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Everything posted by she

  1. Dan mentioned a great name in his post without realising it,how about Techy.Hear are a few of my own ideas,Vista,geek,Rom, or the man himself Bill or Gaites.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/08/12 19:52
  2. Happy birthday Julie. I hope you enjoy a few tipples tonight.
  3. I have used one of the small hand held steam cleaners on the cages and found it very quick and easy.A big advantage is that no cleaners are needed.
  4. Sophie is a very beautiful grey. I am looking forward to following her progress.
  5. Hi and welcome. I have a cag,Charlie and a tiel, Cracker.I loved your pictures.
  6. Its been a very nice day in Liverpool but raining a bit now.
  7. Fantastic photo.Charlie is microchipped. I had him chipped while he was under a anasthetic for blood tests a few years back.
  8. she

    Sony-My Cat

    I hope all goes well on Thursday.You and Sony are in my prayers.
  9. I am sure George will settle now he is back home.It is such a shame your holiday was mared by him being under the weather. Please keep in touch and let us know the results of any tests the vet done.
  10. You know you are in my thoughts Caroline, GodBless.
  11. Congratulations on your baby tag.Can we see some pictures PLEASE.
  12. Well done Emma. Can I just add that no bird clipped or not should be outside without a carrier or harness,even clipped birds can fly.
  13. Its been nice again,cant believe my luck.
  14. she

    I had to do it!

    I am looking forward to the pictures of Blue.
  15. That was so funny.I remember it well.
  16. I am lucky because I get on very well with my neighbours. They are animal lovers like me and have never complained about my two birds. Charlie is not very noisy but I have said they must let me know if he is a nusance. I am careful not to put them in the aviary too early of a morning as I realise they could be too noisy
  17. she

    Rough ride

    I hope Koko is all better now.
  18. Happy birthday Pat. I hope you have a great day.
  19. Shake hands was the first thing Charlie done.I found it easy.Also teach Harvey to fly to you when you call,thats an easy one.
  20. I am so happy that you got another bird.A six year old grey will need some cajoling and bribing to accept a new home but it can be done.My advise is to take things very very slowly.Dont force the bird to be handled ,for now let her settle down. Talk to her a lot and offer treats from your hand.Give her lots of chew toys,older greys love to chew .Has she had any training at all,step up ect.Your Dad sounds as if he has already fallen for her.
  21. Hi and welcome.Lenny is a beautiful grey.In order to gain his trust,take things very slow. Dont expect anything from him yet,sit close to his cage and talk to him and offer treats from your hand.
  22. she

    Wheat Grass

    I wonder if he got some minerals from the soil?
  23. Teach him to wave and shake hands and high five. Charlie does those and he was easy to teach.As for the dancing Charlie bobbs his head when I say Dance, come on dance, he does not do it very well though. I think teaching a few little tricks keeps the mind active and relieves boredom.It also helps the bond between parrot and owner.
  24. Another classic Dayo video. Thanks Dan.
  25. What a fantastic update. I am so happy all is going well.I love her little bottom sticking out the blanket.I can tell she has you well and truly hooked.
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