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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jayd

    diet routine

    I'm sorry, Craftsmasters, I don't know where you came up with this? Are your post's exerts from your book? were real people here!!! Your quotes are lacking, there's always something missing!!! As I asked before, How old are your Grey's, How long have you had them? Jayd P.S. A good book for you to read would be "Maggie Wrights"
  2. SO wonderful, were so happy for you!!!!!!
  3. Welcome, Thank you for re-homing this baby. He's been through a lot, it will take time and patience, whether he'll ever talk you can't tell until he does or not. Please read my posts of : Joey, Freedy and Tango under this thread: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot #26, #33 and #37..... Thanks Jayd
  4. I'm so sad, sorry, there were other way's to have handled this problem. Wish you would have posted a thread, you would have received some Grey'T answers. My opinion, you have to wait to see how much Monkey will recover. A Grey never forgets!!! It's done, you'll find a lot of help here from some good people. I've seen to many times what can happen when flying Grey's wings get clipped.Good luck Crystine! Good luck Monkey, love ya... Jayd Thanks for posting!!!
  5. When you calm down, here's a post you should read from a knowledgeable Zon owner...... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190024-Ah-the-joys-of-parrot-mating-season! Jayd
  6. Outta-sight, Wonderful, Fantastic, I'm so happy for you, He's yours now, For-sure.....Luv-Ya Jayd
  7. Were so happy, I had a feeling from the photos and you post's he might be a good one. Keep your eyes open and watch how he reacts to everything. Jayd
  8. :confused:Ok Ok Maggie and I are nervous Wrecks!!! How are you, and the baby??????????????? Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock!:confused:
  9. Welcome Paul, Glad your here!! I just made a new Thread that might help you, please check it out....Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..
  10. ;)That's Geryt, so happy for you, Please do, we love up-dates and photos, and questions, were here for you....Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock!
  11. Welcome... Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock!!!

  12. Yea, coming home!!!!!! Your doing grey't, please, always ask questions to you hearts content. Spock didn't stop his formula till after 20 weeks, it's good for them, give you baby a variety of new foods to find out what baby will like, The baby's yours, love-em and welcome him to his new home, make a big fuss and let him settle in, change things you notice he might not like, a toy, etc....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189769-Abundent-Feeding!&highlight=abundent+feeding http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190462-We-Feed-Our-Fid-s!!!-Update Keep reading and asking questions!!!!!! Thanks Jayd
  13. With all hopes to you. Spock and Freddy, as you might know, have feather disorders, Freddy's is severe. Spock and Freddy's vets put them on Chamomile, both have been on it since Jan, both have shown great improvements, we give it to them as a Tea. As the others have said "ASK YOUR VET!!!".... Thanks Jayd http://www.avianweb.com/homeremedies2.html From the book "Holistic Care for Birds - A Manual of Wellness and Healing" by David McCluggage, DVM and Pamela Leis Hidgon: "Camomilla Camomilla is one of our remedies for feather pluckers. (Actually, there are more than 50 remedies that might work.) It is also used for anger and irritability that have been suppressed for a long time. Macaws might fit this pattern, as do many Amazon Parrots. Chamomilla soothes and calms. It is often most effective at very low potencies to start with (perhaps 6X). If it is successful, you can increase the potency dramatically over time."
  14. These beans, if the are good or not, I prefer not to feed to our fids, Soy is in the peanut family, as such it's high in Sat Fat, so if you feed them, feed very few...Beans that can interfere with proteolytic enzymes are lima, kidney and soybeans. http://www.theparrotsocietyuk.org/index.php/Article_22/92 Thanks Jayd, Maggie, Spock and our Flock! Note: Never feed RAW...
  15. Welocme, Thank you and pleas start a new thread and tell us all you can, we love photo's!!! Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock!
  16. All these responses are grey't, please keep them coming. Yes >^..^< ,the beans you mentioned especially lg Lima beans are/can be toxic. Anasazi, Black, Fava, Kidney, Lima, Navy, Pinto, and Soy. I won't even serve them cooked, My opinion!! Jayd
  17. :confused:To DrTak and Judy, If I've offended either of you, I did so unintentionally. My respect to you DrTak, was sincere, as It was to you Judy and Janet...The comment I made "PBF" was also sincere, the people here at this forum have grey't love for our companion birds, and each and every person here is equal. Once again, with no other meaning then what the words say, "Glad your Here". It's well known I'm not in the best standings with most of the other Mods here, but no matter how they feel about me, they'll always receive my highest respect. I hope this ends the problem my post has caused. Sincerely Jayd
  18. Here's a excellent thread by Dave that might interest you: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?178140-AMAZONS-GENERAL-FACTS
  19. Jayd

    diet routine

    If I may, It depends, yes and no, we keep fresh foods in abundance at all times, but remove and replace for freshness, dry foods,[pellets, seeds, millet etc, we remove and replace as needed, we only keep most dry foods 1 day. Expensive? yes, but far cheaper that a Vet visit and medicines. We feed 2 warm meals a day, so feeding is on a routine.[ Fid's love routine] We also have set wake-up [always dawn] and bedtimes.[12-14hr's later] Thanks Jayd
  20. Sir, never "Suspect or Assume" Two good Ladies, Janet and Judy, gave opinions showing people on this forum have grey't compassion. We, Maggie and I would also "Clip" if there was no other way! And yes, some people would read you the riot act, depending on your reason for clipping, everyone here is a professional in there own way, at the minimum, a "PBL" [Pro Bird Lover!] It's grey't your a member of this forum... Jayd, Maggie, Spock [Who's King] and the Flock!
  21. Thank You Janet and Judy and all you grey't people...Jayd
  22. Welcome, Glad your here, What's your baby's name" Here's a good place to make a post; http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190056-The-Vocabulary-Thread Thanks Jayd
  23. :DThank you, your doing such a great job. Sometime,s you get lucky, and the transition is smooth as silk with very few problems, this might be you case! He will stop with time saying her name and things that pertained to his previous life, I suggest, don't rush to change his name, with all the other changes being made, new home, new cage, new parront's,new smells etc, a name change right now might be a little much. The same goes with changing his food, keep giving him what he's been used to, just ad new foods and over the next couple of weeks, slowly change out the old, even use the same brand of seed. Sit back, watch, see what he likes and dislikes, he might not even likee toy's in his cage, but love them outside his cage, remember there is the possibility of the Stockholm Syndrome! Can't wait....Jayd;)
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