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Everything posted by she

  1. No, just claim alimony for the fids.
  2. Divorce = 1 less chair = 1 more cage.Lol
  3. Now where have I read that before,lol.
  4. Sounds like a win win situation.Im so pleased for you.
  5. Julie he is so cute.I am not that surprised you got Argyle sooner than you antisipated. I love his colouring.How come you got his so fast?cant wait to hear more.
  6. He looks so much better Pat,Yes carry on what you are doing,its working.
  7. she

    Joe Rainbow

    I would not let the children have fngers in reach of a bite. Teach the chldren to observe body langage and be calm and slow round the bird.
  8. Oh yes they love drama,thats why its so important not to make a scene when they bite or do somethng not wanted.
  9. Oh cute. Charlie is scared of chicken bones,he likes the chicken though.
  10. I have one grey and thats enough for me. I also have a cockatiel who is a real live wire,so no more for me at the moment.
  11. Congratulations on Biscotti,s .arrival homeIt sounds like he is doing fine.
  12. If he has had this a few years chances are its not much to worry about as long as its no worse or changing,have the vet look on your next visit.
  13. How long has he had this? I cant say what is wrong, if anything but a vet check would answer your questions.
  14. Thats a big improvement Pat. To my mind his weight gain is a major pointer of his returning health.I am waiting to hear what the vet has to say.
  15. How fast he is growing.I love the pictures.
  16. Julie I agree, also how can a young grey gain experiance of these dangers if it is never allowed to fly. Greys are very bright and it does not take much for them to learn good flight skills,something denied to them if they are clipped. I am not totally against clipping but I do think it is a last resort option and should only be carried out by an avian vet.
  17. I would very strongly suggest an avian vet clips your parrots wings. A bad wing clip can be disastrous.
  18. Bet its a telescope or a camera.It a boys toy anyway.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/08/30 11:46
  19. My grey will grab my finger quite hard if I take no notice of his warnings,that is easy solved,I watch so no bites. The tiel is another matter,he will bite for fun if he is in the mood.Most of the time now he is very gentle though. I think he is starting to grow up a bit,not before time,he is two and a half now.
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