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Everything posted by Brittany

  1. You know..I feel terrible for getting her wings clipped already. I probably traumatized her more, and I didn't even think about it because I just didn't want her to fly away again I can tell she gets frustrated that she cant fly..but i am watching her and making sure shes not too high up so she doesnt hurt herself
  2. There's no wheezing today!! And she just decided for the first time since she's been home that she wanted her seed food, on her own The only thing now that worries me is that her tail is an odd shape, almost like she tucked it in? Im guessing she damaged it. Poor baby
  3. I literally fell on the floor crying when I saw Pepper. I was hysterical. When he called me I flipped out. The man was soo kind, I couldn't thank him enough. Such a nice guy. It's funny he said Pepper liked him but not his friend!!
  4. The wheezing seemed to be temporary, I think it stopped. Plus she is sleeping now (poor baby was SOO tired) and there is no wheezing. But, I'll call the vet tomorrow anyways cuz I love Pepper
  5. Thanks!!! It's great to have her home..poor baby!!! So glad shes back:kiss:
  6. And her tail seems to be laying low and inward kinda. We did get her to drink a little, and eat peanut butter and oranges.. Now i am worried the vet isnt open until 8am tomorrow
  7. Help!!!!!!!!! OK so we got our baby back, and the vet said she seemed fine but she's now wheezing. Is that normal???? She was exposed to cold weather.......could it be that shes a little congested now that shes in a warm house? She doesnt seem to wheeze when she sleeps tho Is this serious?<br><br>Post edited by: Brittany, at: 2010/02/20 01:45
  8. im sooooo beyond happy she did lose her voice a lil it seems but we think because she mightve been screaming for us. i didnt notice it earlier so i couldnt ask the vet. is this okay? should we be worried?
  9. btw this is how the guy found her: he saw the bird, and a buddy of his was listening to one of the radio stations we called into...so the guy picked up Pepper and she sat on his shoulder for an hour and a half bc the guy thought she couldnt fly LOL so then she flew away over a building well he went working over there and she followed him from tree to tree and he got her down again and safe in the apt office. his boss uses the vet we use, so they called the vet and i left my info with the vet so there they got my number!!!
  10. OH MY GOSH SOMEONE FOUND HER!!! SHE WAS FOUND AT BIRD SONGS APARTMENTS. lol at the bird part..its less than a minute away from our apt on the same street. OMG my baby was obviously trying to come home..i am so blessed. i took her to the vet, and she has a bloody wing but he said its cuz she burst something, then her feet are swollen and a few cuts on her face but he said her weight is good. shes sleeping right now..she drank, and i gave her some crackers cuz thats all i had in the car. [went straight to the vet] THANK YOU EVERYONE for the supportive words..and keeping me positive. I am so thankful, and yes her wings are now clipped. I am so happy I feel like a million bucks. Theres nothing better. OMG I am so happy.........I AM ecstatic:laugh: Check out the new pics of her.....shes home!! YAY
  11. I hope more people call if they hear or say anything... I want her back so bad
  12. Ok someone just called me from my ad on Craigslist.. she has a grey, and she heard an unusual bird cry not from a regular bird. The noise she described didnt sound like Pepper but im going to check it out!! Its about 3 miles away so its possible.... I hope its Pepper
  13. I'll have to buy one , anything for Pepper.. and heres one of the last videos we have of her god...watching this just gives me more power to go find her so her i go again
  14. another thiing that worries me is that she is terrified of everything. i cant see her sitting on the top of a tree =(
  15. there are a ton of trees and bushes around here, we've gone through the woods..everything. i hate that there is so much water around tho. i hope she didnt fly towards that. we've been telling literally every person we see outside that we lost our bird and to call us if she is found. im still searching today by myself, everyone else is at work..then tomorrow my parents will hopefully come out and we'll spend all day looking for Pepper. my poor baby.......
  16. I dont have any way to get up high...... I cant handle this I keep breaking down every hour I called the vet, and pet stores..nothing..ugh..
  17. I feel so helpless.. I've been looking today we looked all day yesterday where is my Pepper at.. This is where we live: *Point A on the map Pepper flew Straight towards the ocean....I hope to god she didn't go that far :\ Is it possible she would try to fly back home? I doubt she knows where home is though..and its so cold out im so worried but im trying to stay positive
  18. Also I have binoculars because someone around here let us use them... we just moved here like 3 weeks ago but it seems like everyone is trying to keep a look out. i would seriously give up everything i have to get Pepper back. take my car, my apartment, my clothes, anything i just want my Pepper
  19. I have never been this depressed in my life:( My baby is probably so hungry and cold......I want her home so bad. I keep searching, had to take a quick break my body is so sore. Im never gonna give up on her.....tomorrow morning I'll get up earlier about 5am and start searching also.
  20. It feels like I have looked everywhere..and nothing Anyone have any tips? Where are hot spots that she may be?
  21. it was a hard night without Pepper, I didn't get much sleep...kept waking up and looking outside the window for her.. Well i'm off to go look again..wish me luck thanks
  22. Thank you everyone for the kind words... My babies perch is outside..with her food waiting for her. God its so cold out, I went out again to look for her. We've spent 7 - 8 hours looking for her..nothing yet I will NOT lose my hope!! I love this bird more than anything in this entire world (next to my boyfriend) and tomorrow morning I will be up early to go looking again. God..Pepper..i miss her so much already I cant stop crying I cant even eat..ive barely eaten at all today. If I am blessed, I will find my baby we spread the word to everyone around, we have fliers up, we have radio stations mentioning it tomorrow... I pray that she is safe. I hope we find her, I can't wait to give Pepper the biggest kiss of her life....and feed her , her favorite food...fresh water...oh my god i will not stop looking for her she is my child!!! sorry if this is so long and ugh im just so upset right now. im waiting for my dad to come out here and hes going to look again also. we all love Pepper to death
  23. Today I was going to take the dog out and Pepper tried to fly on my shoulder as I was walking out.... she bumped my shoulder a little, not able to get grip and took off outside. I spent all day looking for her, we put up fliers..everthing God..please pray for me. I am so distraught I feel like I lost a child...... God I'd do anything in this world to have my baby back...{Feel-bad-0002006A}
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