My parents are thinking about owning a grey...as my boyfriend and I have Pepper & have moved out of their house. They fell in love with Pepper, who they spoiled haha but anyways..
They found a bird they like, it's 4 1/2 months old. It was hand fed by the breeder. But they are wondering if it is better to get a bird that they have hand fed themselves?
Only because my bf and I hand fed Pepper and spent a lot of time with her, and in return we have an awesomely social bird. There has never been a person who Pepper does not like, and she even is approachable to kids. We've been around a ton of greys and still haven't seen one as sweet as Pepper lol.
So does it matter, really? Or should they be okay because the grey is still semi-young? thanks
Pepper has been having very black eyes lately -- fully dilated etc. It's not when she's sleeping.. but lately when we go and get her, even when we bring her downstairs they are like this.
Her eyes are not usually like this. Is this normal? Or should we be concerned?
I know, I remember seeing the lady @ the pet store walking out with Pepper.
I about melted. Gosh I don't know what I would do without Pepper. It's funny b/c I love Pepper soo much but the one she loves the most is my boyfriend.
We've had her at home for about a year now. Pepper's newest words are "I love you" "Rah ruh ruh ruh" "Stup bird" Yea she cant say the whole "Stupid" lol she gets it from my brother saying it to her.
She picks up a LOT of what my brother says. She got the dog bark from him too b/c it sounds just like him.
I figured out her new fav song is "tik tok" by Ke$ha lol some pop song. EVerytime i sing it to her, or play it she dances soo cute!!:laugh:
And Pepper's wings are finally back to normal [months ago the place messed them up:angry: ] she is a flying birdy!!
Thanks so much for the kind words everyone.
As someone pointed out -- you're right Pepper probably doesn't hate babies she's only been around my sisters.
I guess she was just curious, and nervous. Because of course the baby got a lot of attention.
But I am hoping that everything will work itself out
Thanks everyone!
I am sure I'll do whatever I can to make time for both. As i really love Pepper and of course I am going to love my baby.
Poor Pepper is going to hate it for awhile!! lol I feel bad already
Omg I forgot pasta!
Pepper goes crazy for pasta. Pepper also HAS to be downstairs with my mom ON her shoulder when shes cooking dinner. Pepper does not want anyone else.
It's hilarious. If we bring her up stairs she screams "PEPPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!" :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Brittany, at: 2009/11/20 17:25
At dinner time we always make Pepper a plate, but it's soo funny how she runs to everyones plate to steal food.
Yes, we let her eat on the table with us. She likes it.
Some her favorite food is rice, green beans, lima beans, potatoes, etc
Okay, so I just found out a week or so again that I am pregnant.
Pepper is my baby, and I am NOT getting rid of her. That's not what this is about. Anyways she bit my sisters 3 months old baby a month or so ago, she does not like babies.
So I was wondering about what other people experienced when bringing a baby into the home after the grey?
I am soo nervous about not being able to give her enough attention!!
Oh, the parents that I nanny for, I told them about the video.
She thought it was hilarious and told me to put it on Youtube. They are well-respected people, but they have a sense of humor
Just as a note:
I do NOT encourage cursing, and I am NOT a stupid'15' year old. I am 19 years old, and don't think that it's soo hilarious to have my bird curse.
No, he picked up on it and I thought it was funny, so I took a video.
Have I encouraged the word further more towards him? No.
But the fact is that him saying it sounded funny.
And for those who think im so horrible because that was said to the bird, anything that is said to him like that is a JOKE. "Evil bird" LOL that is nothing to get mad over...
Umm I just found the video funny. I never said I encourage it. Like I said pepper is my baby and she is treated like the queen of the world. I'm lucky to have such a bird with so much personailty. Peppeer is one of the most calm greys I've met. She will step up to anyone.I spent over fifteen hours a week for over a month when she was at the pet store. Pepper is not ever going to another home but still I don't sit here and teach her it. It was simply a funny video so lighten up