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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Really good Birdnut.......................................
  2. Again, thank you, your figures came out the same as ours, [ with in %] the software must be similar. A friend is working on a program that will make it easier to compare how much was actuality was consumed with all variables taken into account etc.[?][don't ask me, lol] Anyways, thank you again... Jayd
  3. You might be interested in these, Maggie take's true incidences and let's Spock or Joey, Salsa, Freddy and tango tell the story and tell them in their own words.LOL... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189631-Spocks-Bedtime/page2 http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?187819-Joey-Setting-the-record-straight!!! http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189260-Spock-The-Grey-King!!!/page2 Good for a laugh.....
  4. Thank you, until they get older, you never know what their final appearance will look like. Our Salsa only says "step-up and pretty girl", but she can whistle the X-Files tune... lol Jayd
  5. LOL....No problem...thank you so much for all the time and effort you are putting into all of this....we are certainly looking forward to all of your posts! Jay and Maggie
  6. LOL...that's okay...NO PROBLEM! Thanks very much...what isn't showing, naturally, is all the fruits and veggies, eggs, etc...all the other foods they receive during the day and at lunchtime. We are very heavy on the dandelion and dark green leafy veggies, carrots, broccoli, fresh sugar snap peas, zucchini (yellow and green) etc...plus their organic seed mix. http://www.totallyorganics.com/ Thank You Jayd
  7. Only a suggestion, put one of his brightly colored favorite toys on his cage. If you have any of his feathers, bunch them together and place or hold them where he might see them....Remember, Grey's also see in the UV................
  8. :)I had a feeling he was a hybrid, He looks just like Salsa. The only differences between them is Salsa's under wing feathers are orange...Unless you wish to breed, sexing doesn't matter, some say a female has less hormonal issues....Yes, Yellow-Napes are the number one talker right now, Blue-Fronts are also good talkers...Do what your doing your doing it right..... A Yellow-Nape used to be called a Single Yellow Head....
  9. Yes, I feel this is true.. Please keep doing what your doing, which is going to prove fruitful in the end... Jayd
  10. I was reading something on the forum, and it made me sad, I guess my eye's misted up, Spock flew over and landed on my arm, beaked my nose, fluffed a little and stared at me and softly Cooed. It's nice to know your cared for.
  11. Yes, correct... Heres some links for you.....Jayd Apple cider vinegar (Organic, Raw, Unpasteurized, Golden Variety). Boosts the immune system and fights bacteria. Aids in healing infections of the urinary tract and kidneys. Balances electrolytes and enzymes and adds minerals. Add raw apple cider vinegar to your pet's waters - about 1/4 teaspoon per pint of water. These are fine for cleaning, but are of no nutritional value. http://www.avianweb.com/vinegar.html http://www.apple-cider-vinegar-benefits.com/
  12. It's not uncommon for a young one to stop eating formula and then start in again. You could try a different brand of formula, you can add a 1/4 tsp of organic peanut butter or baby food carrot's, banana, apple sauce, etc. I could very well be wrong, but he still might desire formula..Try feeding your baby with spoon, formula stimulates eating solid food...Jayd
  13. In your video, your son is getting a early lesson in raising a baby, noise and messy face and all...lol Jayd
  14. This is a great forum with lot's of wonderful people, some of the best on this Earth, Everyone here has a "Gift of Knowledge" as you and yours have shone.... Thanks Jayd
  15. Showers good, "Spring is in the Air" each Zon will ct some what different...As a note, "Antibacterial soap" is bad for our birds....Thank You Jaud
  16. Thank you, I wish it was true, I just love all creature, from people down. I'm going to reserve my final answer for a while.. Yes, regurgitation is a sure sign of love! For me, let me know what and when he doe's this.....have you read this? :http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190024-Ah-the-joys-of-parrot-mating-season! Thanks Jayd
  17. Great, Yes, corn has very little food value, plus sugar, you might want to substitute a green leafy veggie in place of lettuce, it's mostly water, except romaine, but greens are better, tomatoes, should be given sparingly, not good for parrots, yes shells are great in helping calcium intake. Quote:fill himself up rather than depending on his smashes un-Quote: The Smash should be his main source of nutrient twice a day, followed by fresh Veggies etc..I will post some links for you in a little while, have to feed our fid's,,,,LOL Jayd
  18. tarm, thank you very much, but this is our fids Smash.LOL......Jayd
  19. You my friend are one of the strongest willed people Maggie and I know, you will succeed, close you eyes and relax for a second, think of all the prays and good thoughts being directed towards you and you task, all these good people concentrating on a happy out come...Your one of the most responsible parrot owners we know....
  20. Hi, 2 female,s can bond the same as 2 males or male/female bonding, this is not sexual. Most of the time, two birds not meant for breeding should be kept in separate cages, they still can get along when their out of their cages. Most of the time, when 2 birds bond, they'll be loyal to each other and not the caretaker!, and that "means look don't touch". My personal feeling, not a good idea.... Jayd
  21. One beautiful bird......................
  22. It's wonderful to see devoted Parront's as you..
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