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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. That's wonderful!!! I want one for Tobie. Tobie wants one for Tobie. Great job and your grey is obviously having a ball.
  2. I love these ideas. I never thought I'd be buying hair rollers for my parrot.
  3. I Just had to share this with you. Last night I was watching TV and it was really after Tobie's bedtime. He was sitting in the window with me. He started to repeat over and over "Turn the radio off" I assumed he was tired of the noise of the television, but I wanted to finish the TV program and said "hush now, I'm watching TV". Tobie got quiet for 5minutes or so then started to say "Bedtime" over and over. Thats the first time I've heard his say "Bedtime". Not the last though. This is what happened when I came home from work today.
  4. Congratulations on Anagrey's words. I know you have been very patiently waiting for this. And now it begins.
  5. Thanks for your comments. Tobie spends alot of time turning his head skyward as well and I keep looking around. They are instinctive about preditory birds aren't they. I think it is so important for them to be familiar with how things look and sound and feel outside. I think it might be worth the risk. I'm hoping that if Tobie ever finally grows his wing feathers in and becomes flighted that he won't be too disoriented if he should get outside some way. He will at least know what the outside of his home and his yard looks like.
  6. Love these comments and what these parrots are doing for us and changing our lives in such a positive way.
  7. I'm sorry I'm so stupid, but what's a PM and do we copy and past the picture or how do we identify it for talon.
  8. I can sympathize with you and your baby. It's awful to see your bird treated in that way even when you know that it is necessary.
  9. I have just one concern about taking Tobie out in the yard or on walks with me. Hawks!! I heard a story(not from bird people but from a co-worker)about a hawk actually swooping down and snatching a pet bird (don't know what kind of pet bird) right off the shoulder of the owner. The hawk must have been very hungry or completely brazen. But I do wonder how much I need to be afraid of these preditors with Tobie. I even recently was in the garden planting shrubs and Tobie hung out with me. Walking on the ground and climbing piles of dirt. He was always withing reach of me, but I do worry. Anyone have a scary experience with a hawk or have you lost a bird to a hawk.
  10. Karma to joolesgreyuk for the sensitive post about how greys change our lives. Loved Dans comment about how he now appreciates the dobermans intellect more. I've had the same thought about my dogs. The bird can talk and express himself vebally and it has made me realise the extent of an animals intelligence. I think the most obvious change in my life since having Tobie is the frequency of laughter in the house now. Tobie seems to have a genuine sense of humor and some of his sounds and antics and (yes) choice of words send Frank and I into spasms of laughter. Tobie is always happy to join in the laughter.
  11. Partner316 "Not really a conversation here, but it is the first time I have actually heard him use words in full meaning." I really do believe that they understand the situations that words are appropriate if not the full meaning of each word. They are uncanny at combining words to make new sentences with new meanings too. I'm blown away by these stories.
  12. Congratulations!!! He's talking. That's Tobies favorite too. The rest will come. Just keep talking to him.
  13. Scary how very smart they are sometimes! Misty is such a smart little bird. :laugh:
  14. Now Tyco is teaching your daughter lessons of life. I love that.
  15. great pictures. Koko would love to get a beak on that shrimp
  16. I loved your pictures!!! I've never seen Tobie curl up lie down or anything like what Emma is doing in the first picture. Sooo adoreable.
  17. Beautiful picture of your bird. His personality shows.
  18. Tobie goes with me in the car all the time and I've never experienced that. I'm surprised that the birds would even bother to notice that there is a bird in the car. Maybe you should mount a stuffed cat on the T-top. I don't really know what a T-top is.
  19. Is Boesman in trouble there? What a cutie!! I'd be addicted too.
  20. Is Boesman in trouble there? What a cutie!! I'd be addicted too.
  21. I do believe as you said that some things happen for a reason.
  22. Great talent and sensitivity. Also I see you are an aquarium keeper - Me too.
  23. Are you another scuba diver. I see the feather duster. Maybe you have an aquarium??
  24. I was happier and less stressed when I got a house sitter. The house sitter happened to be the girl from the pet store that actually did the hand raising of Tobie. Even if it hadn't been someone that familiar with birds, at least he didn't have to get used to a new environment. The house sitter stayed at the house and went to work in the morning just like I do. She was able to let Tobie out of the cage every night for a while.
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