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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. Looking forward to hearing all the ways this grey is going to delight you. I have so many stories about mine that people expect me to go to work with -- I've got another 'Tobie story' to tell you guys. They aren't groaning and rolling their eyes yet. Jan
  2. Thanks for your responses. It has been soooo helpful. I think I'll opt for the computer room. I hadn't even thought about the dust and I can close the door with the window open a bit. This is the easier solution too.
  3. Your house looks like mine. Aquarium ---- Bird:P
  4. I'm unsure what would be best in this situation. My husband and I are going scuba diving for a week. Usually we just leave Tobie in the cage and my sister and neice come over to feed him. As luck would have it the bathroom remodlers are all landing in three days before we leave and literally ripping out sheet rock and flooring etc. then rebuilding the bathroom. This will happen on the same floor and 30 feet from Tobies cage. My choices are to put Tobie in the computer room downstairs where he spends some time with me watching bird videos and is comforable. He'll still hear some muffled construction sounds. Or take him to my sisters house. He knows her and my neice but not their yappy dogs and house. What do you think. <br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2008/08/18 02:56
  5. Sorry, I couldn't find where I posted it, so I posted it again. Thanks for your "two responses". Liked your article. Is there someway to quickly check on responses to my posts? I'm not sure how to add tags.
  6. http://www.synnovation.com/zinctesting.html I found this article on zinc toxicity. What do you think. Has anyone tested the metal parts on their bird toys and found zinc even though it was a toy for birds. :ohmy: Tobie likes to snuggle on the couch!
  7. Thank's I finally got it. They have to be 500 pixels or less. Janfromboone
  8. Can I post my you tube link with my profile somehow?
  9. I made a post like you said but my pixels were too much so lets try again.
  10. I ran across this article that really got my attention and had me running for my aquarium magnetized glass cleaner. Apparently even when you buy parrot toys made specifically for parrots the metal part may be zinc coated. If they are magnetic they are probebly either zinc or nickle coated. The only way to tell which is to dip them in acid. I didn't go that far but I did run to the hardware store and buy a bunch of stainless steel quick links and washers and whatever else I could replace. I still have shiny magnetic chains on the toys. Should I be as concerned as I am? Here's the article. http://www.synnovation.com/zinctesting.html
  11. Love the name for the bird that loves kisses. what a sweety.
  12. Great camera. Those little jumping spiders really can move quick.
  13. I've tried under submit movies but they don't play back with the player when I hit the arrow. Could I put in a link to You Tube instead can I just upload. Also I have a problem getting my still shots to upload.
  14. Hi, I'm Jan and a new member. Tobie is 8 months old and I think he's the most amazing pet I've ever owned. He doesn't seem nervous about a thing and delites me with little words and phrases that seem to come out of the blue and are always appropriate. Like the first time he tasted ice cream. He looked up at me and said "thats goooood". I'm worried about all the reports I hear about these birds feather plucking though and want to learn all I can to avoid this if possible. He was 3.5 mo. when I brought him home and I just read francine's article about the cause may be related to the birds being forced to leave the nest too soon. Right now he's perfect though. Jan I've never participated in a forum before, so bear with me while I try to figure this thing out.
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