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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Congratulations Heather, Melissa and Dan, guess I don't stand much of a chance of ever winning with such tough competition. I really admire the great talent we have on this forum.
  2. Patrick, those stands turned out great! I bet the birds are having so much fun on them. Great job!
  3. Hi Missa818- welcome to the forum. It's too bad that Raz got the best of your lip this morning. I think it's okay for you to be upset, but he won't know why you are mad at him and it may in turn upset him. You may want to be more cautious about allowing him close to your face. I can usually tell when my TAG is going to bite just by his body language, but not always. He looks at me very self-satisfied, pins his eyes and ruffles his head feathers just a bit. It is usually when I want him to step up from somewhere and he's not ready to go. Then I back off, wrap my hand in a towel and make him do what I want. He has to know that I'm the boss, but I don't neccessarily want him to bite me either! Have you had Raz since he was a baby, or is he a rescue bird?
  4. I love this forum too. We may be a little nutty but we share a common interest, the love of our birds. It's okay as long as the nuts stick together!
  5. Welcome, we're glad you and Tillie have joined us!
  6. Christian: I'm so glad everything turned out okay- I bet that was a terribly scary experience, but your quick thinking and getting him to the vet right away saved him. I spoon fed my grey when he was a baby, it's just as easy as a syringe so you may want to give it a try. Hope the rest of your week is pleasantly undramatic!
  7. Lyric


    Wow, a 40 year old grey- that's so great! It sounds like you are going to have a good time with Blue, and maybe Charlie will pick up some more of his good habits!
  8. I too am really sorry that you felt it was a personal attack against you. I really only had the welfare of your baby in mind and I guess I wanted to give my opinion. I promise not to say another word about it! I think your little one is so cute and I'm really glad you take the time to share your photos with us. I can tell he is going to get nothing but love and the best of everything with you. I'll be so excited for you when you get to bring him home! So, please forgive the earlier comments :kiss:
  9. My Lyric is going to be 2 at the end of this month and so far no talking. I thought once I might have heard him say Pretty Bird but then I never heard it again so I thought maybe I imagined it. I talk to him all the time and don't see any reason why he wouldn't talk. But he does entertain me in other ways- he makes up little songs that he whistles, they are very cute. He also gives kisses. Like Suzzique said, I love him if he talks or not, but I always wanted a bird that would talk to me so I just keep hoping.
  10. Thanks for sharing the photos Broomer. Loki certainly is a cute little one. I share the sentiments of Cagal08 and Judy- I really am worried about the health of your little guy. I recommend you get a health guarantee from the breeder giving you a week to take Loki to the vet for a check up and if anything comes up wrong you should get your money back. It seems this breeder is in over her head and she needs to scale back her operations if she isn't able to keep up with basic tasks like keeping her babies clean. Please don't take this as an attack against you personally- I can tell you really love the little one and want only the best for him. They are just very suseptible to illness at this young age and every precaution should be taken to keep them healthy. We are all concerned for you and your baby and want you to start out with him being healthy.
  11. He's just beautiful. My grey likes pea pods too, but he really enjoys feeding them to my dogs!
  12. I'm glad to hear everything turned out alright for you and Elmo. Bless her little heart for staying up with you and watching for the storm. You know, I think they feel the energy in the atmosphere at such times and I'm sure it had her and the store birds kind of wired. Hope everyone can settle down tonight and get some well deserved rest!
  13. Hope you are having a most lovely day!
  14. Hello Kaskoo and welcome here. If you've only had your bird for a few months he may still just be settling in. It can take greys a while to adjust to changes in their lives. Try getting him some bird safe toys and let him watch you play with them for awhile before you introduce them to him. If he seems sleepy all the time there may be some medical reason- have you had him checked out by an avian vet?
  15. You could let him play and explore in there now, but for short periods. Wait until he is fully feathered and able to keep himself warm before you leave him in there all the time. Make sure and move some perches down low so if he falls off he won't hurt himself. He's very cute- I bet you are having fun with him!
  16. I have one friend who is also into birds, but noone else really understands. My boyfriend just barely tolerates them, he can't stand it because Lyric will call for me whenever I leave the room and if he is trying to watch tv it becomes a contest between them to see who can be louder. I wish he could learn to respect my grey like I do and love him, he looks at it like a dog that should follow the "Pack Leader", him. I guess if you aren't a bird person you just aren't a bird person- but I've always loved them. I wish I had more people in my life that felt the same way I do. It would make socializing my birds easier that's for sure!
  17. Suzzique, does Alex climb on the net in the first picture? I see those climbing nets all over the internet (so expensive in my opinion!) but I didn't know if my grey would like climbing on one or not. Your playgyms look really nice- you did a great job!
  18. I'm sure he'd like to know he's been missed!
  19. Nice... I like the photos Berna, keep 'em comin! Phelps is definitely something (my dad is convinced he must be an alien to be able to break so many of the world records- or part man/part fish?) Like Kevin Costner in "Water World"! Can you see the gills behind his ears?
  20. Well...why would we ever want to leave anyway? This is the best forum I've found so far.... Lyric hangin' out-
  21. Those are all really neat, thanks for sharing! Have you guys seen the e-mail of the ballerina that if you stare at it long enough it appears to spin one way and then the other? I'll have to try to find it and post it, it's really cool too.
  22. Congratulations on your new grey. We all can't wait to see some photos so stop spoiling and get snapping!
  23. No question is too silly Carolyn, and Pat I like to read your stories about Tyco and Fergie. You both are contributing a lot to this forum and that's what it is all about.
  24. Ahhh, pretty girl, and so sweet too. Thanks for sharing!
  25. I just use the old-fashioned Quaker oatmeal that adults eat, Lyric really likes it. I imagine the baby kind would be perfect for them too. Does it have any ingredients besides oats? I wouldn't use it if it has high sugar content or salt. Also make sure it isn't hot enough to burn the crop when you feed it. You could try mixing in some fresh blueberries or apples too!
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