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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. Guess he showed that ball a thing or two. I could just hear him. "Come on, come on, is that all you got - just come a little closer."
  2. Happy birthday Alfie!! What a sweetie you are. Hope you got some new toys and your Dad didn't forget your birthday like some people I know.
  3. I'm noticing Emma's dark tail feathers. She must be very young. How old is she? She has such clear speech and such a sweet tone of voice.
  4. Isn't Lowes great! Whenever I walk through Lowes now, I see "toy parts".
  5. Thanks everyone! Yes I am thinking about what the terrible twos might be like. Hope Tobie skips those.
  6. I'm in love with Emma. I love the "I love you Soooo much" and "My mommy loves me soooo much" What a cutie
  7. I read your earlier post about the biting. It sounds like you have done such a good job with your bird.
  8. It would take Tobie a little while too. It does look like fun. They could hang upside down and catch the lower loops. I wonder how big the actual atoms are.
  9. Adhaincroi - Thanks for the links to info on toys and Harrison's food and products. The Harrison's link was so informative and I could compare the pretty bird brand that I now use with Harrisons. I also loved the foraging toys - with video's of birds actually working the puzzles. What great links. Thanks so much.
  10. I was so busy yesterday I didn't even think about what day it was.:blink: June 15th is Tobies birthday. He is two years old. I wasn't even home to let him out of the cage until late, but I'll make up for it tommorrow when I can be home.
  11. She seems to like it very much. What did y ou make it out of? I saw it on another post and wondered about it, glad you posted these videos.
  12. Thanks Char for the heads up. I love your video and photos. What a smart girl Whisper is.
  13. I just had to add a converstion I had with Tobie last night. He was sitting on my shoulder and started doing this very soft resonating but quiet mewing sound. I started playing with him. Me: "Tobie! Did you hear that? It sounds like a little bird far away in the woods". Tobie: "Mewwwww" Me: "There it is again!! Did you hear that??" Tobie: "Yeahhh" (matching my amazed tone of voice)then "Mewwww-ha-ha" Me: "There it is again! What do you think it could be?" Tobie: (very softly presses his beak against my ear) "pththththth" (gives me a very soft raspberry) I thought it was hysterical - but maybe you had to be there.
  14. So glad Alfie is talking now. I remember when I thought Tobie would never say anything except Whats-up.
  15. Sorry to hear about all the trouble you and alfie have had pearllyn. Hope she continues to do better.
  16. Sounds like Jake is quite a charmer if the lady didn't want to give him up. How lucky that Jake allowed them to bring him into their home. I'm so happy for this wonderful ending.
  17. What a cute little thing. Look at his adoreable little red tail. Looks like a bunch of paint brushes dipped in red paint.
  18. I talk to Tobie just as if he understands every word.
  19. I can understand the mix-up. Funny story!
  20. Gret to hear from you again and that you have fallen in love with your grey. How could you not fall in love with these amazing animals. Jan
  21. Hope you are feeling better. Occasionally I feel myself yearning for another bird or at least to give Tobie the experience of a relationship with a feathered housemate. Thank you for putting those thoughts to rest -- at least for now.
  22. RBpittman - Love your playstand you will have fun decorating and redecorating it with new toy ideas. It looks like mine a bit. I don't know if yours is as tall, but I found that the PVC legs wobbled too much and I replaced them with iron pipe legs that don't wobble and the pipe can be cut at Lowes just like PVC. Love the idea of the cotton rope instead of sisle. Tobie is used to the sisle but does slip off of it sometimes. I think I'll put cotton on mine. Tyco's mom had a great idea of making her own atom. Wonder what she used for that?? Jan Here is mine, but it looks different now - all new swings and toys.
  23. So sensitive and hard to think about. I know a little CAG that didn't get sold out of the pet store Tobie came from. So sorry for him still living in that little cage with only the store people to love him. I guess I feel guilty knowing how much Tobie has compared to this little guy and yet I don't want to share my time with another bird - one is enough for me.
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