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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. So cute...The young lady,she's sweeter......
  2. Me t00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. As Dave said, Vinegar is the best...We rince their hard toys, perch's, food/water bowl with it, we soak their veggies in organic apple cider vinegar....
  4. Cute name!! sorry about your lost... Keep your baby warm, feel his crop after each feeding, it should be firm, not stiff... It should empty before breakfast [7am]. If he gives you any trouble about eating, add about a 1/4 teaspoon of organic peanut butter. A Grey requires more fat and protein then a lot of parrots, we use,:Kaytee Macaw formula, or Zupreem exact plus. Do you have a digital Scale? you should weigh your baby each morning.... Bless you....Were here, just ask....Jayd Come on everybody, answer-up......
  5. You people are all beautiful...Jayd
  6. That's grey't, sorry about your lost... Keep your baby warm, feel his crop after each feeding, it should be firm, not stiff... It should empty before breakfast [7am]. If he gives you any trouble about eating, add about a 1/4 teaspoon of organic peanut butter. A Grey requires more fat and protein then a lot of parrots, we use,:Kaytee Macaw formula, or Zupreem exact plus. Do you have a digital Scale? you should weigh your baby each morning.... Bless you....Were here, just ask....Jayd
  7. HaHaHaHahAHAHAHHHAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHH..........................................Bless Ya....................
  8. Welcome Back!!!! We missed ya too.......................................
  9. Please don't be afraid to ask any question, anytime, no matter what the question, there's NO stupid or silly questions or stupid people, some has done it more then others.....you seem very level headed... Thank you....Jayd
  10. I'm sorry, maybe you should have done more research, were here to help everyone, I/we offer our help to you as well as any one who needs it, I fear because of the negative response to the thread, we've lost someone who really needs it...is there anything I can help you with? Jayd
  11. mowlis mum, Why don't you start a new thread in the "Nursery", Devoted just to you and your new baby? Jayd
  12. He likes his formula, lol, remember, A CAG doesn't leave the nest in the wild until around a year old, a TAG, around 6 months old...Your doing nothing wrong......Jayd
  13. Hey everybody, let's worry about giving the person our help, and we have so much to give........Jayd
  14. If you intend on keeping this baby, get a ten gallon fish tank, cover the bottom with a thick layer of newspaper, place a towel on top of that, then some paper towels so his nails won't catch in the towels. Place a heating pad, 1/2 ways around the tank, OR, place a light bulb above the tank...You want the temperature inside the tank to be close to 98 degrees...you can cover 3/4 of the tank to keep the heat in. Stop giving water, earlier I asked what you were feeding? Only worry daily, not what to do in a week or two, please..Your formula temp should be no hotter then 109, and no cooler then 105.... Do a good job now...Jayd
  15. Shanlung, As a person I respect with aw, thank you for your always wonderful Threads and post, I read all that I can by you.. Forgive me, I do not favor Soy, and 99% of the packaged pet food's, my personal opinion only, with no disrespect to you. Please, never stop being you.....Jayd
  16. Hi Mama, work on "Step-up" and step-up with a perch, don't let him bite you, that's not good for you. Keep calm, talk softly. If he goes to beak you, back off, say "no Jackson, I don't like that" softly, then approach him again saying "don't bite, step-up"...When you put him to bed at night, do it at a different time each night....Try to hold him more each day....Luv Jay
  17. Poor baby, 3 homes in 3 years, there will be baggage....Jay
  18. 21 DAYS OLD? What are you feeding him? how much? whats your brooder temp? How many large parrots have you hand fed?
  19. I also agree with GoDiego... It's not the money, it's helping the bird, if one can do it...We've only sold 5 birds in our career. If we have the money, we buy the bird, then do all we can to help it, "if" we can't keep the bird,"if" it can be re-homed, we do it for free. Parrot's are unique unto themselves, sometimes they live, sometimes they don't, some improve, some don't, it doesn't matter, the bird is all that counts. We all have are own feelings and beliefs, I will not judge you for what you believe, or do. Thank You Jay
  20. Hi, I can't find hardly anything about birds and hay, or Timothy hay. Some people use it for cage lining, http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-timothy-hay.htm
  21. Take a damp warm cloth and dab it off, must be warm......They'll usually blow or pick it out...........
  22. Jayd

    Need some help

    This might be helpful.....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190531-Can-anyone-help-me-to-understand-what-Diego-is-trying-to-say-to-me Zupreem, Harrison's, are my personal favorite pellets. Seed's: Volkman [no-sun] Royal, large hookbill, no sun's..
  23. I can't remember the Thread, I'll think of it,a good one.... Members suggested, put pans etc on it, till it cools, also use the " NO" command.....Jayd...............Keep doing what your doing.....
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