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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. I love Tyco's storie. What an amazing rescue. I hate to think that there are probebly still parrots out there unloved and uncared for. My story is like Baxter's mom's story. I had a bad year. My father was in and out of hospitals and then finally in a nursing home he died at age 99 and 11mos. Another month and he would have been 100, so he had a good life. While this was happening my little mixed terrier Oliver was diagnosed with Cushings disease and developed macular degeneration and went completely blind and also began having small seizures. He lived another year, but he had a really rough year. Two weeks after my father died, my mother fell down my sisters basement steps, and after that hospital stay, became very sick and returned to the hospital. I thought she was dying, but she recovered. While she was in the hospital I needed to feel better about life in general so, on the way home from the hospital, I stopped at the pet store and there was Tobie. I know now how well some owners research this life altering decision, but I just bought and read a little book they had in the store about African Greys and came in two days later with money in hand.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/03/28 19:37
  2. Sound as if you are well on your way to an amazing relationship. They truly are such amazing animals.
  3. Thank's for watching. I thought he was cute when he gives a raspberry and then sais "ahh! that's not bad" and then bobs his head. I've never heard him say that before, but he said it again the next day. Must have heard it somewhere. Jan
  4. I guess everyone here heard the story about the grey in Japan that was capture from a roof top and taken to the local vet. Once it calmed down and got used to the people at the vets office it gave it's owners name and street address and town. They looked it up in the phone book and reunited the parrot with it's owners.
  5. I loved that video. I'm still laughing. What a silly little girl she is. I think she was keeping time with the music. Perhaps some ballet lessons.
  6. Looks beautiful. Don't expect him to be friendly with you though. You'll have to see how he is with her and with you right there staring at him he may be even reserved with her. My grey just isn't the silly little personality filled guy he usually is when other people are around.
  7. Here is another video of her grey babys a little older. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irrH_RO9uRU&feature=channel
  8. I don't know much about these birds, but if you go on you tube and you look up jrmno1 you will find that this lady is raising three baby greys and I don't think she has sold them all. You can contact her by leaving a private message on her you tube site. I love her videos. I think this is a rescue center. I know she seems very proficient at raising babys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbVZqd-JhbY
  9. Thank you for watching him. I do get such a kick out of him. It's a shame that my family and friends really don't get to see him showing off. He just gets quiet and watches the people when I have people come to the house. If it's just the two of us or my husband and Tobie and me, he is such an cutie petutie.
  10. She is beautiful. I am so jealous of her beautiful wings, and at such a young age. Tobie was a clipped baby and still has issues with his flight feathers.
  11. Here is a new video I filmed and put together today. His speech is growing. Not too long ago I wondered if he would ever learn to talk.
  12. Love seeing the videos of other birds.
  13. Loved the video. I think it was partly lip sink though.
  14. Thanks Dan, Best videos I've seen so far of the wild greys.
  15. Loved your video. Keep filming.
  16. Tobie was doing the same thing (I think it was the same, by your description). He would clip off the flight feathers when they would get long. The good news is that it seems to have stopped now. He has managed to grow out enough feather that he has enough flight that he doesn't drop like a stone anymore. I know what you are going through. Hope it stops soon. Sounds like you are doing what you can.
  17. Beautiful bird and I love seeing Koko fly too.
  18. Last night Dayo was sitting on the top front door of his cage. He took a dump and as he was watching it fall said "Whoops......WATCHOUT!". That's soo funny Dan.
  19. Loved the video of the bird playing ball. I've got one of Tobie playing ball. Like Char,he doesn't get into it as much as I do. The best times we have together are when he sits on my shoulder and we just talk back and forth. Like Sallas does, I will say "can you sing a pretty tune" and Tobie will do his version of Andy Griffith's theme. Then I'll say "can you sing like this, Ba-baaaa--baa-ba-de-da(or whatever)" and he does his version. then "Telephone" and he rings like a phone and sais Hello. We can play like that for an hour. Last night we were playing like that and he sang "baaa-ba--baba--baaaaaa" especially well so I was complimenting him - "what a good singer tobie is". He replied, "thank-you". There is lots of laughter now in my house that wasn't there before Tobie.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/02/25 04:48
  20. Cute video. She really didn't want to go to bed. It took so long to get her in the cage you might as well have had your usual cuddle session.
  21. Tobie is quiet unless he is talking usually when I get home from work or in the morning. He likes to make sound effects too, but they aren't obnoxiously noisy. He lets me sleep in on my days off for which I am eternally grateful.
  22. I can't imagine the man marrying someone who wouldn't embrace his birds or at least tolerated them. What a premadonna! And what a healthy and beautiful grey someone will have. I wonder when the guy gets his "new divorce" if he will want his bird back.
  23. Oops! Thought for a minute I was on the psycic hot line. Im guessing girl too. Something feminine about her eyes.
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