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Everything posted by pearllyn

  1. Yes Deb, having Rags (first pony) put to sleep was awful, like Bonnie, Rags was worth his weight in gold and was one of these ponies that had done the rounds, and had taught many children how to ride. Losing him was so sad, bkut at the same time he was quite old. I lost a 4yo homebred gelding a couple of years back and that was just intolerable. Oh dear - too much doom and gloom I think. The best we can do for our animals is give them the best life we can, and not let them suffer. We will be thinking of you. x
  2. Forrest Gump - one of my faves! "Adriano's was not perfect, it was perfectly planned, but executed with neolithic incompetence"
  3. That sounds so funny Aly! Alfie does lie on her back when she's in the right fettle, we're trying to teach her the Bang bang thing, but she's not getting it yet. x
  4. My goodness! That is one unusual looking bird! Funny vid tho Dan, thanks for bringing it to our attention! x
  5. The Graduate? "Adriano's was not perfect, it was perfectly planned, but executed with neolithic incompetence"
  6. I just got my first two entries in my guest book and it's true! It did make me smile! I'm gonna try and do one a week too! x
  7. Jilly, I've been trying to convert Alfie to Harrisons since March. At first she wouldn't look at it, but I kept offering it. Then when she had her health issues in May-ish, I started putting AviX Bird Builder in her water - it's supposed to make them more open to trying new tastes, I also started mixing in Harrisons Birdy Bread, which you can add your own yummies to, and at last she started to nibble on the Harrisons! Then she stopped again!. Now I'm giving her the superfine Harrison, soaked in a little hot water with some spices etc, and she's nibbling again. I'm afraid it's a case, for me, of patience patience and more patience. She is def eating less seed tho, so we're maybe on the right track! Harrisons website has tips on conversion. So long as she's eating plenty veg and stuff, I'm givning her less of her seed, and leaving the Harrisons out. Just last week I watched her use her beak like a spoon and scoop out every last pellet on to the floor, before tucking into her veg! GOod lUck!! xx
  8. That's so funny, Alfie does the same with her bowls, but my dogs have decided they actually LIKE brocoli and corn! Melon, sweet potato even birdy bread - you name it, if it gets thrown by ALf, they'll eat it!! x
  9. Aw Azzie thats great! Jinx is definitley one of the strongers contenders so far! With mine it's the other way round - Alfie is desperate to join in when the dogs are playing, but they just want to keep out of her way! x
  10. SO sorry to hear what you are going through Deb, this is without doubt ones of the most diffocult decisions you have to make as a pet owner. Last year, my 35 year old pony got sick and I had to make the call. He was my first pony and I'd had him since we were both 12! There was no question in my mind at the time that he was going to get the injection - I couldn't bear to listen to the gunshot. As the others have said, it is quick and painless. Then in February this year, I had to make the same call for my 25 yo TB, I'd had him 17 years - same decision, same outcome. It's still not easy to watch, but I feel a lot less traumatic for both. They are both buried in their pasture with some Daffodils on top. I hope you get through this ok and know we are all thinking of you. Lyn & Alfie xx
  11. Welcome to the forum, officialmark!
  12. My goodness - that was an incredibly brave thing you did. I hope Rishi is feeling better soon. x
  13. This one's doing my head in - I know I know it!
  14. AhH! I see! Thanks Pat. He looks smaller is he? Lyn x
  15. Road House "Yup, that's me, the noble steed. Hey waiter! How 'bout a bowl for the steed?"
  16. Great Vid Jan! Alfie doesn't quite laugh at her own jokes yet, but she does put her chuckles in appropriate places, like if she does something she thinks we are going to laugh at ie, her swinging upside down from her perch. She is playing with her birdie talker at the minute and when it laughs, she laughs! GOod post - keep the stories coming!
  17. Congratulations Dan - I always look forward to reading your pearls (of wisdom). Great choice. x P.s. to "Unofficial Forum Policeman", thanks for being on the ball! That should do it!
  18. Congratulations Judy! I know you've certainly been a big help to me since I joined! xx
  19. That's lovely to hear Jan. They are a tonic aren't they!
  20. Hi Ellie, So happy to hear Elvis is starting to settle in with you. The first few months of Parronthood is certainly a nerve wracking time. COme to think of it, I've had ALf a year and a half and I still fing it a little nerve wracking! I don't think any less of you at all for enlisting the help of parrot experienced friends to find Elvis for you, in fact it was quite a sensible thing to do! And having the lady breeder friend that you talk of will be very helpful. Thanks for the update. Lyn & Alfie x
  21. Thanks Pat, when I saw the picture of Darius on your "OMG" post a little while ago, I thought Buckley looked the same but wasn't sure. I thought Darius was a severe? Macaw. I'm not very good with different types yet! They are the most beautiful of birds anyway! I learn something new on here every day! x<br><br>Post edited by: pearllyn, at: 2009/09/28 23:55
  22. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Jill-ly Happy Birthday to yooooouuu! x {Feel-good-00020069}
  23. pearllyn


    Lol Pat - we should start a club! Alfie used to be a boy, but now she's not!!
  24. That sounds really strange! Does he feel threatened at all by the other two do you know?
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