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Everything posted by she

  1. I could not agree more.I have often thought classes in parrot care are much needed Hm got me thinking now.
  2. Leave him in his carrier untill you are home.If it is very warm take a sprey bottle with you to damp him down.Some fruit is a good idea,keep it cool and fresh in a cool bag.Check with the breeder about flight conditions and check with the airline yourself close to arrival incase of delays or indeed the flight gets in early.I am almost as excited as you.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/30 11:17
  3. Gizmo sounds much better,keep on with the meds though.She will soon forgive you for giving them to her.I am fortunate in that when I have had to give Charlie meds he is quite happy to take them from the syringe.
  4. At last Simba is home.Congratulations.
  5. I am not too sure but if you pm one of the admins I am sure they will be able to advise.
  6. Oh Pat,I am lost for words.Some people?I am so glad Harley will soon be home safe with you.
  7. Is George taking his own cage?if not you are doing all you can,taking his own toys and treats.Maybe take some of his own perches and feed dishes. I am sure George will be fine,its often harder on us than them.
  8. she

    Meet Java

    Java is so sweet.She sounds like a treasure.
  9. I am so excited for you.Let us know how she settles in.
  10. Steph, my heart goes out to you.I would do as you are,going to a new breeder.I hope you were refunded in full.As for the vet,I think you need some questions answered.You lost two birds and you need to know why.I have a strong hunch it is a breeder problem.Please dont let this put you off another grey,we are all hear for you.
  11. I would try a smaller sleep cage in your bed room.I think your grey is feeling very confused at whats going on and is also picking up on your emotions.Divorce is very traumatic for all involved.A sleep cage close to you of a night will help him feel more secure.That way once he wakes a reasuring word from you may restore piece before he works himself up in to a screeching frenzy.Establish some sort of routine as soon as you can and dont be scared of giving him lots of attention, dont forget he has lost two flock members,greys are very sensative to these things.Dont be angry at him,sympathy and reasurance will restore night time harmony much faster.Good luck and I hope you have a good nights sleep.
  12. I cant bring myself to say,oh well its raining.I dont get a sun tan, just rust.
  13. Hello and welcome.I have a grey, Charlie and a cockatiel, Cracker.Tiels are fantastic little birds.I cant fault them.
  14. Quarantine is one of the most important thing to remember when adding a new bird to your home or aviary.
  15. Great videos. I love his tree stand.
  16. Hi and welcome .I am glad you are finding the forum helpful.The gurgles will turn into words I am sure.With regards to night frights,they are far more common in cockatiels,especially the lutino tiels for some reason. It sounds like Mater got spooked by something,have you introduced anything new to his care or suroundings.Sometimes car headlights shining in the window at night can spook them.Do you cover him at night?It will most likely be a one off.
  17. I have not seen Berna "BMustee" on for months either,hope she is ok. I know in Timotien country Tehran,a lot of problems have arisen,I do hope he is safe and just busy or having internet problems.
  18. I love Malaika,It has always been a favourite of mine.As Pat said it is Swahilli for angel.
  19. The lost grey has been to the vet,all is fine but he has no micro chip:silly: But the good news is that unbelievabley six people have been in contact and are in the process of seeing if it is there grey.The ring number on its band is being kept unavailable and will hopefully be the clue to his rightfull owner.I really hope they are reunited soon.
  20. A grey has been found in the Bootle area of Liverpool.He was rescued after a young lad went into a local pet shop and told the owner Stephen McNally, who went and got the bird and is looking after him untill its owner is found.The grey is a very friendly social bird and someone has spent a lot of time and effort with him.Stephen has named the bird Laney.I know its a long shot but if anyone can help reunite the bird and its owner it would be fantastic.The bird is very well cared for and seems to be enjoying its adventure and the company of Stephens own grey Chico.All possable avenues are being taken to find the owner including a very large spread in the Liverpool Echo.Stephen and his wife Margi are doing all they can. If anyone can help please contact Petmania on 01519334674 or me hear on the forum Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/28 23:24<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/28 23:26
  21. she

    Break Out

    He needs a very strong cage.I know they are expensive but stainless steel cages are the best.I use the quick links that you get on toys on all cage doors.
  22. Rainbow is such a beautiful bird,great name for such a colourful little fella.
  23. We had the same question asked not too long ago and the grey was fine.Infact it all worked out very well.I am sure the same will happen in your situation.
  24. I loved the video Davey.Now if only Charlie would talk when I had the camera.
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