Adina- I never knew your name, just Emma's Mom. I was somehow comforted by reading you're second comment, because so much of it is verbatem what I have thought to myself. I too am finding Tobie's presence to be more that of a little person in a birds body. I might come in from work tired and start supper and the next thing you know Tobie's chatter becomes so infectious before you know it I too am answering him, singing his songs back to him an stopping what I'm doing because he sais "come here, come here, gimme a kiss". Like you I never expected what I got. Unlike you, I didn't research African Grey Parrots and it was only after I came home with Tobie that I ran across my first video of an African Grey talking (Oliver - Lang's site for Oliver the African Grey). I thought if I repeated "Hello" enough he might say "Hello". My only parrot experience was with Cockatiel's. Quite a difference. I too have wondered what Tobie would be doing or saying if I didn't leave him most days to go to work. I talk to him as if he understands everything he sais, and I think that helps him understand the context of the words he sais. Yes, I think if he wants to say something, and isn't just chattering and practicing his phrases, I think he sais it right out. Sometimes he uses a whole new phrase that I haven't heard before and sometimes he combines phrases and words in a way I haven't heard him do before and in a way that I don't remember saying myself before. Sometimes it's almost spooky and I think I must have heard wrong because how could he have put that phrase togeather and it just made too much sense.