I have three parrots, two greys I have had since they were weaned and my Louie, the BF Amazon. He belonged to a man who spoke Hindu, as did his whole family, so Louie came to me speaking Hindu. When the man because ill with cancer, Louie was placed outside with their breeding greys. The wife called him "wild." Louie does not let me touch him, if I try he bites. He does not know how to step up. Louie has been with me for one year and 4 months. He will now fly to sit near me and sit on my shoulder. He loves to preen my hair. He can touch me, but I can't touch him. He was a man's parrot, he likes my 22 year old grandson and now will fly to Tony and sit on his shoulder. Louie is trying to be my friend, he will go into his cage on command and follows me around my home. As long as I don't try to touch him he is happy. He will now take food from my hand without biting. It is a long and slow ride to where we are now, and I know he wants to trust me and is trying hard to do so, it just takes time. I love Louie, he is smart and a total joy to have around. He is learning English but still at least once a day, lets out a string of Hindu which I do not understand. Is he a rescue??? I don't know. To me he is just a guy trying to live in a woman's world!!!
This is a great thread Dawl, thanks for starting it!!! Kudos to you for taking in and caring for your sweet rescues!!!