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Everything posted by Joolesgreyuk

  1. As I enjoyed your answers to my previous post on foods so much I have decided to bore you all once more. So any foods that you think are a dead cert your grey will/should love but refuses point blank to eat. I'll start off with Beau's food nono's: pine nuts, kiwi fruit and toast - with or without butter lol! I'm sure there are one or two more he had turned his beak up at but I can't think to order also it's early days with him yet and I'm sure there'll be many more he'll refuse in the future. FAO the mods, please let me know if you think I'm posting too much rubbish on here lol! :unsure:
  2. Thanks for all the great replies, it seems there's not much off the menu then. :laugh: Ice cream??? :ohmy: Look out for my next post "things your grey should eat but won't" :laugh:
  3. One of my biggest worries as a new grey owner is whether or not he is getting enough calcium in his diet. I have often read that many parrots are lacking in calcium because their diet rarely consists of any. The problem I have is that my fears over this may result in over-dosing. At this time I'm giving Beau 2 drops of calcvit in his water one a week (this is the dose they were giving him in the pet shop) and he has a fruit flavoured calcium block, also one a week I give him scrambled egg - which I think contains calcium. Alas I do not think this is enough. The dosage on the calcvit is 10 - 30 ml per ltr once or twice a week (I think) this is far too large a percentage to work out accurately when you are filling a small bowl of water and it seems to me to be far too much. Can anyone give me advice on this? What do you give your greys and how much/how often? I'd appeciate any advice given. Thanks
  4. :laugh: Thanks for all the replies guys. Some of these foods I had no idea parrots would like - dairy products for instance and hot dogs? What's that all about lol!? Having read some of the replies I went out and bought Beau some pine nuts as they seem to be very popular with some of the grey's on here. Beau? Forget it, not interested! :laugh:
  5. she, :woohoo: :laugh: I have to admit that Beau has quite an apitite too. I have offered him toast but he wasn't interested at all. They are so like humans aren't they with their likes & dislikes.
  6. Tucos_mom, that's real sweet. I've not tried nuts with Beau, I guess because they are already in his dried food but maybe I will. Beau likes most things, he will also eat lettuce, raw cabbage, grapes and satsumas but isn't too keen on apple although he sometimes will have a nibble at one. It is so cute how they hold their food in their claw isn't it - ahhh bless.
  7. I'd be interested to hear of your grey's favourite foods/treats to see how different greys vary in their tastes, of course a lot depends on the choice they're offered. Beau's favourites are (in order lol) corn flakes which he adores, cooked potato, carrot (raw) scrambled egg and digestive/rich tea biscuit. I'm sure as I try lots more different foods with him the list will grow but this is how it stands as of now I am pretty strict with not offering anything I consider too "junky". There are lots more that he eats but these are his favourites. Anyone?
  8. Lol Love it! I love watching the misty vids. :laugh:
  9. nhrh, I'm so sorry for the loss of your baby. I'm sure that everyone on here is feeling your pain, that's all I can say xx
  10. What a terribly sad story. I'm sure that everyone on here reading this is thinking of you.
  11. Thanks everyone for your kind words, everyone is so nice on here. xx
  12. For lovethatgrey and anyone else who has been maybe wondering, Beau has now developed a routine and is an extremely well-adjusted parrot who isn't afraid of noise, new toys or even his night-time cover. The only thing he isn't keen on is too many people around when he is out of his cage, as far as Beau is concerned the fewer the better. Tonight he was alone with me and was incredibly cuddly, closing his eyes while I stroked and kissed him. He is still wary of my son but I'm sure he will come around eventually. I think I will need a second job to keep Beau in food though as he eats like a horse! So there you have it, that's the latest on Beau! {Feel-good-000200BB}
  13. I would say that if he is taking juice than he is getting the best part of ther fruit anyway and wouldn't worry too much but as the others on here have said - don't give up trying. As for the behaviour, you might find that he will start behaving as quickly as he started misbehaving. I don't believe that punishment is a good idea but if you keep putting him in his cage everytime he misbehaves he should soon work it out for himself. Good luck
  14. Thanks Dave, yes he loves biting earlobes but is quite gentle there however he is more rough when biting clothes and jewellery and he is getting better at it. Thanks for your advice. Thanks everyone for the advice, I have taken it on board. x
  15. lovethatgrey, thank you so much for all your advice. I have taken everything on board and will try to go figure. Karma for you for being so helpful!
  16. Well that's put my mind at rest regarding the beak rubbing lol! luvparrots, yes Beau does give friendly nips too and these are acceptable - even funny but tonight it was a definate bite he also "growls" if that's what I can call it before attemping to bite. I don't understand why he doesn't take to my son either. Is this normal for parrots - do they take to some family members and not others? I know that greys are very intelligent and can relate words or actions to other things so when he bit me I put him back in his cage, if I do this every time he bites he may begin to realise why. I would never shout at or punish him though.
  17. Thanks for the advice. We have only had Beau since last Tuesday but his behaviour seems to be deteriorating by the day, a trend I find quite worrying. He is about 15 weeks old.
  18. I was wondering if anyone on here can help me understand Beau's behaviour which seems to be getting a little more agressive each day. The first day he was with us he was incredibly cuddly and docile but he seems to have taken a dislike to my 11 year old son who has showed him nothing but kindness, even handfeeding him titbits. Yesterday he bit me a couple of times - through my clothes which I put down to him being over-excited but today he bit me whilst on my shoulder - he meant it too, he makes a stroppy noise before biting. Another thing he is doing all the time is rubbing his face and beak on everything be it his perch, the carpet or on my cloths I'm wearing. Does anyone know why Beau is behaving in this way? He is eating well and seems otherwise fine. Help!
  19. Yes he is, the name means both beautiful and handsome in French and therefore is suitable for a male or female. I'm still kinda getting used to his behaviour, he is crazy about eating my clothes. Has become less cuddly than he was in the first 24hrs we had him but he's still real friendly in other ways - loves having his head stroked and closes his eyes when he is having this particular treat and also likes taking food treats by hand. He also tends to follow me around.
  20. Here are the promised pics of Beau playing with his toys and after several short flights from my shoulder to the top of his cage. Hope you like them. IMG]http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o180/joolespics/SN850054.jpg[/img]
  21. Thanks for the link. She certainly loves her new toy, it should give her hours of fun. If Emma in anything like Beau it will also give your clothes/jewellery/buttons a break :laugh:
  22. Wow this is a cool idea. Is this specifically for parrots or is it a kitchen item. Love your grey, looks like a baby.
  23. Wow that is cool, someone else got their baby congo yesterday - me too. It is reasuring to read all these posts on this thread because my baby is doing the exact same thing, I'm not getting a minute's peace atm but at the same time it is nice to be loved so much lol! My baby has settled so well and was quiet all night last night. Anyway welcome and enjoy your baby because he/she won't be a baby forever and they do become more distant as the years pass - so I'm told
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