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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Wonderful Parront you are.....................
  2. This is wonderful news, you don't know how happy I am, I always pray for all you Fids health and well being. Thank you, sometimes it takes a while for the head coloring to come in. Salsa is a Hybrid, her Papa was a Blue-front, and Mama was a Orange-wing. Salsa looks like your baby, if you notice, Pfcarquejo baby's and Diego are front colored. Post more photos when you get them please, I can't read but love to look at photo's!LOL Love-ya Jayd kEEP DOING THIS GREAT JOB YOUR DOING...
  3. Your deductions are very good.. I do not feel that the breeder properly weaned Deigo, I think he tossed some mix and fruit in his cage, and cut him off formula...to sell him! A Amazon you usually don't worry about them eating, they never stop!LOL The breeder probably tossed some mix and fruit in his cage, and stopped the formula, to sell him, Diego wasn't ready, and needed more food. No better treatment then he's receiving now, could any Zon wish for..Bless you!!! GO DIEGO GO!!!!
  4. Jayd

    Safe Cookware

    LOL HaHaHa.....Our youngest Iron skillet is 40+ years old, we have 2 that were my moms 82 years old, and 1 we don't use we bought from a Ghost town in Nv. That's all we use....
  5. Jayd

    Safe Cookware

    Thank you very much, really good assessment......Jayd
  6. Except for Freddy, all our Fids are clipped.
  7. Thank you, all your doing is great, both of you enjoy this wonderful creature, and later, give him a cooked chicken drumstick, and have your camera ready!!! LOL, I'll be watching for your post's...Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190217-Chicken-salsa!
  8. White potatoes, Broccoli, Squash – peeled and steamed zucchini, acorn, spaghetti, butternut, yellow,,Carrots.You can take a combination of equal amount,[what you can get] except white potato, just a little of it, in place of the yam/sweet potato, make it the same way. No, this is 'Daily food, all our bird's eat this every day. I don't known what kind of formula you can get, Zupreem is my favorite, I don't like Kaytee Exact. Your smart about yucca. Along with Formula feed him this. Thanks Jayd
  9. Judy and Dave are right, Harrisons High Potency pellets, Top's, and Zupreem Natural are excellent foods.
  10. That's great, your baby needs formula, try the smash recipe I gave you and cut down on the fruit. Your baby will stop eating when he's full, Yellow or Red Sweet-potato, [cut, put in pan, fill 1/2 full with water, cook till mushy] then we add to 1 tbsp: Natural unsweetened Applesauce, or, mashed Fresh Pear,[1 thin slice], or, 1 slice of Banana, to this we ad 1/4 teasp of "Natural Peanut Butter" [skippys], mix it all together, warm it in a microwave,[under 110 degrees].Try feeding this on a plate with a spoon. 30-60cc's is normal morning and night... Keep Pellet/seeds available at all times, fresh veggies and 1 or 2 pieces of fruit in the afternoon, a 1/4 slice of good whole wheat bread is good to. Did you read the "Abundent" feeding post? He should, after a while, cut down on the formula and switch over to regular food. It's better if you feed only the formula with a syringe, you don't want him to expect all his food by syringe. I personally feel you should switch to a food with out the dried fruit, and use it only as a treat. Your doing fantastic!! Jayd
  11. To start off with, Dave, I'm sorry, but this isn't against you or any kind of disrespect, just my opinion!! If you read any of my post's, these have always been my feelings, nothing more....This site has Brand Names http://www.fluffies.org/en/parrot-and-parakeet-food-and-diets_pellets-and-their-poisonous-ingredients-vt218.html http://www.internationalparrotletsociety.org/pellet.html This is just one item included in many pellets: Ethoxyquin 6-ethoxy-1,2-dihydro-2,2,4-trimethylquinoline. Antioxidant; also a post-harvest dip to prevent scald on apples and pears. Originally developed by Monsanto as a stabilizer for rubber, Ethoxyquin has also been used as a pesticide for fruit and a color preservative for spices, and later for animal feed. The original FDA permit for use as stabilizer in animal feed limited use to two years and did not include pet food, but it falls under the same legal category. It has never been proven to be safe for the lifespan of a companion animal. It has been linked to thyroid, kidney, reproductive and immune related illnesses as well as cancer, but so far no conclusive, reliable research results either for the safety of this product or against it has not been obtained. Monsanto conducted research years ago, but results were so inconclusive due to unprofessional conduct and documentation that the FDA demanded another study. There are currently several studies underway to determine whether Ethoxyquin is safe or not, and until those studies are completed, pet food suppliers may continue to use Ethoxyquin. This is how things stand after about 6 years, and no new details have emerged so far. Ethoxyquin is listed and identified as a hazardous chemical by OSHA. It has a rating of 3 on a scale of 1 to 6, with 6 being super toxic requiring less than 7 drops to cause death. When manufactured by Monsanto, the containers are marked with the word POISON. Monsanto makes no representations and will not be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever. The Department of Agriculture lists and controls Ethoxyquin as a pesticide. Promotes kidney carcinogenesis.Significantly increases incidence of stomach tumors.Enhances bladder carcinogenesis. (Good for your parrots' health?)
  12. Thank you again for taking on this baby.
  13. Your doing wonderful.......KEEP doing what your doing, Chick peas [garbanzo beans] are great!! you could try, Lentils, Split Peas, cooked medium. When you feed him his mix, start removing some of the dried fruit, 5 or 6 pieces a day are enough.. Veggies, grains, [brown rice] and legumes should be the largest part of your baby's diet, followed by pellets and seeds, then fruit etc. Seed's, including 1/2 teaspoon of sunflower [after he's eating!], are great for our parrot,but they need all the other fresh food to make them complete! Here's a good thread:http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?177551-An-Amazon-s-Worst-Enemy/page2 http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190188-Cholestrol-and-Amazons Thanks Jayd
  14. For those who might be interested: http://www.parrothouse.com/pamelaclark/feedingcompanion.html Good thread and wonderful reply's....Thank you all...............
  15. Thank you so much, your reply will explain that there are different under wing colors. I should have been clearer, the colors under Tagurit Amazons wings, Her baby looks like it might be a Orange-wing or hybrid...Can't wait for your next post.....Thank you again....Jayd
  16. Hi, What is Diego's complete diet? I'll chance to say he's hungry, Most Zon's are great eater's.. To much fruit can cause problem's, Melons are mostly Sugar and water, so a bird can show a false since of energy. Our Zons love this recipe I,m posting here, If he won't eat some pellet's give him a good sunflower seedless mix, I use "Volkman's and Royal large Hookbill" to get him stimulated. I would get Zupreem formula" and see if he will eat some of that! A Zon is famous for stopping their formula then starting up again.. Some eat it till there 22+ weeks old. Make it per instructions, keep temperature below 108 degree's and above 100. Feed him with a spoon, make 60cc's worth of it, even if he eats only 15-20cc's, that's a lot of food.....Formula also stimulates eating other food.... Thanks Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190462-We-Feed-Our-Fid-s!!!-Update http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189769-Abundent-Feeding!&highlight=abundant+feeding
  17. Sorry Tigerlilly, when you said "diet' you didn't mention "veggies or fruit". I started my reply with "My personal opinion:" and that 's what it was, nothing more......I wished nor wish not to cross any one, I should have learned by now to keep my opinion's to myself... If anyone is interested, I've written many threads and post's concerning food and feeding, please check them out. Thank you Jayd
  18. Heed what's been written, truly these good folks will sincerely be there for you....
  19. Thanks, As we've all learned, no 2 situations are alike, no matter how hard we wish they were. Keep up the good work my friend....Jayd
  20. Reading material....LOL http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189585-Training-to-POOP-on-command-is-NOT-a-good-idea..&highlight=poop+command
  21. Your Grey't....................................
  22. This might help.....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190483-Holiday-Help Have you seen this yet?......http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s.. Jayd Always love your Thread's...
  23. :confused:Something happened that was very interesting with Spock the last few days…. something he just started doing…. For a short while now, Spock has been loving and cuddly (when he is not being ….Spock…) and in the afternoons while everyone is in their rest period and Jay is on the computer, Spock will fly over and stand on Jay’s shoulder. He will perch there, preening himself. Every now and then, Jay will talk to Spock, mainly saying things like “I love you” and “Give me a kiss” to which Spock will reply with a kissing sound and go back to his preening. Now, the last couple of days, when Jay says “I love you”, Spock will stand on one foot and place his other foot lightly on Jay’s cheek, respond with “I love you” and makes a kissee sound as he touches his beak to Jay’s nose. Today, he initiated this on his own, touching Jay’s cheek and “kissing” him on the nose, saying “I love you”. Question: Is this touching an action that is another form of communication?:confused: Is it feeling? :confused:I don’t know but it sure makes you feel good! Maggie:)
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