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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Hi Patick- welcome here. Glad you were able to give Refund a new home. It sounds like you are doing good with him already.
  2. Looks like he's having a great time! You should try making him a little ladder coming down off the hanger so he can climb around too.
  3. Very cute, hope you are enjoying your new addition! I don't have any ringnecks but I hear that they make great pets. They sure are pretty too.
  4. Well, hopefully it will continue that way for you. One of Lyric's favorite pastimes is looking for ways to excite/annoy my puppy. Watching them is like watching two brothers that like to torment each other. Lyric will fly from his cage to a lamp- the puppy runs to follow him, Lyric knows he is not supposed to be on the lamp. He flies back to his cage, the puppy follows him. And so it goes- until we've all had enough and Lyric gets put back in his cage or the puppy gets taken to another room. I suppose if his wings were clipped he may be a little more well behaved, but I can't bring myself to clip his wings, he loves to fly so much and I think it is good exercise for him.
  5. How old is she? She looks very young- are you still handfeeding? She is really cute!
  6. What a pretty baby! Thanks for sharing with us and I'm glad she is doing okay now.
  7. Those are beautiful photos. You always have such great lighting and contrast in your pictures- I wish I was such a good photographer!B)
  8. What a great photo! Those are some beautiful children and of course a beautiful bird too. Thanks for sharing!
  9. I know some people on this forum have had good experiences with it and others bad. I personally wouldn't want to ship a grey. I think it would be very traumatic for them to go through all that at a young age. You have no control over how people will treat it along the way. Some people respect and love animals and some people don't care at all about them. From what I've heard, they have to be picked up at the airport.
  10. I like that playstand, very cool. I need to get one of those for my bird. Your baby is very pretty. I bet you just can't wait to get it home and start loving on it!
  11. Here in Missouri, US, the Congos are between $900-$1200. The TAG's usually are a little cheaper (but I don't know why- they are just as exciting!!) It's interesting how much the price varies for these birds.
  12. Terri- Lyric will be 2 at the end of August and we've been going through his little ups and downs for a few months now. He is great at throwing little temper tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants. I try to be a patient mom and be understanding with him. He's real bad when he doesn't want to go back in his cage. When he's had a lot of time out of his cage and attention he can be a sweet little angel- singing little songs he makes up and giving me kisses. I don't think they can help themselves- like a teenager they just have to go through this stage. I'm right in the middle of all this with you so just let me know if you need to talk about whats going on. Believe me it will take some patience on all our parts to get through it!!
  13. Dr Pepperberg and the researchers that worked with Alex the African grey did studies on this and they actually proved that the greys understood that it was their reflection in the mirror. You'd have to read the book "The Alex Studies" I think it's called- they talk all about it in there. One thing is for sure- they are smarter than most non-bird people think. If someone calls you a bird-brain it actually could be considered a compliment!
  14. I screwed that all up. Let's try again. What I said above still stands....
  15. Here's my entry- This is Lyric playing on one of his favorite toys. I hung it in my kitchen so he can play while I'm washing dishes. He definitely gets to have more fun than I do! Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2008/07/17 23:45<br><br>Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2008/07/17 23:53
  16. I'm going to guess female. The eyes look very round to me, and it's a myth I know, but they say females have more round shaped eyes and males more almond shaped. It will be interesting to see what it turns out to be!
  17. I tried to reply to the "Bird and Dog Pic" thread and it put it in a whole new thread... never did that before, is something wrong with the site?
  18. One thing that goes hand in hand- having a bird and cleaning up bird poop. Cute dog and cute Congo too.
  19. Cdelatorrejr: I've also read about using Vetwrap on the PVC pipes, it is used to wrap around horses legs- it is stretchy and sticks to itself. It may be worth a try. I found some at my local Walmart and plan to try it myself one day.
  20. Welcome to the forum. We can't wait to hear more about Zuri.
  21. Welcome Zahra- we're glad you've joined us! I think you'll like it here!
  22. Hi Blaine- glad you've joined us. You seem very responsible considering your desire to research before going out and getting the first bird you see. A cockatiel would be a great bird for you right now. Perhaps in the future you will want to reconsider a grey, when you have the money and time to devote to it. Best of luck to you.
  23. We're glad you've joined us! Hope you can tell us a little more about yourself and let us know how it's going with the new grey.
  24. Welcome Lorri. It's great you were able to give both birds a good home. I'm sure they have been through a lot with having their previous owner die and now adjusting to a new home. Like others have stated, it will take lots of time and patience for them to adjust to you and the new surroundings. Keep at it and you'll have two new best friends.
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