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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. Oh how I understand!! I have never loved a pet like this. I just silly over Tobie and there isn't anything I wouldn't do to keep him happy.
  2. Congratulations. I thing it is wonderful that you have had the patience to wait this out and it has payed off.
  3. I almost had a heart attack watching that video - and it wasn't even my bird. Congratulations on being able to train that to your bird. I'd never have the courage.
  4. I chose Tobie, but he didn't seem overly fond of me at first. I was picking between an amazon baby and an african grey and picked him for the general characteristics of an african grey. He was quite charming in personality as well. I didn't feel any fondness for the amazon but I did toward Tobie.
  5. So happy for both of you. Pepper was smart to take a chance on trusting this stranger.
  6. I love Dan's suggestion - call it what it is Dan - Bribery. I bribe Tobie into the cage with a peanut. He never gets peanuts except when he needs to go to the cage for bedtime or if I have to leave in the middle of the day or to work. It is his special treat for those times. Of course we have our rituals too. I say Mommy has to go to work and Tobie sais "Work work work work work"
  7. This is so heartbreaking. I am sending positive vibes Peppers way hoping she can figure out how to return at least to the general area of home and wait for her rescue.
  8. I have read that Amazons can be very agressive. I've never owned one so I really don't know. I adore my CAG and can't imagine life without him. My friends that have known me a long time say that I now have laughter in my voice that didn't used to be there. I love that Tobie doesn't scream me awake in the morning, but as I walk out of the bedroom door he sais "Goodmorning, give me a kiss". When I come home from work he greets me with "Hellllooooooo, I love you". I owned cockateils for 30 years and had one exceptional cockateil in terms of a pet. She lived the majority of her life free on a playstand and not caged and came to the dinner table when we had dinner and sat on my lap looking over the edge of the table for goodies. I have many funny stories about her and she lived 18 years before she passed away. She delighted me by raising several clutches of babys for about four years of her life giving me experiences I'll never forget. Like Dave sais you really can't compair species. She was very instinct driven compaired to Tobie. People used to ask me if she was smart (they heard that parrots are smart) I'd have to say no, not really. Is Tobie smart? Absolutely!!!
  9. Careful with the use of toothbrushes. I just read this posted in the health forum. I don't know why toothbrushes are listed under lead. Maybe because of the metal that jungledreams mentioned that holds the bristles in. http://www.avianweb.com/heavymetalpoisoningbirds.html then again they also name plastic and vinyl - So I guess everything could be risky. What do you do?<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2010/02/17 18:11
  10. I would think it would take some skill to hand feed a baby, but then I've never done that. Tobie was hand fed by the breeder and we are very close and well bonded. I doubt it really makes a difference.
  11. And why wouldn't he be a part of the family Christmas card. I see you sister included her kids. Love the pictures of Bismark. Your cage and play area are awesome.
  12. It looks so natural and inviting. No wonder Harvey didn't blink.
  13. CoCoa's such a lucky bird!! Those look like fancy bird perches. They must have been expecting Cocoa at the park.
  14. I loved the picture of Blue and his dad. Truly a special relationship!! I guess if I live to be 100yo Tobie and I can be togeather 40 years. Hope they allow African Grey Parrots in the nursing home.
  15. Ha Ha Ha!!! Tigerlilly is so proud of herself. I love the little vocalizations while she is spinning around. I'll have to set up something like that for Tobie.
  16. I was hoping to give an update with a video, but Tobies flights are not predictable and if I try to initiate a flight it seems to scare him. So he just does it when and where he chooses. I've done quite a bit of safe guarding around the house. Frank and I are getting better at putting the toilet seats down. Tobie has flown into the downstairs bathroom twice for some reason. The first time he landed in the bathtub where he takes his shower and the second time on the back of the commode. That is about a twenty-five foot flight and involves a left hand turn down a hallway and a right hand turn in the small bathroom. He is also avoiding flying into windows. He flys toward them and turns away before reaching the window. He still doesn't seem to have a clear plan on where he is going to land though. Overall he is doing much better. The best thing to report is that he do longer hits the coffey table or the floor with a sickening smack. His worst landing hasn't been as bad as that was. Dr. Stewart - thank you, thank you, thank you with all my heart.
  17. So Happy for Dixie. Tobie is doing well with his new flight ability too.
  18. Oh I love Mojo. He is so friendly and brave to have only been at your house three days.
  19. I found these great window decals to put on the windows to keep Tobie from flying into the windows-or I hope they will cue him that the glass is there. They look very pretty once up and are something I can live with that do the job. The link is http://www.etchedclingdecals.com/ Here is a picture Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2010/02/07 19:26<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2010/02/07 19:31
  20. Tobie won't lay on his back either. Emma seems to prefer being upside down on her back or dangling with her head down over being on her feet.
  21. Congratulations on Dixies flight. Wow, and she landed on your arm. So far Tobie hasn't flown actually to me. That's wonderful.
  22. Tobie was clipped when I bought him and I believe that clipping him so young was the cause of alot of feather chewing problems he has had. Also he has had injuries from falls. He is just now beginning to fly. He has already learned to wear an aviator harness because even though he was clipped I would take him for long walks and thought he might startle and fly enough to get into trouble. Go very slow getting them used to the harness and it should be fine. Putting it on can be difficult at first, but don't give up. If they seem fearful of it then slow down even more. I am looking forward to watching his flying skills grow. Already I'm pleased that the falls are a thing of the past.
  23. Good luck and all my prayers will include Rishi.
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