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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Welcome to you and Zazu. I'm glad you adopted him and I'm sure he's happy to be in a loving home.
  2. Welcome Erica- we're glad you've joined us. You must be so excited about bringing home your grey. They really are special birds and you will find in time that you can form a very deep bond with an african grey. I really love the name Lacey Grey too, that is really pretty and unique.
  3. Hi Tracy, we're all so sorry to hear about Smoky. It sounds like he was much loved and you can take comfort from the fact that he knew you loved him right up to the end. I wish we could help you understand what happened but with no unusual symptoms and no necropsy it would be impossible for us to know.
  4. Hi Jennifer! Mischief looks like a very pretty bird. We're glad you joined us and look forward to hearing more about all of you.
  5. I hope the air filters and extra baths help- I know it must have been hard to make the decision to re-home him. Now he'll be so happy to be back in his own flock and you can enjoy his company again. Congratulations to you both!
  6. Hi Chloe's mom- welcome to the forum. We're glad you decided to join us!
  7. Hi Devilangel09- Your grey may need to be in the same room with the stand for awhile before actually putting him on it. Let him see it from across the room and slowly move him closer, a little closer each day. Since they are prey animals fear is a natural response to something unknown. You can also put him down somewhere other than the stand and go to the stand yourself and touch it and act like you are having fun playing around it. Their natural curiosity will eventually win out and then they will figure out it isn't something that will harm them. Best of luck to you.
  8. It is a nice cage and the size is fine. Make sure to provide lots of perches down low when Nike is first learning how to perch and behave like a grown-up bird. Unless you have a completely bird-proofed room you really must have a cage for a bird to keep it safe whenever you are not around. There are so many things that can get a bird in trouble in our houses, open toilets- they can drown in just a little bit of water, power cords- they could chew and electrocute themselves, plants that they shouldn't chew on, furniture you might not want destroyed, etc. Use your imagination. A bird is like a very small child that doesn't think about the danger in the situation. It would be wonderful if the birds could live free just like us in our houses but for their own safety please don't do it.
  9. Sounds like your babies are very bonded to people not to each other and I don't think you have to worry. Even if they did decide to mate it will be several years down the road and nothing would come of it unless you provided them with a nest box and let them keep any eggs they laid. Just keep interacting one on one with each of them every day and enjoy the fact that they can tolerate each other. Even with having a breeding pair of greys it still took them over 12 years to successfully have a baby! I hope you enjoy your two.
  10. Hi Tonja and welcome here. Harley looks like a beautiful bird and just as spoiled as the rest of ours are! I have a blue crown conure as well- they are such sweet birds aren't they? Hope you enjoy your time here and learn all you are seeking to know.
  11. Hi Jody- We're glad you joined us. Hope all turns out well with the vet checks and you can add the new birds to your flock.
  12. Devilangel09- You could also try putting newspaper down on the floor whenever you let him out- this will catch the mess and can easily be thrown away when he is done being out of the cage. Or towels, and you can just throw them in the washing machine when done. They can be very messy, but having one-on-one time with you will develop your bond and you will cherish the relationship that comes out of this. It sounds like Devil has a much better life than before and you should keep up the good work.
  13. Really great pictures, I just love horses and Talon is smiling in the curtain photo because she knows you are getting in trouble right along with her!
  14. Yikes, I couldn't handle feeding cockroaches- what if some got loose in your house? You could have an infestation before you knew it. That's a very cool looking gecko Heather- I think she looks very cute in the last photo, like she's very satisfied with herself. I like the name Rosie- because she's kinda pink. Just an idea.
  15. I like Gandalf or Nikodemus- probably spelled that wrong, sorry! I don't think it really matters that much if it has a boy name or girl name- the bird won't care either way. I always think long and hard before naming my birds too. It took me awhile to think of Lyric's name but I like it because I think it works for a girl or a boy and I like that it is a musical name. I also like the name Sterling and Phoenix is nice too. I'm sure you'll come up with the perfect name in time.
  16. Hi Granimal: I hope you find the baby you are searching for. They are wonderful companions and lifelong friends. Please let us know whenever you have a question we can help you with.
  17. Welcome Amberly, We're glad you've joined us. Doing your research before you get your bird is the best way to start off. Make sure to get a nice big cage that is easily cleaned and this helps a lot too. Most of us also have playstands of some kind to keep our birds entertained. You may find you spend more money on your bird than yourself soon enough- between food, new toys, etc. I highly recommend getting the book "For the Love of Greys" by Bobbi Brinker. In my opinion this is one of the best books for telling you how to interact and care for your grey. Best of luck to you.
  18. What a little darling! She really is adorable. Thanks for sharing with us all.
  19. Welcome here- we can't wait to hear more about your new baby and see some pics. Do you have some names in mind?
  20. We're glad you joined us! Welcome to the forum.
  21. Welcome Nerissa, we are glad you joined! Karma is a way of thanking another member for good information or an interesting post. If you like a post you read you can click on the hand underneath where it says Karma. You can do this once every 3 hours I believe. We all like getting good karma!
  22. Very cute picture, thanks for sharing. Yeah, enjoy her at that age- some grow out of being cuddly once they get older. Maybe yours won't, but mine did.
  23. Hi Tony- we're glad to have you here with us. Read my post about the N'Kisi project, it deals with telepathy and greys. There's a real interesting article about it. That is a great photo of you and Fluffy- thanks for sharing that with us.
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