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Everything posted by pearllyn

  1. JillyBeanz wrote: Nah - it was David with a parrot sized catapault!!:laugh: JillyBeanz wrote: Lol - was that not Martini? I know what you mean tho! Thanks for looking. xx
  2. Just wait, you two, till the flight feathers grow back! You'll be mesmerised!! Thanks for looking. x
  3. Hi there, Welcome to you both! With regards to stepping up, it is still very early days and I think it's important for you not to crowd or push him. Give him plenty of time to settle in and let him come to you rather than force him to step up when he's clearly (and I believe, very politely, with the stick nudging!) telling you he does not want to. Just sit with him quietly until he get's to know you, and his natural curiosity will bring him closer!! As for the vet, I had my grey to the vet several times over the summer, for all sorts of prodding and poking, and she didn't hold it against me! Hope this helps. Looking forward to hearing more about the two of you - and some pictures would be nice if you have any to share? Lyn & Alfie x
  4. Good to hear Juno is becoming more confident away from his cage, Dee, it sounds as though he may be leading you astray though - keeping you up past your bedtime!:lol: He seems to be doing ok weight-wise aswell? I think he must be happy with you or would be losing more. Once you've been to the vet, you will feel happier and begin to relax more and enjoy your baby! x
  5. Judy, she is just sooo entertaining, I love just watching her - such a time waster! Thanks for looking! x
  6. What gorgeous babies you have!! I love these pictures. Regarding the bonding, as Sheila says, be sure to spend time with each of them on their own. Thanks for sharing. x
  7. Thanks Dan. We love watching her in flight - she's so accurate, it's awesome!! x
  8. Thanks Janet! We thought the music suited it!! x
  9. Hay Folks! When Alfie was younger we put up some curtains in the Living/Dining room to keep her out or in - whichever applied! This is a short video of her proving how ineffective they are!! Hope you and yours are all well! Lyn & Alfie xx
  10. danmcq wrote: Lol - Dan's feeling broody!!!:laugh: I know the feeling tho - I would love to turn back the clock and have a baby Alf again! I would do things different and better! But Dan & Jilly are right, you're doing fine and are the most experienced non-grey (lately) owner I know!! x
  11. Brittany wrote: I didn't watch either, it's not my cup of tea, but the thing I find upsetting about this, is someone has obviously said this to her, and why would you say it (or let someone else say it) to the bird you "love to death"? Glad to hear that you're going to try and bring in a different word tho!!
  12. Love the banana pic - Alfie turns her nose up at them too! It sounds tho, like Juno is coming along beautifully. And while you obviously don't want him running back to his cage every 5 minutes, it's good that he feels secure there, and views it as a good, safe place to be. x
  13. katana600 wrote: :laugh: :laugh: So funny! It almost sounds like you've gotten 2 new birds! At the least, you're getting to know a different side to Java!! x
  14. Hehe - I keep a stash of pine nuts under the couch for such occasions!! Lol Dee - so long as she gives me a different "do" to the one she's got, that's fine! I don't think I fancy mine cropped close to my head with a top knot!!! xx
  15. Lol Dee - Junos very own fledging room!! I feel my psychic skills are coming to the fore again......yes....I'm seeing very clearly......this bird is going to be SPOILED ROTTEN!!!!{Feel-good-0002006E} xx
  16. Supernova wrote: Erm....could that have something to do with all the kicking?!?:blink: Just a thought!
  17. Well I'm dead chuffed cos I'm sitting here watching the telly and Alfie is on MY knee!! Usually she chooses David's knee (mine must be of inferior quality!) but tonight she's sitting there, one leg tucked up, making that little grinding noise with her beak - the picture of contentment - and she's on my knee!!! Marvelous! It doesn't even matter to me that David is out for the evening!! I'm loving it!! Actually, I could do with going to the little girls room, but there's no way I'm going to move her!! Just thought I'd share! xx
  18. Bless! Still finding his wings!! I'm really looking forward to hearing how things unfold between Juno and Java! They sound like they might become good pals! Hope the vet visit goes ok! xx
  19. Lol Dee - love the t-shirt - but should you really be encouraging him to do that!!!??:laugh: And it looks as though Juno appreciates your toy-making skills! He seems to have given the orbit the thumbs/talons up!! Glad to hear he's given you the seal of approval too - knew he would though! xx
  20. It's the bulb that matters really - what you put it in, not so much! So long as the bulb is full spectrum with UVA & AVB rays, thats the main thing I think!! x
  21. We do! He's gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. x
  22. pearllyn


    I've always used bottled. Just before we got Alf, we spoke to a man from Bamburgh who had recently lost his grey, and after an autopsy, his vet was of the opinion that a build up of limescale in the water pipes/taps had caused the birds death. Our tap water doesn't taste that bad, and we do occasionally drink it (prefer flavoured), so do the dogs, I just never wanted to take the chance with Alfie. Dave, your toilet tip is a good one, thanks.
  23. That looks like a good one Cindy - did you buy the recommended Spiralux Compact Fluorescent Bulb to go with it? The timer switch is handy, and will give Chimay some stimulation while you're not there, going on and off at set times. Alfies lamp is over her perch - they recommend at least 4 hours per day, and really, if she's out on her perch, the lamp is on. Sometimes I catch her just gazing up at it!! Hope Chimay enjoys his new lamp! x
  24. Hay folks, Just a wee update on bathtime! I've been showering her once a week, and she is tolerating it well, bless her. Just had another shower session this morning, and two new things happened. While she was under the shower, she started shaking her tail feathers and her wings a little - she almost looked like she might start to enjoy it!! She also started to try and catch the water as it came out of the shower head! The best thing is, she let me switch the water from a spray to a jet with no objections at all - she just sat there. She was a lot wetter today than she's ever been! I have noticed though, that she much prefers the water to come from the side or underneath, rather than from above her - I think I've read that about other greys in another post. So all in all, bathtimes are going ok! xx
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