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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Hey MommaFawkes- I had the same experience this morning and I live just outside of Kansas City in Missouri! One of my Senegals ended up breaking a blood feather and my mamma Timneh was off her clutch of eggs. I had to wait til everyone settled down and then monitor the bleeding Senegal to be sure it was going to be okay. I had no idea what had happened either until I saw it on the news this morning! They have had episodes like this only occasionally throughout the whole time I've had them all but never quite this bad. We might have to sleep with some lights on tonight to make sure everyone is settled and feels secure. It definitely jarred me out of my peaceful nights rest.
  2. Lyric


    I had a similar experience. Around 4:40ish I awoke to the thrashing of all my flock. After turning on the lights, talking reassuringly and giving them all a nutraberry treat, they finally started to settle down. Then I noticed that not only was my mother Timneh off her clutch of eggs but also one of my Senegals had broken a blood feather and was bleeding. So I had to wait and monitor her until I was assured she was going to be okay. I had no idea what had scared them at the time, until I saw on the news this morning about the earthquake. I'm just outside of Kansas City, MO- we're quite a ways away from the actual earthquake. I have talked to another friend who said her mother's bird also woke her up thrashing this morning. Needless to say (for those of you who've ever been woken up by a bird with nighttime terror) it was an earthshaking experience for all of us!
  3. Hi Melisa- welcome. You'll find lots of folks on here with parrot fever- once you have one it's hard to stop. Whichever you end up with, TAG or CAG, I'm sure you'll be happy.
  4. Hi Heather! We're happy you joined us!
  5. Hey Felsmom: You should definitely research dog breeds and find one that matches the energy level and temperment that you are wanting. I just got a mini dachshund and it has been lots of fun. I do struggle each day to allocate enough time to the dogs/birds/chores/work/sleep etc... it seems there is never enough time in the day. It is worth it in the end though! Best of luck!
  6. Good advice from everyone else on this subject. Some greys are leery about anything new and try playing with one of them in front of the bird and let him see you having fun with it. Move it a little closer every day and continue playing with it and moving it around in front of the bird. Eventually curiosity should get the better of him and he will want to play with it himself. Those toys are expensive, isn't it a shame?
  7. Tikatoy1995- You have definitely come to a good place to find a home for your Lulu. It must break your heart to have to part with her but I understand you are doing it for her good. Lots of us already have our hands full with our birds/dogs/boyfriends etc but I'm sure there will be some good soul on here that can help you with her. Best of luck to you and I hope you have better health in the rest of the year.
  8. Hey Dsgnz- I'm so excited for you! My TAG at 20 months old doesn't talk either. I love him anyway but you have given me hope that maybe someday he will learn to say something! I'll keep my fingers crossed and hopefully your Oggie will learn even more.
  9. How wonderful that you found the CAG for you and it sounds like a sweet and cuddly bird. We're glad to have you here and let us know what questions you might have. Welcome!
  10. I think they like to make noise and do this for attention! Mine likes to make noise however he can, banging his toys, ringing bells, banging his beak. That's what I think about it anyway!
  11. Hi Smokey: I'm sure there are other threads that already cover this topic, so look around for other ideas. One thing I played with Lyric when he was little was peek-a-boo. He seemed to enjoy this- started off using a towel and as he got bigger I progressed to hiding around corners and such. Also, I'd play games where I'd try to get him to fly to me or fly to his cage. This is good when they have fledged and are having fun practicing the art of flying.
  12. Lyric

    Baby Timneh

    Here is Lyric right before he fledged. If you look closely you can see his beak is just starting to lighten up. What a little angel!
  13. Lyric

    Baby Timneh

    And here he is a few weeks later, getting feathers.
  14. Lyric

    Baby Timneh

    Here he is a little later, I'd have to go back to my notes to tell you how old he is in this photo. It's interesting to note and those of you that haven't bred them might not know this, but timnehs have dark black beaks just like a Congo when they start out. It's funny to watch the beak change colors as they mature. This is just after a feeding so he's a bit messy! <br><br>Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2008/04/14 18:07
  15. Lyric

    Baby Timneh

    Hello everyone. It's great to have a nursery room and I thought I'd contribute by sharing a few pictures of Lyric when he was a baby. Here he is the first day I took him from the nestbox for handfeeding. This is 20 days old. I put the other eggs from the nest that didn't hatch next to him for this picture for a bit of reference. You can see how much he had grown in just 20 days.
  16. I love it! That's such a great story. Reminds me of a picture I saw of a baby squirrel that was adopted by a mamma dog. She nursed it right along with her own puppies and it slept and played with them til it was all grown. Great picture too.
  17. It is wonderful, FairY, I agree with you! Great pictures Tracy and yes, it is going to be fun having a new topic room to hang out in! Nice going.
  18. Hi everyone! Here's Missouri weather for you, today it's cold outside, low 40's, there's a chance of snow tomorrow and then on Wednesday it's supposed to be 80 degrees! The poor robins will be so confused- I wouldn't blame them if they flew back south! Hope everyone out there enjoys their Friday and has a wonderful weekend.
  19. I have an older dog, 16 yr terrier mix, and I never have a problem with him around the birds. I have one bird that is blind, he walks around on the floor right around my older dog and the dog's never snapped at him- the bird chases him around trying to bite him. He's such a little angel! We just got a puppy though and that's a different story! I don't trust the puppy one bit around the birds because he doesn't know a bird from a toy. I supervise them together all the time and try to let the puppy see the bird and see me interact with it so he knows it's a part of the family too. I hope one day he may be as trustworthy as my older dog but I don't know- I'd say if your boxer is so fixated on your grey then it is probably just best to not have them around each other. You really don't want your boxer to eat him and then you'd always blame him for the loss of your bird. Best of luck to you.
  20. Welcome Nick- my TAG is 20 months old and going through a little phase of testing my patience. They are kind of like teenagers at this time in their lives. Just remember to be patient and keep working with Bobby no matter how hard a time he gives you. It takes lots of time, patience and love to have a grey but it sure is worth the effort.
  21. Hi Daniel- welcome to you and Smokey. Don't forget too that if you have a question about a particular topic you can use the search box at the top of the page to search all the threads for information on that topic. In the white box that says "search forum" just type in a word or two about what you are wondering about. You can usually find someone else that has asked a question about what you are interested in. This place is great and we all just love birds and love to talk about them too. We'd love to see some pictures of your grey if you can post them.
  22. Gotcha- my heart goes out to you and I am so sad for you right now. I know you must be totally devastated by this loss. If it is meant to be then Boo will find his way back to you. I hope this happens with all my heart.
  23. Makena- Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! I just wondered why you dislike living in Hawaii? If I ever did get married I'd want a beach wedding- how romantic! :kiss:
  24. Hope you can figure it out Heather- I'd love to hear it too. I don't know how to do this- sorry!
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