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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jayd

    Need some help

    Hello and Welcome... At his age he could be down to 1-2 formulas a day, try one at diner time. Here's some threads that might offer some help:http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189769-Abundent-Feeding!&highlight=abundant+feeding http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190462-We-Feed-Our-Fid-s!!!-Update http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190484-Need-some-help! What we do is put pellets, seeds, cheerio's, fresh veggies and a small amount of fresh fruit, etc... we never let fresh food sit out more than a couple of hours, a lot is wasted. Right now, your baby is keeping his weight down, he'd rather fly and play instead..
  2. Welcome and welcome to your new baby....Time, there is no limit to how long it takes to work with a Grey, their a learning machine, and they can change from day to day. Quote:deal with it in a non-confrontational way,"Start your desired training, set your goals and work with him, he's testing you, suggestion, when he bites, say "no" calmly, walk away, walk back, do something like " Hi Baby, I love you' and touch him again...." Keep reading, your on a good start......
  3. Thank you so much for joining the forum. Please tell us story's and share photo's....Jay
  4. The dosage for Cod liver oil is: 1 Drop per 500 grams.
  5. QUOTE: The basement has a separate furnace that I keep at 70. I turn the heat down to 62 upstairs when I leave for work. UNQUOTE: A little info, the ideal temp for a Grey is 72-74 degrees with humidity...Many years ago, we would feed bird's that plucked small seeds to keep them busy.... Times have changed....
  6. LOL....African Grey's are known to be clumsy, some worst than others, especially if they don't fly much........
  7. Me again LOL, Check this about African Grey Phobics..http://www.africangreys.com/articles/greys/elephants.htm Do a search on the web for this, Interesting!!!!! "Phobic Poicephalus" http://books.google.com/books?id=VmrxwGUsOpwC&pg=PA87&lpg=PA87&dq=Phobic+Poicephalus&source=bl&ots=auMijK1kCv&sig=H4BUYVRZlzukXdLa0g87zytaAHE&hl=en&ei=vNxdTPLMMJS6sQPl2PSqCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CBYQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=Phobic%20Poicephalus&f=false
  8. We have a number of abused fids, physical and mental...Our Vets recommended, chamomile,, we've used it for many years with great success. CHAMOMILE-- One of nature's safest and mildest sedatives useful to calm birds in stressful situations. Studies show that this herb also kills the yeast fungi Candida albicans as well as certain staph bacteria. http://www.landofvos.com/articles/kitchen5.html http://www.birdchannel.com/bird-magazines/bird-talk/2008-february/bird-safe-flower.aspx
  9. No problem, don't worry..Here's a link for you to read,we use it...Look for a thread soon on food and nutrition....http://www.totallyorganics.com/
  10. That's so wonderful, good Parront's good Grey!!!1
  11. Welcome and greetings.... Yes, same thing.......
  12. NONONO, Please don't leave, you have so much to offer, it's the weekend it's slow. Let me get working on this later this evening I'll have something for you..Jay
  13. Anytime a re-home of a rescue is involved, all issues need to be addressed. We can only judge ourselves. It appears from what you've written about yourself and your experiences, your aware of issues involved, and stating you wanted to be sure, the decision can be only made by you...To my original post, not wanting to wish it, I still wonder if someone did this to the poor baby, in my rescues, I've see it alot.....
  14. I'm sorry, I personally wouldn't do it, it has a lot of Alcohol in it, This is only my opinion! http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189967-100-natural-aloe-vera-juice
  15. Grey't Mama, did a good hard job...Thank you
  16. Here's some more good info.....http://www.perkyparrots.com/bluefronted.cfm
  17. As a point of interest, I'll be another 200,000 years [approx lol] before parrots will become " Domesticated'. When a Amazon fall's, He says " Ouch, I fell" A Grey, looks at all possibility's including the possibility of falling, before committing himself...
  18. Please read Danmcq Post on his thread "http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot/page1 #1 post....Dan's Quote:One thing everyone that just brought their first Parrot home should understand, is that a Parrot does not respond to punishment like a domesticated animal such as a Dog or Cat.Unquote...
  19. Try this, Thanks Jay..............Pet Bird Amazon FAQ
  20. Thank you, people sometimes disagree, this is healthy, as I've stated I personally disagree with this theory. Thank you again. A lot of things happen daily, with out a specialist around. Jay Have you read this?.....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot
  21. Thank you, Question? Quote:Then his dad left for a few days. I'm unsure of the details (care during vacation for example) but when he returned home,Unquote. Who took care of the bird at this time? Did they do anything to the bird? A story: A woman had a wonderful Grey for eight years, one day the woman had track lighting in stalled above the cage by to work men, with the Grey still in the cage! to this day, the bird has never been the same... Maybe I shouldn't say it, but it sounds as if someone or animal or something did this to the baby!!! Welcome to the Forum Jayd
  22. INFO FOR YOU MY FRIEND.... Breeding the Amazing Amazon Parrots Gail J. Worth Aves International (presented at the Canadian Parrot Symposium) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.avesint.com/bramz.html
  23. Much Info!!!!! try this Thank you...Tweedles Pet Bird Amazon FAQ Jul 20, 2008 ... Amazon FAQ By Joanie Doss amazons@ccountry.net. Among the first animals Christopher Columbus came across in the New World were Amazon ... www.upatsix.com/faq/amazon.htm - Cached - Similar
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