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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Welcome to the forum Ricquay! You're definitely doing the right thing by researching all you can before you make the leap to get a grey. Most of us on here just couldn't do without our birds- they really become a part of your family. Best of luck in your decision.
  2. Welcome here- we're glad you've decided to join us. Yogi is a beauty!
  3. Welcome Dusty- we are glad you've joined us!
  4. I think if you act really excited whenever he says the words this helps. Or you can reward him with a favorite treat or for instance, if he asks for an apple, give him a bite of apple. Maybe this would help reinforce some of the words he is saying.
  5. Welcome Ian & Jack! We're glad you joined us. You'll find most of us have very spoiled greys- we just love to spoil them, don't we?
  6. Did you take your bird to a certified avian vet? I would do this. Loose stools could be due to her diet if she gets a lot of fruit perhaps, or it could be a bacterial infection or something else. The muscular weakness, I have no idea. Definitely need to consult an Avian vet about her problems. Best of luck to you and i hope you figure out what is wrong with her very soon.
  7. I'm wondering if he gives her any kind of reaction when she bites him? They love drama and if he is gasping or giving some interesting sound when she bites perhaps she is continuing because of this. Just something to think about...
  8. Welcome here. I also have a grey named Isis- she is a TAG though. Her mate's name is Osiris. I hope you got some answers to your health related questions. Let us know if we can help.
  9. Thanks! I really liked yours too, TalonSis!
  10. Terri, I'm glad your dog is getting better, I bet you were so scared for him. I love my TAG Lyric so much too- he definitely has taken the place of a child in my life, him and my dogs. Watching their personalities develop and get deeper as they get older is part of the fun for me. My Lyric can be an onery little imp one minute and the next he's giving me kisses. They really do become a part of your life you couldn't do without!
  11. Glad to hear it, sounds like you and CoCo are having fun together.
  12. It wouldn't let me attach all 3 at once, here goes again.
  13. I got a new camera with a special mode for taking pictures of fireworks, so I just had to try it out. They turned out looking pretty abstract, but I like them...here's 3 of the best!
  14. I'm excited for you and your new arrival. Can't wait to see a picture of Rikki.
  15. I'm so happy to hear that they are okay! IT would have been so tragic to lose both your beautiful babies at once due to something like this. I hope you have your chimney checked out before you try to burn something in it again. Whew!!! I guess close calls like this are a good reminder of what we are blessed with in our lives.
  16. This is great advice Dan, thanks for sharing with everyone your experience with Dayo.
  17. Congratulations to you all. They were great photos...
  18. They do like being where the action is so to speak- they consider themselves part of your flock, to be left alone is to be left vulnerable. It is possible that she may have been picking at her feathers when you weren't around. If she is now getting lots of attention and feels like a bigger part of your family that should help.
  19. Welcome to the forum Steven. We're glad you joined us.
  20. Hi Matt- glad you joined the forum. You'll see you can always get an answer to your questions or just a sympathetic ear if necessary. Greys do go through a period of time while growing up where they can become more independent and also more nippy. He is testing you to see what he can get by with. When he bites you it is very important not to overreact- they like drama. A firm "NO" followed by some time-out is usually the best response and eventually they will learn that biting is not acceptable. Keep us updated with his progess.
  21. Welcome to the forum. It was really a great introduction, I'm glad to hear you are getting a new baby and have lots of experience in this dept already! There's nothing quite like a little grey to steal your heart away, is there?
  22. Welcome to our little grey family Michael.. You have a lot of changes coming soon in your life. I hope everything goes smoothly and you are able to get your tiel back with you and then your new little grey. It sounds like you are going to have an exciting year!
  23. Welcome to the forum Shyfire. We're glad you joined us.
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