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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Lyric likes to dunk his food, especially bread. Then, he'll put the bread down on the table and drink the water out of it. It's like a little ritual he does.
  2. Lyric gets freaked out if he sees a fly buzzing around the room. If it lands anywhere near him, he chases it away. I don't know if they eat bugs in the wild or not, my guess is that they probably could- but I don't know of anyone that feeds theirs bugs in captivity. I would say your grey will get enough protein from his pellets, seeds and you could even feed some well cooked eggs just to supplement if you are worried.
  3. That's great- you are doing everything you can for him and hopefully he was just a bit under the weather yesterday and now back to his normal self. Take care!
  4. Yea! Yea! New babies! Well done Rosie and hope you like being a grannie, Siobhan!
  5. That's so exciting! A new baby! Congratulations. Are you thinking of any names yet?
  6. I just had a peek at Joey, she is just sitting and looking around. It appears to be a little windy because the blinds were moving in and out a little. Thats really cool to be able to check in on her like that. Now I feel like a spy or something...
  7. Sounds good Patrick and I like the picture, it is just missing the tree part and the bird! Let us know how it all turns out. I'm sure your two will love it.
  8. Hi Greg and welcome to the forum. Lots of us also work and greys will adapt to your schedule. If you plan to give him several hours out every night he should be fine. I leave a tv on for my grey to entertain him while I'm away. He gets to watch the kiddie shows on public television, like sesame street. I'm glad you are doing your research and thinking about the best interest of the bird. You may want to get up a little earlier than usual and have breakfast with your grey too- they really do enjoy time out with their people.<br><br>Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2008/08/14 20:28
  9. Hope you like it here! We're glad you've joined us.
  10. Hi Terry- hope you enjoy the forum!
  11. Hello LindaMary- It's wonderful your daughter loves to read so much and gets to have the chance to have some great pets while she is growing up. Hope you like it here.
  12. We're glad you've joined us, Suzzique- hope you enjoy the forum.
  13. Welcome Megoni, I hope you like it here. I don't have harnesses so I don't have any opinion to give you on those, sorry! Lots of members on here use them though and quite successfully.
  14. I voted- there's some great photographers on this forum!
  15. Hi Pat, yes, that is one cute little budgie. The black on the beak does indeed mean that it is still young, but that's the best time to tame them. This little girl is going to have one happy birthday! What a great friend you are to her.
  16. THat is too cute. I wish Lyric would start telling me what to do.... All he does is give me kisses!
  17. Yes, I agree with you Pat- if they can't be free to be a bird as nature intended it is our duty to do the most we can to make them happy. I'm glad I'm not the only one who spoils my birds so much. My boyfriend thinks that Lyric is the biggest spoiled brat bird ever, but if he only knew, he's only one of a thousand...
  18. Welcome here Stan- we're glad you've decided to join us.
  19. I love it! What a beautiful girl you have there.
  20. We have to have something to spend money on don't we?? Or do you think just spending hours cleaning bird poo and cuddling with our birdies would give us the complete feeling of being owned by a bird? Plus, we're keeping the bird toy manufacturers employed so thats doing our part to help out the economy, right?
  21. Hi Toni! I voted- I like your name choices but I also think that Sampson would've been cute, to go with Delilah. I have a blue front amazon named Sammy so I guess I am partial to the name! I also hope we picked the name you like the best!
  22. You don't need to worry about health problems in a grey that is showing some red factor. My TAG also has some red factor, he got it from his daddy. The problems will start to come about if people try to inbreed the birds to produce the coloring. It's just like any other animal, breeding close relatives to get a particular trait to come out stronger- it causes them to be weaker and more prone to certain genetic problems. For greys that come out looking this way naturally I don't think it is any problem. That's my opinion anyway!
  23. Hi Sam: As soon as you let Ollie out you should hold him over a trashcan or the sink and tell him, go potty, or whatever your command is. Especially if it is first thing in the morning or you've been gone a while. You may have to hold him there a few minutes, but wait until he does it. Then tell him what a good bird he is and praise him highly. He will soon learn what the command is. You just have to remember he may still have accidents, and you have to take him back quite frequently to go.
  24. Erin, when my Tag was younger he used to fall occasionally and ended up breaking off all his tail feathers. It took forever for them all to grow back in, but I just sprayed him with aloe vera a few times and sprayed him with water just about every day. Tried to give him more toys and move them around more when I was gone a lot. Eventually I think he decided he wanted to fly so he let them grow in uninterrupted. Now he's a little imp getting into trouble anywhere he can find it. I guess I'm trying to say, hang in there- they will eventually grow back. I think you should find another opinon though about having his feathers removed, if they aren't bleeding I wouldn't have them removed, they should fall out on their own eventually...that's my opinion anyway, it sounds drastic to have to put the bird asleep to pull the feathers out.
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