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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Hi Mel! Despite how much I talk to him and the amount of attention he gets, my TAG refuses so far to speak to me. He will be 2 at the end of August. He can whistle beautifully and makes lots of noises like the microwave beep or my dog burping. I would so LOVE it if he'd start talking but I know not every grey will and if he never does I'll love him anyway. It's a good sign that your little one is speaking to you so soon.
  2. Sorry Betsy- don't know anything about parrotfriend. Perhaps you could ask the breeder for a couple of references, people that have bought birds from her in the past that will talk to you about their experience? It sounds like a reasonable price and it is good that she isn't selling them unweaned but I understand you being leary about the whole on-line thing. Perhaps someone else on here will know something about it? Best of luck to you.
  3. Sounds like things are progressing nicely- you may just have to work a little more with Joey with some one-on-one attention.
  4. I'm so excited for you! You seem to be doing everything just right- reading up on it, getting a great cage and playstand, visiting every day. I think you'll do just fine being a new grey parront!
  5. Welcome Drewgrey! They definitely can steal your heart away can't they? I'm glad you are doing your research before you get your bird though- it is quite commendable of you!
  6. I have only TAGS but none of mine talk (not yet anyway) so I don't know. I have also heard the comment that they don't copy the tone of voice like a CAG can but I really just don't know about it.
  7. Good luck with him Susan, I'm glad you took him to the vet. Give him lots of sweet talk and kisses and he will come around.
  8. I'm still saying it's a female- trusting my female intuition on this one.<br><br>Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2008/07/31 20:26
  9. Dot is a cute little thing isn't she? She looks like she's keeping an eye out for those birds...They better not try to steal HER feather!
  10. Great pictures, Harry is a handsome fella! Thanks for sharing those with us.
  11. My birds occasionally have night frights- I never know what it was that scared them. I usually have to turn a light on for them until they settle back down talk soothingly to them for a little while. Once they realize everything is okay they will settle back down and everything is fine. There was an earthquake in the midwest earlier this year that woke them all up in a panic. I didn't know there'd been an earthquake until I heard about it on the news the next day. Sure enough it was the exact time that it happened that they woke me up. One of them was flapping around so much that she ended up breaking a blood feather and I had to monitor that before I could go back to bed. I think a small nightlight can really help if they have night frights but they may still occasionally get spooked by something. And yeah, greys can be moody. The best thing when this happens is to give them some space and try to work with them again the next day when everyone is fresh and they've had time to sleep it out!
  12. Sounds like he's doing great eating for you and trying lots of good foods. Yeah, playing with your food is half the fun of it- you know they are perpetual 3 year olds don't you? Hee hee- get used to cleaning... it never stops with a bird.
  13. Yes, you'll find they can be very creative and quite musical too! My little Lyric doesn't talk but he whistles tunes and even adds a vibratto effect to some of them. He gets very creative and it makes me laugh too.
  14. Thanks Broomer- I'll check it out! Good luck with your project and let us know how it all turns out.
  15. Also, the Congos usually have a lighter color of grey feathers all over and the Timneh's are a darker grey on their backs- charcoal colored. How old is your new little one?
  16. Hi Veronique! What is your new baby grey's name? We'd love to see pictures when you get a chance.
  17. Welcome Lanibird- we're glad you've joined us. You gave some great advice on one of the other posts so I'm sure you have lots of wisdom to share with the members. I'm sending some karma your way.
  18. Welcome here! Well if you have 2 two year olds you are in for some fun. That is just the age when they can start to really have an "attitude" but perhaps yours will both be little angels! :evil: Glad you've joined us!
  19. Hello Skyyblues and we're all glad you've joined us!
  20. Hello and welcome to the forum. Sounds like the grey will be happy to have a new home. We're glad you've joined us.
  21. Hi Amanda! Yes, unfortunately the best advice for a screaming bird is to ignore it. It can be hard to do but if you pay attention they will think you are rewarding them and continue the behaviour. Lanibird gave some good advice above as well- I'd try the new toys- keeping Stitch busy may reduce his screaming somewhat. But don't give him the new toys while he's screaming! Best of luck to you.
  22. Hi Darth_mint! Welcome here. It's wonderful you are having a grey join your family. Believe me, he won't let you forget he's a grey and not a budgie. You will be amazed by him I'm sure.
  23. Hi Meg- We're glad you've decided to join in the fun too. Sounds like you are going to have a fun household with two greys! Keep us updated.
  24. Hi Elozano! We're glad you and Yayo have joined us. Hope you enjoy the forum and share some of your stories with us.
  25. Wow, it sounds really exciting! I wish i could get my act together and make a playstand for my bird. I keep wanting to order a manzanita tree stand but then i change my mind (because of the cost) and think I'll just make something...but I never seem to have the extra time/motivation to do it because if I do have any free time I'm playing with my bird or cleaning bird cages or the house... it's an endless cycle. I've been looking at those "atoms" too but they are so expensive. Anyone know where you could buy the stainless steel rod and rope to make a bird-safe one of those for cheap?
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