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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. Under the "other birds" forum there is a standing post called abreviations. I finally found "fids" listed there. For a long time I wondered what it stood for.
  2. What has my grey ruined? Anything he can reach with his beak of course. The lamp next to his cage had a beaded lampshade. Now it has no beads and has cutouts to let the light through better. I have just learned to keep an eye on him. I've gotten much better about removing my jewelry. Tobie has taught me alot - the hard way.
  3. I agree with all of you. The bird just looks bizarre - like something man came up with - not God or mother nature.
  4. I've seen the picture of this little guy posted, but I haven't seen the video. Here it is again in case I missed it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbvsaemHBHk&NR=1
  5. Beau has a sweet nature. Tobie is a little more rough and tumble. Happiness is a rousing game of "gotcha". Tobie comes running across the top of the couch all fluffed up shoulders rocking because he saw my hand resting there. He stops just short of my hand to swing his head from one wing to the other beak up head down, inviting me to play. So I tap his left leg and then his right then his shoulder while he tries to grab my finger. It's all a game and he instigates it. No blood loss and if he grabs too hard he knows the game is over. Fun for all.
  6. Thanks for everyones support. This forum has really helped to educate me and I think I am a better Parront for it. Thanks all. By the way Karma to rbpittman. Your posts have made me accept keeping Tobie closer to the floor. I was subconsciously resisting that because he loves his high perches. It just wasn't good for him.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/12/09 16:49
  7. In case someone is following Tobie's trials with his damaged wing and the follow ups with the new vet I found, I wanted to post this. He had his second trip to the vet in spruce pine today. He has been on antibiotics for two weeks and also is taking some vitamins and I have been using Aloe Juice. The trouble has been more that they grow back in his right wing unsupported and then sooner or later they get rapped on some thing and the single feather just breaks off or gets knocked out. They have lateral lines that indicate that he is also chewing and maybe weakening them. Anyway thats the way it's been going. I have removed his playstand and any high perch including his big double ring that hangs on the ceiling over his cage. Today the vet decided that the split and broken feathers left in the wing had to go. She plucked them all out under a gas anesthesia. It really wasn't that big of a deal. No IV seditive was used and Tobie didn't get upset. He woke up immediately looked around and said "Whoooooo" and now the irritation from the split feather ends is gone. The vet said that she hopes the new feathers don't come in too soon to give him time with the more comfortable wing for him to loose the habit of chewing and picking on the frayed ends and feathers. Pulling the feathers doesn't speed the regrowth in anyway, but she said the regrowth may be more comfortable. There were six stubs removed from one inch to one and a half inch long and frayed unbelievably. I feel hopeful.
  8. Congtatulations to you and Shanti.
  9. Hey! You've got another think coming if you think I'm going in that carrier.
  10. What fun Koko is having. What a lucky bird to have you who are willing to sit on the porch enjoying his good time.
  11. I hope he never gets away, and I'll do everything I can think of to prevent it. A neighbor who also owns an african grey told me the story of his escape out the door and he spent one night in the woods in a tall tree. This bird was skilled at flight and completely distressed but unable to fly down to his owner like debandebella said in her example. I think they used a ladder. I saw the door the bird flew from - right beside the cage going out on a porch. They said he learned his lesson and they feel sure that the bird would never go out the door again. "He hated being out there".
  12. I feel hopeful too. At least we are trying some things.
  13. I don't really think Tobie would just come up to the door and knock to be let in, but he has seen the roof of our house. I took him to the top of the hill just above our house where you do look down on it (the roof) from about 400' away. I also took him through the woods where all you could see was a bit of the house between the trees and walked to the house. I've tried to let him see the house from all angles - just in case it might help. He still can't fly because of the damage he's done to one wing, but this is how horrible my fear of loosing him is.
  14. I think it's great that they play together. Jake was so interested in what Dayo was doing.
  15. Sorry - It's my worst fear as well. Guess I was just hoping they could figure it all out and come home.
  16. Tobie knows how to say " Turn the radio off " and sometimes "Turn the damn radio off" When I turn the radio on he starts. " Turn the radio off.....". I don't know whether to beleive him or not, so I usually go up and change channels until he starts bobbing his head and keeping rhythm by making a snapping sound. I'll say "Is that better?" and if he vigorously bobs his head, I leave it on.
  17. Someone just brought up the subject of Tui who flew away and was never found. I can almost imagine what Tui though when he was caught by the wind gust and blown away from the building. Looking back it couldn't have looked like anything familiar to him. I've often wondered why our birds that escape, as intelligent and bonded to us as they are, don't return. I can understand their initial fear and confusion at finding themselves outside. Some of them though had been outside with their owners before and surly remember going back in through the door or sitting on the porch in their aviator harnesses. Tobie for instance has lived his whole two years here and in the summer we go outside where he has sat in saplings and played and foraged on the ground while I worked in the flowers. We walk around the house and approach the house from all sides and come in and out of all doors. Wouldn't he after a few minutes of calming down just come home.
  18. Before Tui flew away I used to look forward to each new video post of Tui. I couldn't beleive it when he lost his bird. It was so obvious how important his bird was to him. Doesn't this make you appreciate the great skill and training given to bird skilled at free flight. Andrew was just starting to train Tui when he flew away. He picked a bad place. I can only imagine what the expanse of the high rise appartment would have looked like to Tui after the wind gust blew him away.
  19. Sounds like Dayo is having a few "tidbits" of thanksgiving dinner ahead of time.
  20. Took Tobie to the avian vet today. What a difference it was since the last one who really had nothing to try because "African Grey parrots are just pluckers and thats what you can expect." I don't know if there are solutions to Tobie's problem (breaking off flight feathers in his right wing) but there are things we are trying. This Vet owns two african greys herself and an Amazon and Cockatoo. She ran several tests and put him on an antibiotic for possible folliculitis - she sais the test for this are not very reliable. She also suggested a vitamin suppliment. Hope it all works out and helps Tobie. I'm going back in two weeks.
  21. :woohoo: Yeaaaaa!!!! AnnaGrey!! She looks beautiful flying.
  22. Jillybeans took mine - I have to watch that. You know your obsessed when you find yourself answering your friends with your birds favorite sayings and with his same expression and delivery. This really happens. I hear my birds words when I talk. Am I OK??
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