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Everything posted by pearllyn

  1. ....and Tiggs playing with your ball of wool!
  2. Chezron, what you have described is exactly the way Alfie does it. I do still hear older stuf though, that she learned a while ago, and I just try to keep refreshing her mind by putting her phrases in context!
  3. Pga, I'm not sure about those ones. Bulbs for humans might not have the UVA and UVB rays that birds find beneficial. Lex, I give Alfie at least 4 hours a day under her light. She looks like she enjoys it!
  4. Oh I recognise THAT look! It's the one Alfie gives me right before she attacks the camera!! Sachi is cute tho! x
  5. {Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E} Good One!
  6. {Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: {Feel-good-0002006E}
  7. Not long in and now winding down with a wee beverage! x
  8. Hi Andre and Welcome to you and your Grey. You'll find that everyone here is pretty willing, so any ?s just ask away. And as the others have said, lots of older posts that are very helpful! Lyn & Alfie x
  9. I use the Arcadia compact lighting kit. It provides the full spectrum and consists of a light, holder and reflector. It was recommended to me by my Vet (Avian) and I haven't had any problems with it. Hope this helps. x
  10. Well that's me in and having my F.A.R.T. now, tho I do confess to having a sneaky one earlier this evening while technically on duty, but I turned the music up and the smoke machine on and I think I got away with it! Cheers. {Communicate-000200D5} x
  11. They are aren't they? i love this thread. This is another that puts a lump in my throat. For those that don't know, I believe it's a father singing to his son who has been called off to battle. Lyrics can be all the more moving I think when you know the story behind them. Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling From glen to glen and down the mountain side The summer's gone, and all the roses falling It's you, It's you must go and I must bide But come ye back when summer's in the meadow Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow It's I'll be here in sunshine, or in shadow Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so But when ye come and all the flowers are dying If I am dead, and dead I well may be You'll come and find the place where I am lying And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me And I shall hear tho' soft you tread above me And o'er my grave will warmer, sweeter be Then you will bend and tell me that you love me And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me
  12. Hi Caesar N Verbal! What beautiful birds you are, and very photogenic! Thanks for sharing you with us! Lyn & Alfie x
  13. Wow Jilly, how scary. I'd have been past myself! Glad Harvey is allright. x
  14. Hello otstudent2007 and Welcome, As Jilly has said, there is a lot to learn when taking on a grey, and if there is anything you need to know that you can't find here, just ask - someone will most probably have the answer! We look forward to hearing more from you. Lyn & Alfie.
  15. Emma is soooo sweet! I love the "Forever" bit - she says it with such conviction! Thanks for sharing. x
  16. Dave, that is so weird - Alfie does the exact same thing! I never understood it before, but now you say it, it makes perfect sense!! Wow!
  17. Hi Char, Dont worry, Alfie does that too, I mean she goes mad with any new things she's learned, and for a couple of weeks, it's all you hear, then when the novelty wears off, in come the old favourites again! Also, Alfie has kind of "chosen" David, but I do still get my cuddles of an evening. Just be constant with her, and the bond will hopefully go 3 ways!! xx
  18. Love the concept of the Jollyball. I'm pretty sure Alfie would be fraid of it tho! Love the pics, x
  19. Love the concept of the Jollyball. I'm pretty sure Alfie would be fraid of it tho! Love the pics, x
  20. Lovely Pictures Robin, what sweet birds you have. x
  21. Wow! Very eloquently put. I've been having a wee rough patch with Alfie lately, but after reading various posts and opinions, including this one, I feel fairly confident that we'll get past it and Alfie, David and I will be one big happy family (along with our horses and dogs!) Thanks for this lovelly post Rhonnie. xx
  22. Rhonnie, I've only got to line 2, but have to answer yes. Now I'm going to read the rest!! x
  23. Haha! Love the titchertat story!! :lol: :lol: :laugh:
  24. Well done Judygram!! (Full title for such an auspicious occasion!) I'll bet you achieve the next 20,000 quicker than you did the first! xx
  25. Just got a real good view of the proud parent with their babies! Still hooked....
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