line…I get Toe-Tied when I am faced with typing that fast). I am dismayed that you do not give my subjects computer time. It doesn’t matter….I can Mind-Meld and I will communicate with all my subjects and teach them what they want to know… I felt good yesterday. After sneaking out of my cage (mere bars can’t hold me in) I decided to see what the little buttons on Jay’s phone was like. They popped off easily…and after removing 14 buttons, I heard Jay speaking like no man’s spoken before…that’s okay…I spit them all out for him and then I flew over to Salsa’s cage where we played “Grab the Tail” until she squealed like a girl and Maggie came over to pick her up. You will never guess what my latest flight maneuver is…I hang upside down from Jay’s finger while he is walking down the hall, rotating right-side up as I drop 6-8 inches and start flying. I heard Jay say “Maggie! Maggie! Start breathing!” Salsa got so excited, she started coughing…hahahahaha!…and Joey started yelling “Spock! Stop that!” and Tango was yelling “Whatcha doing?” …….aawwkkk!!! “Spock”, “Step away from the computer….Now!” Whew! Maggie here…Spock is feeling better so he has been a little ornery…All day he tried to get into stuff around the house and every time I would say “Spock, what are you into?” and he would answer “Nothing!”. Well, I had just finished getting out the fruits and veggies so I could prepare everyone’s plates when I had to go settle a dispute…I came back and Spock had helped himself to the entire bowl and all you could see was little red tail feathers wiggling as he tossed things out right and left over his shoulders. I yelled out “Spock!” …he answered “What!” with the most indignant look on his face…like who was I to interrupt him….too funny! Maggie
  22. I've just reread this thread a couple of times, With all due respect I couldn't find anything that would point to persecuting you, some good healthy debating, and a couple of words that shouldn't have been used. I've stated my opinion and also stated that if one chooses to clip, it's there right, no one else's. I also stated I'd stand behind what ever decision was made!!! About your statement of " I guess I wouldn't know until I let her grow out her flight feathers and see the miraculous difference in her behavior." I gave you three example of what really happens, did you look at the post's i made??? Tell you a story, Freddy, 19 years never knowing how to fly, one day, he spread his almost featherless wings and jumped from his cage door,,,,,he fell, I kind of caught him, as I did he started biting me, he didn't realize I was trying to stop him from getting hurt, he bit me a few times, drawing blood, all trust we had was lost in that few second's, I'll never be able to hold him again, everytime I try, he try's to bite me, he's Maggie's baby now. I'm going to apologize to everyone who feels they were offended, let's get back to this debate.....Jayd
  23. I'm sorry you feel the way you do. I just re-read all the thread, and I couldn't find any "slander" against anyone, some healthy disagreement and firm beliefs on both sides. I wish you would make a response, it would be highly valued, and the Moderators would make sure you weren't "flamed. I personally respect a members opinion whether I agree or not, I would voice my opinion as I feel you should. Jayd
  24. Welcome, glad your a part of the forum... Have your friend come over and feed, water, and spend time talking to your baby, at first, with you present, and then alone with out you. Thanks Jayd
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