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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. A Grey is very adept at telling us their needs and wants, all we have to do is listen,as Danmcq said. We have to listen when he talks, both in our language and his, and in his body movements. Here's some links of grey't value, especially Dan's thread. Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189638-Grey-Cognition-and-language-abilities http://www.africangreys.com/ http://www.alexfoundation.org/
  2. Here's a link you might find useful, it has links to useful posts for new members and parront's...Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..
  3. Here's a link to a new thread we started, it has useful links for new members,. Thanks Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s..
  4. This is normal behavior for a re-home Amazon. There's always 2 sides. Let's go back to what was said earlier, "go slow and easy". A Amazon gets over-stimulated easily, some need a cooling periods, just let them be for a little bit, then start over. If they bite, tell them "no, don't bite" firmly, there not like Greys, then try to touch their beak saying "Don't bite' nicely. If they won't go back to their cage right away, give them a little time, try coaxing or giving him a treat, before toweling. Your doing great, nothing wrong, like I said ups and downs and time and patience's. This birdy is testing you, pushing your limits to see how far he can get, don't change what your doing, everything your doing is ok! Zon's are very vocal!!!LOL... Jay d Note: give him a little time to get used to you and your family before bringing to many new people over when he's not in his cage..
  5. Thank you, Yoshi Rules......Jayd and Maggie, Spock and the Flock
  6. Great, Okay, lets get some personal experiences, they want to hear from you!!!! Jayd
  7. And if he was clipped, and flew and couldn't get back? Your decision will be right for you, no matter what it is, and I'll stand behind you.....Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock!
  8. Wonderful Post, To watch Spock or one of are larger birds lift off vertically, then transition to level, turn on a dime and land on a moving finger in 2 feet, they have no problem in confined spaces.. Jayd
  9. Hi, may I make a suggestion? Why don't you start your own new Thread for you and Madden. The movement might have been nothing, if you don't follow through, he might start thinking you like it, and start doing it all the time, if he makes a attempt or bites you, say "no, I don't like that"! Remember, a Zon is treated more curtly then a Grey.. You can say "No" to a Zon, and make you language more positive! Always go back, never ignore. The "Bird higher then me" is a "MYTH", there's no "Alpha" bird...so don't worry about that. Remember, a bird uses hie beak as a hand, no problem with the nibbling... Try both the, "Finger perch and the wood perch", when he gets hormonal the wood perch might be the only way to handle him. When he flys and lands, walk over to him, offer him your finger and say "step-up"...Always walk to the front of him. Where a smile like when your with someone you don't care for!! I'm sorry but I still feel it's to soon to change his name, with our rescue Joey, we called him Jim for 2 weeks, one day he said " I'm Joey not Jim"!!!!lol Jayd
  10. Have you read this thread? http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190455-To-clip-or-not-to-clip Here's a new thread we just started listing forum links of useful info: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s.. Thanks Jayd
  11. Stay calm, carry on as if nothing happened, he'll come around, Our Grey's change as they get older, it sounds like while on holiday he spent more time with a women, don't change your routine, no new training, keep thing's as they were, just spend a little more time with him, it's more attitude then trust....Murphy could be changing his preferences..... Jayd
  12. How darling and wonderful, thank you and "Welcome" Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock!
  13. Welcome and bless you for you care and love for these grey't creatures. Here's some links where you can get some great info...http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s.. Here's a post we did on our rescues of aged birds....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s.. #26, #33, #37 Thanks Jayd
  14. Thank you for your opinion. We just started a new Thread with links concerning the most ask questions, it easy to use and access, sort of a FYI! "It's in the Welcome and Introduction Room" titled: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s Each thread and post is a detailed account of what people think and the consensus of what people think at any given time.Opinions can change by the hour, day, week, month or yearly, it depends on who the members are at any given time... Thank You Jayd
  15. Statistics first, Opinion second, [this is neutral...statistics only!] The most popular bird to give to shelters or released in the U.S. is the Cockatiel followed by Conures,[believe it or not]. Some States have groups who are trying to ban 'Tiel breeding. The most abused and re-homed is the Cockatoo! The most resold birds are the Grey and Macaw's, their mostly bought for status, then sold when the people get tired of them. The bird with the most psychological problems? the Grey, followed by the Cockatoo.[ wrote "Macaws" wrongly]. The easiest bird to re-home or move? the Amazon.[most] Opinion: The bird to choose must be challenging enough to keep the mind occupied, it must also have traits that carry over to a Grey for comparison. Would a keet be serious enough of status to occupy a persons mind who wants a Grey? So, does this person have a mind that needs preconditioning? The answer still remains, The person has to look into their heart, and decide. Jayd
  16. Here's a tease, These are some of the babies we raised last fall!!...
  17. My Friend Hello... Here's a currant Thread on Clipping and wild behavior. Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190366-At-wits-end-and-need-advice
  18. Tui, you look good no matter what......
  19. Thank you Keywe..you said you Vet was a Pet Vet. It's sad that people don't understand that a bird with clipped wings can indeed fly, especially one with a light clip. If a slight breeze occurs, the bird extends his wings and this creates lift, the next thing the bird does is flap, this creates more lift and forward motion, the next thing you know the bird is up in a tree, he's scared, this leaves a couple of possibility's, he jumps flaps and crashes to the ground, injuring himself, he jumps, catches wind and is blown away, or a predator spots him! Not all "Vets say clip". With a breeze a flat piece of paper fly's, a glider, doe's a better job of it. Two of our rescues can't fly because they were clipped at pre-fledged! With all our birds flying around, to see the look in their eyes, yes they know what their missing. Please read their story: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190309-A-note-on-Punishment-and-your-Parrot #26, #33, #36.....Thanks Jayd
  21. Welcome to all of you, what a wonderful family you have... Kudos to your husband to..Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock! Note: My initials are JDS [LOL]
  22. Right on, We each have our own mind!!!Thank you Jayd
  23. Hello again, glad to hear from you. Thank you all. In choosing a first bird, only we know ourselves, we know our limits, our devotion, our determination's, and if we follow through or not... To someone who wants a Grey, a Keet or 'Tiel would never satisfy them. There have been a lot of people who have crossed this forum, 1st time parrot owner, 1st time Grey owner! What ever bird is chosen, will all stand behind you, yell at you when you do wrong and praise you when you do right!!!! Before making you decision, please check out our "Other Birds" and Amazon Room", and read! Read! READ!!! Where here for you... Jayd
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