Hi Natasha, you sound like a wonderful person and I am also a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Can it really be pure coincidence that this baby has fallen into your capable hands for it's care. It seems to me that you've done all you can to try locating the owners. Enjoy your baby and be safe in the knowledge that you have tried your best and failed to find a home for it and consider it yours.
Oh it sounds like a very good offer to me. If she raised your grey from a baby and actually ownes one herself then it's a good bet she knows what she is doing and loves birds herself. In my humble opinion you couldn't want for a better sitter.
Enjoy your vacation and try not to worry.
I found your update on Sam an excellent read. Sounds like you have established a great relationship and have built up a trust with him in a very short space of time. Well done you.
A similar thing happened with Beau's toy blocks a few weeks back, I found a red mark on his neck and wondered what it was. Hubby thought it was blood although I wasn't convinced as it looked too light in colour, it was only when I saw colour missing from one of the blocks that I realised where it had come from.
The dish water??!:ohmy:
I guess I'm still wary of having Beau in the kitchen as there are so many hazards in there - hot dish water in itself is a hazard and Beau always looks like he wants to jump in!
By popular (well, casper to be exact ;-)) demand, please list below items pooped on by your grey - the funnier or more valuable the better.
Here goes for mine: Husband, eldest son, myself, sofa, carpet :ohmy: toys, new playstand, newspaper.
Ahem, I think that's it...for now ;-)
:laugh: We've had Beau for 5 weeks tomorrow and the first day we had him he chewed through my bracelet and we quickly realised he had a thing for jewellery which I try not to wear except if I'm going out. He also goes for remote controls which we also try to keep away from him so luckily he hasn't destroyed anything except the bracelet. Things he has crapped over though, well that's another story :ohmy:
karunk, I just picked-up on your hairdryer question. A hairdryer is fine but hairspray is a definate nono so please tell your wife not to use in in the same room as your parrot.
I've had Beau for about 4 weeks and I've only changed them a couple of times, I guess I should be doing it more often but he really doesn't play with them much anyway.
How about you?