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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. wonderful stories. Aren't we all so lucky to have these birds as part of our lives.
  2. That's wonderful. I'm still trying to get Tobie to say see you later alligator. I've said that every day of his life when I leave the house. Still no luck
  3. Tobie is CAG. He's the only bird I have. I can't figure out how people with many birds can divide their time between them. Tobie keeps me so entertained, he's all I need. On the other hand, he might like a feathered friend.
  4. That is sooo funny. They do seem to have a sense of humor, don't they.
  5. What a beautiful bird. If this is your first CAG your in for an adventure.
  6. I've had Tobie for a year and a half now. What an adventure is has been. They surprise and delight you everyday.
  7. Happy birthday Chloe from Jan and Tobie!
  8. I'm so glad Dayo has the support system he needs to help him through this bad experience. Bet he recovers his confidence and gives it back to those dobies.
  9. Wow!! What a beautiful flock. They all seem to be happy free in the same room. How did you accomplish that. From reading the forum I thought that often getting a grey to get along with other species or even another grey could be a problem.
  10. Great video. Missed the post the first time I read the post about Keena.
  11. I agree with all these posts. This person needs to be put out of business though. Have you got a lawyer? I'd do it legally and not get emotionally involved if you can help it. Talk to the Humane society and see if they would confiscate the animals due to poor living conditions. Don't confront them yourself - it puts you at risk and weakens your case. Any phone call you make should be level headed and a stating of the facts.
  12. What a little smarty pants Keena is. And she even knew you wouldn't be pleased.
  13. That's so funny. Very clever. Tobie did the same thing and it blew me away. I still don't know if I dreamed it but at the time it was very clear. The dog was out back barking. Tobie knows Pogo, out back! because we say that to get the dogs to go to the back door. He also knows " give me a kiss", "lets go" etc. This day, when the dog was barking, he said "Go out back and give the dog a kiss". I guess I should send that to ripleys beleive it or not, but that's what he said.
  14. Tobie was 15-16 mos when he started to molt. He stopped for a while and then started again a month or two later and is still molting but not as heavy.
  15. That breeder makes me sick. He should suffer like he made that little bird and you suffer.
  16. Loved your video. What a lot of personality your bird has. And Slater dances so well. I love to see the birds dance!
  17. Cute picture! He loves you! Nothing sweeter than your birdie loveing you.
  18. Thank's for your kind comments. Thank's for not fussing at me for my stupidity for not doing this sooner. The netting came from Lowe's home improvement. It was in the garden section and was a 14'x14' roll for 5 dollars. Can't beat that can you. It's used to keep bird out of fruit trees and off patios etc.
  19. I did a search and found no hits for bird netting and wondered if someone else could use this solution to a dangerous place in their house. Tobie just dodged the bullet. He had a nasty fall and hurt his beak. It shattered his self confidence for a couple of days and was unable to chew his pelleted food and use his beak to climb aroung his cage. It has gotten better and now he is back to normal, but he came close to a life threatening injury and I would have never recovered from it - knowing there was a simple solution. I guess anyone who follows this forum knows that Tobie is a year and a half and clipped since babyhood. Now he is growing out flight feathers and systematically chewing them off when they get long. He could control his flight even clipped, but now he can't. If you have a clipped bird and a problem area like mine with limited space to put a play stand, cage etc. Maybe bird netting will cover an are that you don't want the bird to go. I put it up today and thought it would be very obnoxious looking, but didn't care. Actually you can hardly see it. Even standing in the room it doesn't detract from the over all look of the room. Here is the room with the bird netting. Here is the problem: Here is a close up: Here's how it looks(both of the openings even behind the bombay chest are covered: not too bad is it? Our parrots are worth it!! I've never done it this way from photobucket so let's see if it works
  20. Love these stories, that's so funny. Do you want shower/candy. How sweet.
  21. Thank's for enjoying the video. He's so funny sometimes. I told my husband this story and he looked at me like "Did he really, yea sure" but its true. Tobie put togeather a bunch of his common words to make a sentance out of context with the way he usually uses the words. I'm sure I heard it - it was clear as day. The new puppy was out side behind the house (out back) and barking to come in. I was busy and was just going to let him bark. Tobie finally pipes up with - "Go out back and give the dog a kiss". Sounds impossible even to me. But that's what he said.
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