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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. Thank's for the great reviews! He is quite a Ham. He has my husbands voice.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/08/09 02:07
  2. It's so great that she got out to see some new things. She looks pretty calm.
  3. Thank you for enjoying Tobie. I do love him so much.
  4. That's just soooo funny. I think it's a great interactive toy!! Just don't forget and leave the drain stopped up. Dayo seems to like doing it.
  5. I made a couple of videos yesterday. The dark side one made me laugh and them amazed me at how dramatic this little bird can be. Here it is. Tobie is no seabeanie Boozle, but he is so full of joy that he bursts forth with song of his own kind some times.
  6. Tobie is 2 years and almost two months. I have to count phrases and words because he sais alot of phrases that I doubt he understands the individual word to. 35 phrases and words - like whaaat? and Whats up? are two different meanings and count for two. Interesting enough his first words were whats up, so they must learn differently than children. He had no problem spouting out phrases right away. He uses the phrases in a context. He was almost two when I first heard him take a word from one phrase and stick it in a new phrase correctly. (ie. turn off the damn radio - open the damn door) He likes to use new words in all the different phrases he knows now. (ie. red butt, red bird, bad butt, etc.) I think I'm going to have to crack down on his fowl choice of words, or my husband's choice of words. What I'm noticing now is a better understanding of names. He knew all the dogs names but I don't think he could put the name with the dog. Now he seems to do that. He also, at 2yrs, is starting to have conversations and following a simple thought a bit. ( Tobie: "Jan, Jan, Jan," Me: "What do you want." Tobie: "What". Me: "are you ok?" Tobie: "Yeah!")
  7. HAPPY HATCHDAY to Anna Grey!!!!! :cheer:
  8. as usual I am late getting the news. Sooo HAPPY!! for you and Rita. {Feel-good-000200BB}
  9. Lots of toys and radio or TV. Maybe put a bird feeder in sight of the cage. I know how you feel. I'm just looking forward to retirement in a few years, if this stock market will improve. Tobie will probebly get sick of me being around all the time.
  10. Sounds like the Quaker is doing ok clipped. I just think the heavy bodys and sensitive nature of our greys makes them do better if at some point they are allowed to fly. Tobie has finally grown one wing out almost fully, but the other one is in such bad shape that he can't fly at all yet. Keeping my fingers crossed that he will grow out the other wing. I don't think he is chewing the feathers off now. They are just breaking from too little support.
  11. Beautiful and he speaks so clearly. He's so happy and has such a great life.
  12. Tobie I guess is going to have to hurt me before I will take our shoulder time away. Some of our most endearing moments happen when he is on my shoulder. Some times to get my attention he will press his beak against my cheek and make a kissy sound - soft and sweet. Other times he puts his beak against my ear and gives me a big raspberry. Then we get in a raspberry fight, seeing who can make the loudest most obnoxious raspberry. Just tooo sweet.
  13. Wonderful story - I've been following it and I'm glad the reunion went so well.
  14. I just put together face book profile page. It has both Tobie and some picks of my husband and myself. Wanna be a friend. Jan<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/07/22 06:49
  15. Caroline, I'm so sorry you've had to go through this. I'm sure there is a happy ending in the works no matter what you decide. Things happen for a reason. Sounds like you have decided to keep Jasper. I'm sure there are ways to work this out.
  16. Great pictures and Love your greys mansion. Bet it'll be fun to fill up with toys and perches.
  17. So sorry to hear about this. I'm surprised she could fly that well outside. Keep your hopes up. If she was clipped how far could she go??
  18. Oops! I didn't go to the last post. Congrats on finding your bird.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/07/21 09:12
  19. Tobie sounds like my husband. I'm his favorite. Frustratingly, he also picks up words and phrases much more frequently from Frank. Frank thinks it's cool when he sais things like "turn the damn radio off" and "Tobie's got a red butt". Congratulations!!!! It is sooo exciting to hear them talking.
  20. Dan I gave you Karma for that one! Cloacal kiss -- What a nice name for it.
  21. Abdula - your grey sounds adoreable. HeatherStrella - I tried to listen to the audio files and I really miss not being able to see Annabella. Do you have videos??
  22. Tigerlily is a dear. Same age as Tobie. Tobies hatchday is june 15. What is Tigerlilys hatch day?
  23. Tobie hasn't picked up sounds from TV, but had an interesting reaction to something I was watching. I have the planet earth series and I was watching the CD about the polar ice caps. Tobie had come over to sit on my shoulder just as they were showing this poor starving polar bear in desperation attacking walrus who were huddled around their young to protect them. The bear was growling and attacking one after another uselessly and Tobie started growling on my shoulder. He learned the growl from the dogs, but was using it here. Then the CD went to the birds nesting on the polar tundra and because they were in the open they had to chase away arctic fox etc. One bird began to dive bomb a grazer (deer like) and the camera did a great job of close up of the deer running (huffing and puffing) from the bird who was still after it. Tobie starts in with "Go on, now. Go away. Go!! Get down now. Go on!!". All the things we say to our dogs when they bother us and we want them to leave us alone.
  24. Thanks abula. They are such fun. Dan, I hadn't thought of it as being thrifty, to catch crumbs. Thats as good an explanation as any. He still does this behavior but not as often as when he was younger.
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