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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. They seem so happy togeather that I would have thought they were both yours. In fact I was wondering if they might become a mated pair and how you would deal with that. Sweet video.
  2. Oh what a sweet little bird. Alfie knew you were loving her at the moment and wanted to return the love.
  3. I love Tobie's company! Here he is keeping me company while I fix supper.
  4. Wonderful idea for a post Dan. Thank you would be a good one to teach - Ha! Tobie seems to understand "When" to say something more than "What" he is saying. He can be uncanny in his use of words or combination of words, or just not get it at all. He clumps his greetings and salutations and when I leave in the morning and say "Bye Bye" he sais "Hello". He is either trying to tell me something or thinks the words are interchangeable. We play a game called "what time is it" Tobie will ask the question or I will ask the question "what time is it" and the answer might be "bedtime", "suppertime", "dogfood time", "Morning time" etc. He has a new you tube video in which he nails this one. He isn't always right though.
  5. Thanks for your support and comments. It has been slow but I can definitely tell a difference. I love that he can now do what he should have been doining all along. Jan
  6. I've noticed Tobie has been gaining confidence and his landings are improving. He flys to the bird netting often - It works like a trampoline and he can't get hurt. He also more frequently will fly to his playstand or from one side of the couch to the other. His confidence in other types of play is growing too. He used to never play upside down like I've seen Emma do on her videos. I think he was afraid of falling. Now he seems to delight in doing flips upside down on his swing. Here is a video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07OZRLvYiKM
  7. Biting and Dominance is the best artical I've ever read on the subject. It all makes sense and is something we can all do. I'm going to print it and keep it for those times when I start to slip into the behavior of trying to express my dominance over Tobie.
  8. I'm so impressed!!! I've got to start working on Tobie.
  9. Cocoa sure took those helicopters in stride. That's what happens when you can take your bird out and they see lots of things. They become desensitized to new noises and sights and not as spooky.
  10. He's beautiful in spite of the plucking. I didn't know ring necks could be yellow. I'd wonder why they adopted (not bought) him and they couldn't keep him?
  11. yea! Sadie talks. I'm so sorry to hear about you dog.
  12. Don't give up. Be willing to do anything - whatever it takes to get him back. I'm so sorry to hear this. My worst nightmare.
  13. Whiskey is going to be such a great talker. His personality already shines.
  14. I think it was telepathy. We don't know all there is to know about these little guys. Telepathy would definitely be a survival tool in the wild.
  15. Congratulations!! I'm so happy for the bird to finally have a forever home with you.
  16. I've tried - not too successfully - to stop telling stories about my bird to non bird type people. They've started rolling their eyes when I start. Thank goodness for the few friends I have that love animals in general enough to appreciate my stories.
  17. So Sweet! We do love our baby greys.
  18. Thanks for the heads up. The videos are wonderful and I'd like to read the book. It's always amazing to hear a parrot speak in a feminine voice for me since Tobie sounds like my husband.
  19. :laugh: and he will improve his pronunciation of sit. Isn't it wonderful how they know the appropriate times to say what. Ash "shhh" you to make you quiet.
  20. Cocoa is such a lucky bird to have the opportunity to fly like that. I know you try to think of all the safety issues when you fly her. Keep up the good work.
  21. I question whether the bird is truly neglected. The bird has been passed around and may even be an old bird. The trauma of having been passed around may have resulted in feather plucking or chewing. She obviously cares enough to take the bird with her when she visits your partner's father. Maybe she just needs some guidence in feeding and care if even that.
  22. Great video. Love seeing Cocoa with so much freedom.
  23. Joey, now tell the truth!! Have you been talking to Tobie??? He has been becoming bossier lately. Telling me "Bedtime" when I'm not ready to go to bed and telling the dogs to "go outside" when they aren't ready to tinkle. You may think you're the boss at your house, but please keep it to yourself. Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2010/03/28 03:12<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2010/03/28 03:13
  24. Sorry to hear about your grey. Sounds as if you had him a long time. I think the eclectus is the most beautiful of birds. If I chose to bring another bird other than a grey into the house I would choose an Eclectus. Here is a video for you to see - "Riley". You've probebly already seen it though. I know that the green (male I think) Eclectus are the ones that talk. The female don't talk. I think Riley is most unusual in his vocabulary and clarity of speech. Please correct me if I'm wrong on this. Here is the video. edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2010/03/28 00:36
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