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Everything posted by JillyBeanz

  1. Gosh, Dan, that was the list I was just about to publish - you clearly just have quicker typing fingers than me!!! (this is clearly a huge lie!!) I have absolutely NO idea of what any of the aforementioned mean, or possibly how to pronounce any of them, but I do like Solaris. Doesn't sound very geeky or computery at all! I have been crying laughing tho - potentiometer! Imagine taking that bird down to the park for flying lessons! Here potentiometer.......! :lol:
  2. Sophie better not learn backflips before Harvey learns a handstand!!! You are making such progress with her - by the end of next week you will be telling us that she's sitting on your knee, cuddled up in your jumper! I'm looking forward to your posts of Sophie - she's lovely.
  3. Hi Diane - I agree that this site is great! I don't own a facebook account, bebo, twitter or any other forum related stuff and this is the first one I have ever joined. You will find all of the people on here so friendly - and everyone is spread throughout the world (and they are all in my study each evening!!) Any questions that you deem stupid, aren't stupid - ask these guys and they'll give you all the answers - without making you feel stupid. We are on a learning curve (Harvey's 8 months old now) and I think I might be on this curve for some time! Welcome to the forum - hope you love it as much as I do! Jill x
  4. Harley has to be one of the luckiest, luckiest Macaws on this planet. You are one extra special person giving such a stunner a new home. He is sooooo lucky that you found him and the fact you put in all that work to bring him home. As per usual, I'm green with envy - he's absolutely gorgeous Pat - I love your photos of him - he's fabulous x
  5. Ah, sorry you don't think this is working out - but thousands upon thousands work shifts - our days are just back to front and mixed up a little. I'm out at work from 06.15 each morning and come in at around 16.00 - Harvey does not suffer from this at all. He has toys, treats, the radio etc to keep him happy and when I come in he's out of his cage. It doesn't matter what times you work - you still have "me time" - it's just that now it's "Me and Abby Time". Enjoy it - it'll be fun! Harvey does whistle away and does make some hilarious sounds, but that's why we love him! Keep at it - it's new and different - and they're lots of hard work - but, looking at all of these guys - and what they've achieved it makes it even more special.
  6. Diesel's like for like now - Diesel used to be FAR cheaper, but now, at my local ASDA (Walmart) it's £1.01 for a litre of petrol and a litre of diesel. I filled up yesterday and it cost me £55 - I get about 280 miles (or 300 if I'm driving sensibly) to a full tank! My husband ran his last diesel car on veg oil mixed with diesel - it obviously does still run, but smells like you work in a chip shop - also it does block something or others too (which I forget what did get blocked)! I have absolutely NO intention of getting rid of my car - the public transport around here is crap! :lol:
  7. Ha Ha Julie - nah - you're too far south to be classed in one of our "southerner" groups! This is just after South Yorkshire, and ends in South London!!!
  8. Happy Birthday Julie - Here's to the next 50! :laugh: - hey - it's not that "old" now 100 you know! Anyway - 50 is the new 40 - that's the new saying! If you're still able to read this thru your champagne filled goggles (!) Have a one for me! Jill xxx
  9. My baby is called Harvey (after the rabbit in the film Harvey with Jimmy Stewart)! Yes, I'm 34 and old before my time!! I love the name Winnie! It's a real, old grandma type of name!
  10. Babygirl - Harvey has never been in my bedroom, let alone my bed! He sleeps in his cage with his "nightie" on (it's a parrot cage cover!). I absolutely commend you for wanting to "rescue" a grey, and you are obviously a very caring person wanting to do so - but to categorise people as weird and needy for wanting to cuddle their parrots is a little strong! Had I wanted a pet that I couldn't handle I would have bought an alligator!! Good luck in your search ~ I'm sure that you will give a grey a very caring home.
  11. Hi greystar, have you considered the shower? Harvey will sit in the tray of the shower, or on the soap dish attached to the pole of the shower whilst I spray him down (with the shower in my hand). We haven't perfected the art of the actual drench yet - he'll sit there, but certainly isn't happy about it! ;)
  12. What a great idea pugman - and karma to you for your encouragement to others. Looking forward to reading about Sophie's progress.
  13. For those who don't know Newcastle upon Tyne (England), we are famous for not taking any notice of the temperature - all of the descriptions below are in degrees celcius! Just thought I'd give you a giggle! 50 Degrees Southerners turn on their central heating. People in Newcastle plant their gardens. 40 Degrees Southerners shiver uncontrollably. People in Newcastle sunbathe. 35 Degrees Southerners cars won't start. People in Newcastle drive with their windows down. 20 Degrees Southerners wear coats, gloves and woolly hats. People in Newcastle put on a t-shirt and girls wear mini skirts. 15 Degrees Southerners begin to evacuate. People in Newcastle swim in the North Sea. 0 Degrees Southern Landlords turn up the heating. People in Newcastle have a last Barbeque before it gets cold. -10 Degrees Southerners cease to exist. people in Newcastle throw on a lightweight jacket. -80 Degrees Polar Bears wonder if it's worth it. Boy scouts in Newcastle start wearing long trousers. -100 Degrees Santa Claus abandons the North Pole. People in Newcastle put on their long-johns. -173 Degrees Alcohol freezes. People in Newcastle complain because the pubs are shut. -297 Degrees Microbial life starts to disappear. Cows on the Town Moor complain of vets with cold hands. -460 Degrees All atomic motion stops. People in Newcastle start to stamp their feet and blow on their hands. -500 Degrees Hell freezes over Newcastle United win the Premier League!
  14. In complete contrast - I'm thinking about putting the central heating on! I am a cold bod tho - it's about 60 here - a sweltering summer in the North of England's eyes! Actually - I may post another thread a funny email that goes around about where I'm from (if I can find it).
  15. So sorry to hear that your grandma has passed away Caroline, it's a hard time for you and this woman who has been present all of your life is all of a sudden is gone - it's a shock even though she has been poorly for a time. She'll have moulded your ideals, and taught you right for wrong, and now you have these thoughts to look back on. She's gone, but will never be forgotten. Look back with happiness the times you've shared and the laughs you've had - and think about her faults too - they'll make you laugh when you think of them in the future - I know I think of my grandmother this way after her passing. My thoughts are with you tomorrow when you go to visit her. Jill xx
  16. Robin, have you been on the happy juice already? I'm afraid, like Weight Watchers, you are only allowed to attend once a week and Friday is our meeting day!!!! :laugh: I've diversed since last Friday. I've decided that the drink wasn't a good idea and have turned to biscuits. I used to be 50Kg, but since Friday I am fast approaching 100Kg!!! My liver will be fine, but my stomach will be bulging!!! :laugh:
  17. I came in today from work, got Harvey out of his cage and he flew to his playstand. I thought he may have "forgotten" the shake hands routine from last night (he wouldn't do it this morning). Straight away he lifted his little foot to shake. I have a prodigy in the midst (NOT)!! cflanny - Harvey has started throwing his ball with his talons too - I'm going to try playing "catch" with him. Thanks to all for your ideas - they're fab - keep them coming, as by September I want the most talented 9 month old CAG in the world!!!! (this SO is not going to happen!!) - he'll be more like Harry from the clip! :woohoo:
  18. I've never thought about the steam cleaner - put it this way - it's great for teenager's dirt in the shower cubicle - so parrot poop will be easy! What a great idea - you've found a new use for that big, yellow thing in the garage that comes out now and then!! :lol:
  19. JillyBeanz

    Sony-My Cat

    Oh Poppy - I can't believe it, you poor thing. I was thinking you'd posted an update about George when I saw a forum post. She is gorgeous and I am so sorry about the tumour - fingers crossed that she pulls through. Jill x
  20. From the new owner of one baby grey I took the jump from a cockatiel - I have an expanse of knowledge about cockatiels, but had none on greys. It's commendable you are researching, I did too - but knowning how much work just ONE baby grey is I don't think personally I'd advise anyone to take on two if they don't have the experience. Harvey is great, don't get me wrong, but they do need as much time spent with them as you would a small child (non-parrot people will smirk at this). I'm just wondering why you don't want to handle your grey? I understand that some DON'T want to be handled (rescued, non-hand reared), but to set out with that ideology already? I'm afraid I'm one of those selfish, weird and needy - I love giving Harvey cuddles and playing with him and would be devastated not to handle him.
  21. Ah - so happy to hear from you Arun and glad that Chikki has settled back in. Take him with you - it's better than leaving him in the house - he'll love it! Check out Tigerlily's posts after her camping trip! The photos are a testament that bidies love travelling with you. Harvey spent two weeks with my folks and certainly wasn't out of the cage as much as he normally is - there were no detrimental effects and he's a happy little bee again! Good to hear from you. Jill x
  22. The tub fits perfectly in the hole for his feeding bowls - I've replaced one this evening to see what would happen....... They're obviously made out of cardboard - so the beak goes through the tub! Oh how obvious!!!! :woohoo:
  23. For those who haven't seen the clip - this is what we have to put up with for "Britain's Got Talent" - oh yes, and that fool Susan Boyle too!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdZ4futubHQ
  24. Pity the Grey didn't!!!! :laugh:
  25. Happy Birthday Pat - I'd rather have Harley any day than some crap purse or necklace!! Hope you have a lovely day. Jill x
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