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Everything posted by Brittany

  1. Pepper has ridden on my shoulder before in the car, which she loves lol But most of the time I just keep her in her carrier which she chews. I need to find a nice carrier that she cant chew up.
  2. Lucky!! Pepper is terrified of EVERYTHING! The stand I bought her not too long ago, took a couple weeks for her to like it..now she loves it and spends a lot of time on it. That's an awesome perch tho. I want to get one of those for Pepper eventually.
  3. yeah, i was reading that earlier.. people are crazy!!
  4. That is so awesome!! Congrats on the progress.
  5. Im taking precautions with her, not letting her too high..and watching her. My heart breaks everytime she tries to fly but we'll get through it! Gosh shes so happy to be home lol
  6. thanks everyone. i feel so thankful everytime i look at Pepper. Lol she seems to be adjusting back again, she is very talkative n still pretty cuddly
  7. Thankss One of her feet are definitely bothering her =( she keeps messing with it and sleeping with it up poor thing Ive been with her all day though...didnt wanna leave her:unsure:
  8. cute!! there's a grey on Youtube, that its owner let walk around IN the snow and outside in the snow!! I cant believe that
  9. How cute!! My bird loves pens also lol one her favorite things
  10. I love watching videos of African Greys!!! They are fun and usually cute hehe 1. Her singing, you can hear her sing "Do what you dooo.." [no clue where she got this from] 2. Pepper playing on one of her favorite perches!! 3. Pepper talking she says "OW" "wanna go outside" and more
  11. Idk. Maybe its the feathers, cuz I think one did fall out, and another looks like its going to fall out too. Im thinking maybe she hit it? I called the vet and when i did i asked about the tail and she said that the vet and the assistant didnt see anything abnormal
  12. Pretty cool!! One of these days I wanna try to make my own too It probably won't look the best but I don't really think Pepper cares lol
  13. oh and i called the vet, the vet said her wheezing last night was prolly from stress, the cold, etc and just to watch out if it starts again. which it hasnt Pepper has been talking a decent amount too..of course not her normal self but she talked a good amount for just getting home!! Love her so much!
  14. haha no chocolate for meee Im fine just so happy i think Lol
  15. LOL cute!! Pepper does this too, or her favorite..dont turn your back on Pepper around a purse. She likes to rampage the purse and throw everything out Its too funny
  16. Ugh!!! I regret clipping her wings soo bad, I will not clip them again Hope Pepper figures me!
  17. how long on average will it take for the wings to come back??
  18. Yes us spreading the word certainly helped. I am glad we put the word out everywhere as fast as we could.
  19. Also I absolutely HATE clipping Peppers wings. It hasnt been done in a long time, thus why she flew away. I feel like I take a big part of her away from her when I do it. It was in the heat of the moment, I had a lot of emotions going on and shouldve thought it out better.
  20. Okay, well I just said I felt terrible. It was a in the moment decision, I was so happy to have her back. And luckily her wings can grow back.....
  21. Yeah, I figured it would take a week or more for her to be "herself" again. Poor poor baby, I can't imagine what she went through in the 25 hours she was missing... But we are blessed to have her home, and we will take care of her and watch her to make sure she stays doing good.
  22. Thank you, I cant get over how lucky we are..seriously. Thank God Pepper is so friendly to step right up to that guy. I am staying home all day with her, no way I am leaving the house today.
  23. What a nice picture!! Your bird looks gorgeous
  24. Thanks everyone!! I am still so excited to have her here. :lol: She seems equally as happy. She woke up this morning and did her daily "Woooo" that she does when I let her out of her cage!!!:side:
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