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Everything posted by JillyBeanz

  1. Fab! Congratulations on your "new arrival". I hope Cory brings you as much joy as Harvey has brought to us. I wish I was 22 again!!! Jill x
  2. Hello everyone! Had a lovely holiday - and like you all said - so has Harvey! If I can I will upload the text message photos my dad was sending me while we were away - my parents got braver with each shot! Firstly it was Harvey on his stand, secondly Harvey with my mam, thirdly, Harvey and Suzy (the dog)! He's had a lovely time - he's stuck to me like glue tho - I've done all my ironing with him sat looking at me! Anyone worrying about their first holiday away - don't! I did and I needn't have! PS: I was in Southern Spain where all the fires are occurring - anyone from over there - fingers crossed for you all x B)
  3. Despite my earlier misgivings about Harvey at my parents - he's gone and settled in quite fine! Actually, when I left he was upside down on his favourite toy and whistling! So much for missing me when I'm away! Thanks to everyone for their kind words of encouragement over the last few weeks - you sure have made me feel a whole lot better leaving him for two weeks whilst I'm on holiday. Take care everyone ~ I'll be back in two weeks - and by then Tigerlily and Dave, I expect to be able to order my Atom! :kiss:
  4. Ha! Can you imagine! Northern Parrots receiving all these mails from round the world. They'd think they were really popular then! International Business they'd have printed on their website!!!
  5. Ha Lauren - I'll swap ya! Harvey acts like he's been fed on blue smarties...constantly! When I've noticed him not doing anything and just staring into space I often think he's tired, so trying to earn myself a bit of peace I'll turn the TV down a notch or two in the hope that he nods off! But alas....no noise, Harvey needs to make some! Enjoy it when you can I say!
  6. Hi Rayyan - it's not tight - "snug" is probably the word you would use - you just have to get your baby to trust you enough to cover his head - if your bird lets you cover his head with your hands then you're half way there as it just slips over, using one hand. Like I've said before - first time was traumatic, but once you realise that it's just a lot of noise and fuss you are more confident. Best thing we got - it's lovely just to take him into the garden on his playstand so he's not stuck in the house or cage when we are enjoying the particularly fantastic UK weather........!
  7. How bizarre Davey! I did indeed get Harvey from Parrotcare - Bedlington is the next town to mine. Yip - John gave me the feather tether with the set up (we bought the African Grey package) but I don't think Harvey had ever SEEN the harness, let alone was trained with it! It's naff. I bought the Aviator from John too - and it's so much easier to use - it just slips over his head and under his wings - the hardest bit is the tightening of the buckle around his chest - it's not as "slide easy" as the DVD makes it out! OMG Alfie and Harvey could be related!!!! :woohoo:
  8. I agree with you Janfromboone - I had a cockatiel for 17 years up until January and now think about the "easiness" factor of a cockatiel! Even a shreddy toy would have lasted Spiky 10 years - not the 10 minutes they last with Harvey!
  9. My favourite subject!! I had an absolute nightmare with the "feather tether" that came with Harvey. He was harnessed trained on this from the breeder. We stood no chance of getting it on - they are soooooo fiddly - and I didn't think the clippy buckles looked that comfortable. Then I purchased an Aviator. The first time we tried it was so traumatic that I was left in tears and needed therapy due to the screams poor Harvey was making - the £25 I'd paid for it was written off and it was going in the bin - poor Harvey was just going to have to enjoy life outside in his cage! Then I was reading a post on here from Chimaysmommy, who had succeed with her Aviator and I felt inspired! I tried again and Harvey didn't resist as much! He's now an old hand at the Aviator and still airs his views on the installation (loudly), but once he's on he'll fly on it, perch on his stand etc. It makes days out in the garden great now. We have a medium harness - Harvey too weighs around 470g (he's 7 months old now). The aviator's fab - go for it! Jill xx
  10. What a good idea Tigerlily - I'll mail them too - if they see there is enough demand in the UK then they obvious will import - it'll be worth their while if a few of us say that we are interested. Perhaps our birdies will too have these amazing atoms (although I'm not entirely sure where I'd hang one!!) Jill xx
  11. What a great idea Davey! It honestly didn't cross my mind - you best look out for two Geordie Grandparronts who are need of help.......I haven't come across any yet so far - so be on the look out!! {Feel-good-000200BB}
  12. Like you two - I've looked too - I can't find one and only found the same site as Tigerlily - and the shipping is ridiculous if you contact them to ship it over here. I've just decided that if Harvey doesn't see one he doesn't know what he's missing - so I'm keeping him away from here for the time being!!!!
  13. Urgh! No way! Actually - I value my nose tip far too much - it's kinda central to my face!! Nope! Not going to teach Harvey to participate in that one!!!
  14. He's like a ventriloquist at the start - his beak doesn't move - this is so funny - Dayo is gorgeous and I hope Harvey is watching this (in between trying to chew the keyboard) and is aspiring to being such a cutey. Great video Dan :laugh:
  15. Ha Ha - absolutely fabulous! It's Beyonce in the making!!! I have to say - Harvey won't stand a chance of singing - I sing like a strangled cat - at least you can hold a tune! So cute x :lol:
  16. I know I'm panicking for nothing Jooles - mam and dad are really caring pet people (mam always says my dad will get chucked out before the dog!!). Nothing will happen to Harvey and since my mam is at home 24/7 he'll have more company than at home! We've hired a villa in Spain so we're off there - can't wait - There's us four, my sister and brother in law and their two (4 and 1!!). We've got one of those Vodafone "passport" sim cards - loaded it with £20 and it's unlimited texts (for the kids) and 300 minutes worth of calls - great bargain. To be honest, my mam and dad wouldn't need me in an emergency - I'm the one that needs them. When I had to have spiky put to sleep in January I made sure my mam was there with me at the vets (I'm so soft when it comes to animals!!). Thanx again Julie, Jill xx
  17. It's nearly that time for my holidays (Saturday) and Harvey leaves for his "Grandparronts" on Friday evening as we fly early Saturday morning. What do they need to know - food dos and don'ts, cleaning, emergency numbers.....etc etc. I have remembered more than this - but this list will go on. Please add your snippets in case I have missed anything ~ I want his first time "holiday" to be hassle free!
  18. You're so right Jooles - I think nothing each weekend of treating Harvey to a new toy (or two) - it's regular that on a weekend I spend over £20 on toys alone. The kids don't get a look in any more Like you say - supplements etc are an expensive must - and expensive they are over here!! Great post Jooles - I don't know how much CAGs are in the States - but as you know they cost a small fortune to purchase over here - so hopefully people have researched before handing over hundreds of pounds.
  19. I'm so sorry Mark ~ it's an awful time for you. Don't let it put you off getting another bird - I know it's too early to consider one, but when I had Spiky (my cockatiel) put to sleep in January (17 years old) I was devastated - and wasn't contemplating another bird........ Then whilst browsing I found this lot! Their joy with their birds made me realise what I was missing and that's how Harvey came to be probably the central member of our family. At least this little baby died with a family who loved him. Like Casper says - time is a healer. Jill xx
  20. Mark - very bad situation - I was a cockatiel owner for 17 years until January this year - like Casper says - urgent vet advice needed. Your tiel is very poorly. Please, please seek help immediately - he's only a baby and can't help himself. Fingers crossed for you and your tiel. Let us know how things are going. Jill xx
  21. Hi Pinky - Harvey's 7 months old now and from day 1 he's had a coconut (specially bought from pet shop). He shreds the paper addition in the middle and then starts on the outer shell - which he pulls to bits - this is the only toy we don't rotate as he loves it so much. You'll be made so welcome by the guys and gals on this site - I've learned EVERYTHING, I know from great people. Enjoy your grey - they bring you so much joy. :lol:
  22. That's absolutely fab Jooles - what a little star Beau is ~ I'm so pleased for you both - what a little cracker! The flood gates are open now!! Jill xx :laugh:
  23. That's awful - poor little thing - the pet shop doesn't seem too bothered about him either and just seems to want to make a quick fortune. I'm like you - I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about him either - in fact, I haven't even seen him and have this awful picture in my mind. If you rescued this one, there'd only be another one later on........! Why couldn't the owners have just paid for his transfer to NZ and quarantine? I'm worried about leaving Harvey for two weeks, never mind for ever! If Bertie has been there months tho - it's hard to think how long poor Tully will be there.
  24. Go Ecko! What a good little birdie! I'm really please for you and Ecko - Harvey much prefers to shower with me than on his own in the shower - but those talons.....! I'm giggling at the thought of you in the shower wiggling and splashing about - I tell Harvey how great showering is - my neighbour (who I don't speak to) must be able to hear and probably thinks I'm nuts! Well done Ecko!
  25. Harvey will certainly come out of his cage on his own, but hell would freeze over the day he feels like going back there himself! The thing I have to take into account is their 4 year old Weimaraner Suzy - who isn't used to birds and would have to be locked out in order that Harvey's allowed out on his stand. My parents were happy to do this in order that Harvey could go poop, but Harvey isn't happy them handling him and does give quite a strong "nip" - one that perhaps as parrot owners we brush aside, but non-parrot owners consider vicious. I'm so grateful to them for having him - he'll have company all day, every day, but just so worried about this poop problem if they don't let him out - will he just be forced to poop at a certain point!
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