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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. Dayo definately has got rhythm. He was dancing and singing. I like the little foot movement too.
  2. Sometimes I think Tobie must be a reincarnated soul. He seems too wise for his years. Some of the things he sais are uncanny. And I'm a greyforum member. I think he's lucky to have me and vice-versa.
  3. Thanks so much for the pictures. I've always wanted to know the names of these guys when I see them.
  4. So glad to see this beautiful parrot. We visited Dominica on a scuba diving trip. I wanted so much to see the parrots which live only on the island of Dominica. We couldn't get a group togeather though so we didn't get to go.
  5. beautiful!! Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures.
  6. Thanks for that link Jane. I missed it before. Very informative. I have read in other books etc. that tail swishing is a sign of pleasure. Anyone else hear of this.
  7. I have a radio on a timer. It only comes on for a couple of hours.
  8. What are some of the solutions that people with flighted birds come up with to prevent their birds from flying out the doors. I owned flighted cockatiels for 30 years and don't remember worrying about it much. They just didn't go for the doors. Now that Tobie might actually fly I'm lying in bed trying to think of things I could do to make the exit doors bird safe. I read that someone suggested beaded curtains. Does this work? What other ideas might you have.
  9. This is so upsetting to even read. What if it is and what if it isn't. I would ask the guy if you could visit his bird to reassure yourself that this is not your bird. Just be upfront and tell him you are grasping at straws (or something) and just need to see his bird to put your concerns to rest. If he refuses, then you might think about calling the police. At least you know he's warm and being fed for now-if it is you bird.
  10. That is so exciting. Now the fun begins!!
  11. Tobie was clipped when I bought him. They allowed him one flight (probebly one day of flight) and then clipped him. It has (I think) been the cause of his feather chewing behavior as his feathers would molt. He didn't chew feathers until he began to molt and the new feathers coming in one by one would grow beyond the length of the clipped feathers and either break off or get chewed off. I am trying to get his wings fully grown out so he can stop falling and injuring himself. If I knew what a profound effect the clipping of his wings would have had, I might have tried to find a unclipped baby. That's stupid though because then I wouldn't have Tobie.
  12. Nice to hear from you Baxtersmom. Congratulations on your degree and new career.
  13. Love the stories. I guess what I didn't expect was the level of speech the birds can achieve. I hadn't heard a grey talk - even on the computer - until after I brought Tobie home and I was thinking that these birds on "you tube" must be special. Tobie makes so much sense sometimes that it is spooky. Today Tobie was trying out his new word "Goodmorning". He said "goodmorning" and I answered "goodmorning" and he said "I already said that". No kidding, thats what he said.
  14. It's a little premature to be posting this, but I was so excited when I peeked under Tobie's wing today. He has seven new pin feathers now coming in where the vet pulled the old broken and splintered ones. He has never had this many blood feathers to come in at once. I have hopes that they will lend support to each other so they will not be so prone to break. They are side by side like seven little paint brushes. Everyone say a prayer for Tobie that he doesn't fall on and break or chew the feathers. This could be the beginning of a full beautiful wing.
  15. It is hard for me to teach Tobie anything new. He copies my husband and even talks in his voice. My favorite things that Tobie sais are "I love you". And he sais my name like he is calling me. "Jan, Hey Jan!" and when I say "what do you want, Tobie" he sais "I love you" or "Hello" or "you alright?" or "Good morning" etc. I never know how he might respond. We have games with words we play and that is one of them. Another game we play is "what time is it?" Either Tobie or I will say that, and He or I will answer "Super time", "Bed time", "Dog food time"(time to feed the dogs), "Morning time", but he doesn't necessarily answer appropriately. Then I'll correct him with the right phrase and he might repeat after me or not. We are still adding different "times" to his vocabulary.
  16. Tobie's first words were a phrase. "what's-up". I think only because Frank would go by his cage every day and say that to him. It was probebly the phrase he heard most often. He seemed to have trouble with "S" words. For instance, he would say "S-S-S-S" and I didn't know what he was trying to say until one day he blurted out "S-S-S-Super time" He still sais it this way sometimes.
  17. Thanks for posting this. It may keep another bird from having the same experience - but not as good of an outcome.
  18. Emma is such a dear. I feel like I know her through the videos that you've posted.
  19. I still find it perplexing why the birds wouldn't naturally return to their flock ( the owner ) when allowed to fly free. Why wouldn't Tigerlillies bird return to her. That place sounded like a great place to let them fly. - Or the secure lock-up 1000' like pearlyn had.
  20. Tobie recently had anesthesia. They just toweled him and put a mask over his beak to administer a gas. It wasn't as stressful as other proceedures he has had. I don't think taping him to a table would even work.
  21. So sorry!! Keep looking - don't give up. You may not hear or see him but he could be nearby.
  22. I heard one owner refer to them as tumbleweeds. It may be a long time before you see a real feather on the floor, but you'll fill a pillowcase with those tumbleweeds in a year.
  23. Well reading this I'd have to say Tobie is every bit the boy child that his DNA tested him to be. He flings his food - but only if he has an audience. Usually he makes sound effects of a (whistle splat) crash as he flings each piece of food to the floor. Or some times he just keeps saying "quit that" as he tosses each piece out of the cage. He has no compunction about where he poops and his favorite sound effect sounds like a fart. He has a raspy male voice. He likes to announce to the word that "Tobie has a red butt". He likes his head rubbed once in a while but prefers a rousing game of gotcha.
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