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Everything posted by Brittany

  1. "Want some more? Do it, do what you do" LOLL I love Pepper's little song that he sings in that video. However we can't figure out where he got it from! We don't say the "do it, do what you do" to him. I'm sure we've probably said "Want some more?" when asking him about food. For about a month or so he didn't sing it again and now we catch him singing it, especially if I start singing it! Has anyone heard of a song that says the do it, do what you do lol
  2. So we went to the pet store [We took Pepper] around here which was having some sale and some lady came up to us and told us that we should get Pepper's band removed because when he gets older he could chew at it and chew his foot off, and that we need to get him micro-chipped. Personally microchipping sounds a little bit scary and unsafe for the bird. :\ Is what she saying true? Also is microchipping really recommended or even safe? Oh and on another note Pepper loved all the people there LOL he kept trying to fly on everyones shoulder. He even let a random guy come up and rub by his eyes wow. He was going crazy beeping and whistling because there was so many people it was hilarious.
  3. Aww!! That's awesome. I cannot wait til I get the proper stuff to take Pepper outside, he'll love it -- I hope!
  4. Same here . Pepper doesn't freak OUT and a lot of the time he'll step up if I say "Wanna take a shower?" and he'll even crawl to the bathtub when I am bathing. I think that after we bring him in the shower he definitely feels better, just doesn't like it while it is being done. We've never gotten bit from it though -- so I guess it isn't too bad
  5. okay my boyfriend and i have a love for cucumbers and vinegar. is it OK to share this with Pepper?! My understanding is that is okay -- but can he not eat the seeds? etc Any help would be great.....thanks.
  6. Pepper usually doesnt mind the kisses, and sometimes would even seem to give me one back. But like I said totally my fault. But I must say no more beak kisses LOL I do still do the head kisses though. Plus im not Paul, and Pepper doesnt love me as much as Paul. I get bit more often than he does. lol heres my lip. its gone down a little bit.
  7. hahahah Pepper is looking around like..what in the world:laugh:
  8. lol..... i went to give him a kiss. and really it was my own fault, i ignored the sign he gave me[i didnt think about it until after] needless to say -- he bit my lip and wasn't letting go. after what seemed like forever I got him off me and soaked my shirt with blood. it hurt soo bad. and mostly scared the crap out of me. I didnt get any "im sorry" like someone else on here did lol. it wasnt his fault though. i shouldnt have put him that close to my face;) dont know why im sharing this. maybe everyone can laugh at the silly girl with a fat lip from her parrot?! the kid im a nanny for thought it was funny.
  9. I hope they wouldn't become mated. I don't see it happening, then again I am no expert. on Sunday we took Pepper to my parents for Easter dinner & he didn't want to hangout with Missy too much. I could tell Missy was driving him nuts.
  10. jessdecutie18 wrote: yeah for now!! i hope it lasts..lol i remember at the pet store they labeled Pepper as a bully LOL
  11. okay great responses! thanks everyone. i'll be looking into that over the next couple of months (:
  12. oh okay! yeah pepper is the boss:) yeah..i dont have any real desire to get another bird. Pepper is too special to me. I couldnt do that to him, he wouldnt like it.
  13. They'll do that for awhile until Pepper becomes feisty and is over it. Then we have to separate them. Pepper gets weird around Missy and isn't himself whenever she is around. It will definitely be interesting to see if they still like each other later down the road. I think Pepper will always just be the only bird in my house...I dont think he'd have it any other way
  14. Yes, it's my parents bird. I forgot to add that. Missy is more in love with Pepper, than Pepper is in love with missy lol
  15. from last week. http://www.youtube.com/user/PepperGreyy#p/u/1/v-55tM8GiI8 http://www.youtube.com/user/PepperGreyy#p/u/0/gMB_R-bHLR0
  16. That is so awesome. Pepper would LOVE that!
  17. However, I really don't see how it could be safe? I am wanting to get the backpack parrot thing I've seen... but really, should I avoid the beach? I'm so scared of it getting too hot or something. I don't want to put him in danger. Well, in terms of the backpack thing -- does anyone own one? How often do you use it? I live in an APT, but I would love to get Pepper out of the house and let him enjoy the nice weather. So would it be enough just to go on a walk outside with him? Idk. All of these are just thoughts. I feel so bad that she's stuck in the house all the time lol.
  18. Yay!!! So exciting!! Post lots of pics
  19. Aww so cute Pepper has done that before. He tried to eat the dog food LOL
  20. I don't know what rights you have, but I really hope that you get to keep the bird. She obviously doesn't know how to take care of him.
  21. Gosh what a cutie!!! I love the pictures:)
  22. Gorgeous pictures!!! I love seeing the birdies in flight;)
  23. Oh and here are some new pics of Mr Pepper! <br><br>Post edited by: Brittany, at: 2010/03/27 23:12
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