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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Thanks everyone- yeah he's a cutie. He's learning the whole potty training thing pretty fast and I'm glad about that. Here's another picture, it's him and Sparky on his first day home. <br><br>Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2008/02/28 20:20
  2. I think Lyric's favorite show on tv is The Simpsons. My boyfriend loves watching that and whenever it is on Lyric sits hypnotized watching the screen. Funny, it does the same thing to my boyfriend, except he is usually laughing the whole time. Also, when I leave to go to work, I leave the tv on public television so Lyric can watch all the educational children's shows and hopefully learn something! He still doesn't talk, but maybe one day he'll surprise me by spelling C A T in Elmo's voice- who knows?
  3. You know you are a bird person when... you find yourself saying "Good birdie" when the dog does something good. your significant other complains about the singing and whistling and you do it anyway. you spend all your extra time either thinking up new ideas for bird toys and play areas or chatting on the grey forum.
  4. Hi Beth: Nice to meet you! It is great that you have adopted Lila and sounds like she is in good hands. How wonderful that the vet can come to your house to see her! Like Judy said, it will take time for her to adjust to all the changes in her life. Take things slow and soon enough you'll be just like old friends. Let us know what the vet says about her. She may need extra calcium in her diet if she is laying a lot of eggs so be sure and talk to the vet about that.
  5. I would love to see it. Does Elmo's laugh sound like you laughing? That's so cute that he laughs to the tv. Lyric likes to watch cartoons- "The Simpsons" always has him fascinated. He takes after my man there- I swear that guy loves the show. Lyric hasn't learned how to laugh yet though- I'd love it if he did.
  6. Hey everyone! Thought you might enjoy seeing my new puppy, Chilli. He's a 13 week old long-haired dachshund and we just got him on Saturday. Things have been crazy around my house dealing with him and a spoiled 18 month old TAG, not to mention my other dog (Sparky, a 16 year old terrier mix angel), other birds, and boyfriend! I think we'll get into the swing of things eventually- especially once we get the potty training over with. It hasn't been fun being outside at 3:40 am in the freezing cold with a puppy that has to pee! He's good about waking me up when he has to go though- he's really trying to figure it all out. I think he's going to be a real sweetheart. Ahhh- puppy love!
  7. I watched it off an on all night and I agree with you Shamelessmuse, it was very cool. I didn't really know the explanation for the effect- that's a neat thing to think about though. Don't worry- you're not the only dork around here! :cheer:
  8. Ok- thanks Ronda! I was wondering why noone could help me with this! Have a great weekend.
  9. I'm going to guess female because of the eyes and head shape. It will be interesting to see how it turns out though!
  10. That was great Ronda- thanks for sharing. I love the remake of the Sexy Back song- I think this one is even better than the original!
  11. Hi Jennifer- Nice to meet you! It's wonderful that you were able to give some well deserving birds a new loving home. Odie sounds very cute! Share some pictures with us when you get a chance.
  12. Ronda- he's so adorable. Nothing like seeing a baby fid to get us all worked up out here. Can't wait til you get to bring him home and tell us all about it!
  13. Lyric

    Roll Call

    Hi Tari: I usually don't look at posts in the "other birds" room because I find plenty of interesting ones in the other rooms to occupy my free time. But, today I decided to look around in here and saw your post. So, I'll try to do better to get in different areas of the forum and look around.
  14. Hi Raposa: It's so wonderful you are opening your heart again to a baby grey. They are great companions and I'm sure you will never regret the decision to get Jenna. Since you already share your world with birds you know what a commitment it is. Don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have about your new grey.
  15. That's interesting Tunjee! I wonder if he really is picking up some psychic waves from you? Anything else like this happen between you two that makes you wonder? DUKEdevils36- I thought it was an interesting story and really did think that other grey owners would be interested to read about it. DanMcQ and BMustee you raise interesting points regarding empathy and the ability of our greys to pick up on our body language. The interesting thing about this study though was the fact that the bird was in a totally different room with no audio or visual clues from his owner. The comments that he made about the pictures she was looking at were made totally independent of him receiving any kind of message from her through a look or a sound she might have made. I just thought it was a really fascinating topic!
  16. Lyric


    Since I can't eat anything without sharing it with Lyric (I have to hide if I really don't want him to have it or I get that "I can't believe you aren't sharing with me" look that I can't resist) he ends up getting a little bit of meat occasionally. He seems to enjoy it too but not as much as cheese. I know cheese isn't good for him but he totally goes bonkers for it. Guess I should get him some special veggie cheese! It would be interesting to know if they eat any meat in their natural environment or not.
  17. Lyric is a TAG, plus I have his parents and one other pair if you want to count all of them.
  18. Thanks Lisa- I'm keeping my fingers crossed too. I figured someone on this forum might know.
  19. * NAME: Jennifer 1. WHAT TIME DID YOU GET UP THIS MORNING? 7:12 am 2. DIAMONDS OR PEARLS? Diamonds 3. WHAT WAS THE LAST FILM YOU SAW AT A THEATER? Atonement 4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE T. V. SHOW? Grey's Anatomy, Survivor, Nature shows 5. WHAT DID YOU HAVE FOR BREAKFAST? a bowl of cereal and hot tea 6. WHAT IS YOUR MIDDLE NAME? Renee 7. FAVORITE CUISINE? Italian or Mexican 8. WHAT FOOD DO YOU DISLIKE? watermelon, black licorice 9. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? blue or grey 10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CD AT THE MOMENT? Don't really have one right now. 11. WHAT KIND OF CAR DO YOU DRIVE? Jeep Wrangler 12. FAVORITE LUNCH? Mexican food 13. WHAT CHARACTERISTICS IN PEOPLE DO YOU DISLIKE? Liars, backstabbers 14. MY FAVORITE PAST-TIME IS: Playing with Lyric, long walks in the park, talking with friends 15. IF YOU COULD GO ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD ON VACATION, WHERE WOULD YOU GO? Egypt to see the pyramids 16. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE SINGER(S)? Norah Jones 17. FAVORITE BRAND OF CLOTHING? anything that fits well is good 18. TO WHERE WOULD YOU RETIRE? Someplace warm and sunny 19. WHAT WAS YOUR MOST MEMORABLE BIRTHDAY? I don't remember 20. FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH? horse races 21. FURTHEST PLACE YOU ARE SENDING THIS? 22. PERSON YOU LEAST EXPECT TO SEND IT BACK TO YOU? 23. PERSON YOU EXPECT TO SEND IT BACK FIRST? 24. GOAL YOU HAVE FOR YOURSELF? Trying to get my house more organized 25. WHEN IS YOUR BIRTHDAY? August 29 25a. ANY FAMOUS PEOPLE SHARE YOUR BIRTHDAY? Not sure 26. HOW MANY WEDDINGS HAVE YOU BEEN IN, INCLUDING YOUR OWN ? 2, not my own 27. ARE YOU A MORNING PERSON OR A NIGHT PERSON? night 28. WHAT IS YOUR SHOE SIZE? 8 29. PETS: 1 terrier mix, fish, 5 TAG's, 1 blue crown conure, 1 cherry head conure, 2 parrotlets, 2 Senegals, 2 blue front amazons 30. ANY NEW AND EXCITING NEWS YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE WITH US? nope 31. WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE? a monkey 32. HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY? okay 33. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CANDY? 34. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLANT OR FLOWER? elephant ears, roses 35. WHAT DAY ON THE CALENDAR ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO? Friday- I alwsys look forward to the weekend 36. WHERE IS THE FURTHEST YOU HAVE EVER BEEN FROM HOME? The British Virgin Islands 37. A SMALL THING YOU REALLY ENJOY? playing with my animals 38. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK? I like Margaret George's books and Bernard Cornwell's (historical fiction) 39. WHAT ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF? not sure 40. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ALBUM? The Cure "Disintegration" 41. WHAT MAKES YOU CRINGE? mosquitos and ticks 42. IF YOU COULD DO ANYTHING, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Be on vacation every day 43. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN THAT YOU WILL VISIT AGAIN? Florida 44. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN THAT YOU WILL NEVER VISIT AGAIN? 44. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE? There's a lot I really like, maybe Lord of the Rings series 45. WHICH CAME FIRST, THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG? 46. HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE YOU MADE SMILE TODAY? dont know 47. WHEN YOU LOOK AT THE WORLD, WHAT DO YOU SEE? A wondrous place but also damaged. 48. CATS OR DOGS? Dogs 49 GOOD OR BAD? I'm a mixture of good with a little bad thrown in for fun. 50. SOMETHING PEOPLE PROBABLY DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU? If I told you I'd have to kill you.
  20. Hi everyone. This is a question for any breeders out there or anyone knowledgable about the formation of chicks inside the egg. Over the weekend there was a slight ruckus in my birds' room and after about 15 minutes I checked on them and discovered that my breeding Timnehs that are sitting on eggs had been scared by something and the female was out of the nestbox and hanging on the side of the cage. I'm not sure what scared them, they are usually pretty mellow and it takes a lot to get their feathers ruffled so to speak. Anyway, the light in the room was off so I turned it back on to allow them time to settle down and figure out everything was okay and get back to the nest. I can see into the birds room from a peekhole in a door in another room so I monitored them from outside to see what happened. After a few minutes they went through the whole process of the male feeding the female and then she sat for a little while and preened before she was calm enough to go back to the nest. My question is this- can the female leave the eggs for a period of time (could have been close to an hour before she went back to them) and still have viable eggs? I know they require heat to develop but I'm just not sure if they can be left that long or not without detrimental effects. If they are going to hatch it should be in about 2 1/2 weeks. I know she can leave them for short periods of time but usually it's just for a few minutes. I'm just wondering if I should count on the fact that they probably won't hatch at this point or still be hopeful. I don't like to handle the eggs so I won't be candling them or checking them until the required amount of time is over and I'm sure they aren't hatching or we have chicks. Any input from anyone out there? Thanks so much!
  21. That's so exciting! I bet you were just thrilled when he said "Hello" in the phone. They really are smart aren't they? I'm sure you'll continue to hear more and more from Elmo.
  22. Hi Pegasus: That's so exciting that your Rocco is talking so well already! About the spreading his wings towards your wife, this means he is really excited about her and wants to go to her- perhaps the person who raised him was a woman? Sounds like you are getting along well already- that's really wonderful. Enjoy the new relationship.
  23. My TAG sleeps on the highest perch in his cage too and it is a beachwalk perch (like concrete but wavy) so he can get a very secure grip on it while sleeping. When it is bedtime he is ready to go to it right away- no messing around! He does the whole spread wings reaching towards it with his head until I put him in there. Sometimes I wish he had a sleeping cage in a quieter place in the house because on the weekends we sometimes stay up late watching tv and I know this disturbs him, but I guess they adapt to their situation.
  24. My grey got his usual morning "glop" for breakfast. It's a variation of Sally Blanchard's glop recipe. TOday his had: 1/2 slice of sugar free whole wheat bread crumbled and mixed with one teaspoon of non-fat natural yogurt, 1/2 a container of organic baby food (today it was the apple sweet potato variety), a few drops of flax seed oil and a sprinkle of wheat germ- all this is blended together to make a very moist glop. He loves it and eats the whole bowl full every morning. For lunch he's getting scrambled eggs with red peppers, carrots, and kale mixed in. He really loves eggs too. It's great that so many people feed their birds a good variety of foods not just seeds or not just pellets. Mine have pellets in their dishes all day long but get supplements and treats of other foods throughout the day.
  25. Hi Imme: Greys are wonderful pets but also a big commitment. Have you ever had any birds before? It is very wise that you are doing your research before making the plunge! If you do end up getting one you will find it can be a great friend and family member. Let us know what questions you have. Welcome to the forum.
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