Jilly, I've been trying to convert Alfie to Harrisons since March. At first she wouldn't look at it, but I kept offering it. Then when she had her health issues in May-ish, I started putting AviX Bird Builder in her water - it's supposed to make them more open to trying new tastes, I also started mixing in Harrisons Birdy Bread, which you can add your own yummies to, and at last she started to nibble on the Harrisons!
Then she stopped again!.
Now I'm giving her the superfine Harrison, soaked in a little hot water with some spices etc, and she's nibbling again.
I'm afraid it's a case, for me, of patience patience and more patience.
She is def eating less seed tho, so we're maybe on the right track!
Harrisons website has tips on conversion.
So long as she's eating plenty veg and stuff, I'm givning her less of her seed, and leaving the Harrisons out. Just last week I watched her use her beak like a spoon and scoop out every last pellet on to the floor, before tucking into her veg!
GOod lUck!!