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Everything posted by JillyBeanz

  1. We had a great weekend - lovely weather here in the UK (for once). Harvey was out with us all weekend. The only thing we wondered was - are CAGs okay in direct sunlight? I kept moving him to the shade - I know it may sound like a silly question, considering Africa is native, but I wouldn't want to harm him in any way. He now loves his harness and hardly struggles (unless we take too long adjusting it!!). I'd advise anyone to use the aviator harness - it's one piece and so easy to "install".B)
  2. Harvey does the same! He'll put up with me for so long and then take one look at me and fly off - he sharp tells me he's sick - I've been doing Harvey's training on his playstand - he's happy there and comfortable so he's more amenable to teaching. Good luck!
  3. We've managed it again!!! Still a little of a struggle getting the harness on - but we think the Aviator Harness is MUCH better than the other one we had with all the clips. As promised, here's a picture. Don't think he's quite saying "look at me, I'm great", but could be on his way to enjoying the garden!! http://www.greyforums.net/images/zoom/zoom-photo/thumbs/DSC00329.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/06/09 18:52
  4. Jooles - they aren't as lucky as us and see these wonderful pigeons each and every day (wonderful, I think not!) I don't know about the states, but obviously here in the UK we only have to throw a piece of bread and the pigeons are fighting with the seagulls! What a joy eh? My husband actually used to call our Cockatiel "the pigeon" when referring to him to our friends! Round here we refer to pigeons as "sky rats"! My Harvey deffo couldn't be described in those terms!!
  5. Harvey whistles all the time, but doesn't say anything yet (he's 24 weeks). I wish I could lay a bet that his first words will be "Harvey, no"!!! I must say it at least 1000 times a day (jumping on my lamps, pooing in the wrong place, trying to chew my hair)! Watch this space......I'm sure I'll be right!!! It's great when they start new things - makes you so proud you've achieved something with them. I'm sure I'll rue the day I taught him to talk as I'm sure he'll be one of these parrots that doesn't shut up!!
  6. So inspired yesterday by Chimaysmommy I decided that today was the day that I tried the Aviator again (those who will have read my last post about this will agree it nearly put me in therapy!!!). I came home today and Harvey and me decided it would be a good time to try this again (obviously a lie - Harvey hates it and it was my idea). It was a two person job, I steadied him on my arm (with the distraction of a monkey nut) whilst my husband slipped the harness over his head - game on - he knew what we were doing by then! There were plenty of "squawks" but not a lot of struggling (unlike last time) and with a bit of tweaking, Harvey was indeed installed in his aviator!!! We stepped outside and the look on his face was hilarious! He was trying to peek over my neighbour's fence (nosy boy)! I took him into the sunny part of the garden (sun is slowing going down here) and he took a good look about! I'm not saying he was happy - he wouldn't take a monkey nut (his favourite), but looked suitably impressed that he was "free". So, the moral of the story is - if at first you don't succeed, try, try again! He's 24 weeks old now - and yet another milestone in his little, short life! Can't wait for another sunny UK weekend when he doesn't have to be caged in the garden!!! I didn't succeed in a photo tho - I thought I'd be pushing my luck! Perhaps next time........!
  7. How lucky are you! You have given us inspiration tho and I've just tried Harvey's harness on again (the feather tether, not the Aviator that I nearly hung him with!!). He squawked a little and chewed a lot, but I think I've got the hang of it. Going to tighten it up a little before I try it again next time. I might get brave and take Harvey outside after that. It's such a shame as here in the UK we've had a such a lovely couple of weeks when Harvey could have been on his playstand "free" rather than in his cage in the garden. Brilliant news - I'm inspired!!
  8. Ha! Yeah - definitely the hand held hoover. It must be high on the list of priorities when buying a parrot - large cage, lots of toys, good diet - and a hand held hoover! It's early and already mine has been used twice!!
  9. Harvey's nearly six months too - he's always rubbing his "baby feathers" about. I was worried too and searched the forums and find this post totally reassuring. More dusting and hoovering on the cards methinks!
  10. After trying the harness supplied when we got Harvey (to no success) we bought an Aviator harness. Played the DVD, read all of the instructions and decided that Harvey would love a trip outside. What an absolute nightmare. Never, ever again will we try and introduce him to this. I don't know who was more harassed, us or him. Decided now that for trips outside into the garden so that he can join us that we'll buy an extra cage to keep in the garage. I had such hopes for outside fun!!! You are so lucky if your baby likes theirs - mine definitely doesn't!!!
  11. Hi Jooles - Harvey's hatch date was 18 December - so we're definitely very close. Oh my god - it's going to be like having your kid at nursery - "my ..... can do this!!!" We haven't caught any words, but his pitch drops dramatically when he's mumbling - definitely not part of his normal whistling. I've got my fingers crossed tho! After 17 years of "Spiky" my lovely cockatiel not talking and whistling fab tunes, I'll be over the moon if Harvey talks (tho, like I say, I'll still love him to bits)!! Keep me up to date of your progress. Jill x
  12. Harvey is now 21 weeks old and VERY vocal! He's fabulous at whistling and lets us know when he's around. I would love him to talk (which I know may never happen), but has anyone noticed any early warning signs that this may happen? I've convinced myself as he is so bright that he probably will talk (I'll still love him if he doesn't!!) but would be grateful if anybody can give me some pointers.
  13. When we bought Harvey he was already harness trained - but lo and behold he'd only let the breeder put the harness on him! I too am scared that the harness would fail if we did eventually achieve putting the harness on ourselves (he bites it, struggles and then flies off!!!). I think for this summer we'll practice indoors with the harness, but will probably not venture outdoors with it on. For now, I think I'd be happier if I took him into the garden in his cage! Best of luck - I'll be trying it along with you!
  14. It's getting to Harvey's bed time - so goodnight! Thanks again for your help.<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/04/22 21:12
  15. Thanks very much for your swift reply - it's been worrying us for a couple of days now. We let him out and he flies straight to his play stand for his "deposit" - suppose we need to be thankful that it is on his stand!! Jill x
  16. Harvey is now 17 weeks old and his new "habit" is not to pooh in his cage. He holds it in until he is let out of his cage. I'm really worried as if he goes to bed at 20.30 hours, he sometimes won't be actually let out of his cage again for 16 hours or more - this is only a couple of times week this length of time in his cage - but at other times he's out most of the time. Usually his poohs are just small amounts, but the ones he "releases" when he poohs on his play stand are immense (probably 6 - 7cm in diameter). Surely this is uncomfortable? Will this harm him and does anyone have any tips as to how I can "make him" go? Cheers. Jill x
  17. Hi, thanks for all your kind comments and making me feel better that I'm not the owner of the messiest parrot on the planet! Harvey's 17 weeks now and I'm learning great things about the fact that strawberries and other coloured, highly juiced fruits should be eaten in the vicinity of the cage - and not near my cream walls or blinds!! He's an absolute angel - he's in the conservatory at the moment while I'm in the study and he's "calling" for attention as I type! He's such an attention seeker! Now that the initial training is over (stepping up, flying to and from each member of the family, giving kisses etc) I am going to try and embark on potty training (which I don't relish!!!). Thanks again for your kind comments (and I'm learning loads from these pages) Jill x
  18. I've had to buy a hand held hoover to help with the cleaning around here since Harvey arrived! He's so happy picking bits out of his food bowl and throwing them over the nearest placed member of the family - these babies definitely aren't for the absolute house proud or lazy! The kids were easier to raise!!!
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